When are you removing Lockdown/ZOE bonuses from NS weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MykeMichail, Jun 7, 2013.

  1. MykeMichail

    Lockdown and ZOE bonuses should NOT apply to NS weapons. Currently, that's limited to Bursters, but in the future when flame throwers and those grenade launchers are introduced, it will create a ridiculous imbalance between TR/VS and the NC.

    Bursters are NOT an energy based weapon and therefore should not get a bonus from ZOE. Bursters are not specifically designed for TR MAX's and therefore should not get a lockdown bonus.

    If you want ZOE and Lockdown bonus's to apply to AA MAX weaponry, reduce the cost of bursters to 250 CERTs, give everyone who bought them the extra CERT's back, and make VS and TR buy empire specific AA weaponry if they want to take advantage of lockdown and ZOE when running MAX AA.
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  2. Vetto

    I Agree! Make a new NS AA weapon already unaffected by Lockodown and give the TR back it's buster were it belongs and work with lock down =p.
  3. meucha

  4. SgtBreastroker

    But ZOE damage bonus is terrible.
  5. CrimsonDaemon

    Not until they release ZOE NS Flamethrowers.
  6. meucha

    True, right now Anchored Burster >> ZOE burster > Stock burster, because projectile speed is the most significant boost for Flak.

    But with the advent of Flamethrowers we'll have ZOE Flamer >> Anchored Flamer > Stock flamer, because damage bonus is the most significant boost for DoT (damage over time) weapons.

    In any case, Flamethrowers will fill the CQC niche for the two other factions, so unless they're terribly UP even with Zoe/Lockdown, i see where this is going...
  7. Tasogie

    wait wait, let me see if I get this right, cos this might be a new low for this forum..... You are asking for nerfs because of things that are not even in the game?...... I am being quite serious, this sint a piss take. You are honestly wanting nerfs on something that isnt even in PS2?.....

  8. Azren

    Your argument is flawed. There is no way to say if the empires modified the NS weaponry to function with their own technology or not. Probably they just use NS as a base and enhance it using their superior knowledge.
    Also, we were not told how ZOE and lockdown actually increase damage/fire rate, so they may easily function with NS weapons;
    For example: NS bursters fixed fire rate is actually limited because otherwise the accuracy loss would be too great due to kickback. Anchoring, thus providing stable fireing position can help negate this effect, thus allowing for treater fire rate.
    As for VS, maybe the projectiles get engulfed in some sort of electro-based cover, which increases damage slightly.

    If you feel it is unbalanced, argue about that, but don't make up some mambo-jumbo about it not fitting in the lore.
  9. MykeMichail

    I'm asking for nerfs because giving two factions a significant boost to their AA capabilities (before even taking Strikers into account) and giving the third faction NOTHING to make up for it, is stupid.

    There's currently a massive imbalance between NC and the TR and VS. A single TR Burster MAX can pretty much do the job of 2 or more NC burster MAX's. 2 VS burster MAX's can pretty much do the job of 3 NC burster MAX's.

    This is stupid.

    Flying a reaver is pretty much pointless now (more pointless that it previous was).
  10. yama

    I agree with this.
  11. TeknoBug

    Right from the day the roadmap thread was made a few months ago, I've been saying it- Bursters should not benefit from the abilities but of course that fell on deaf ears.
  12. Van Dax

    Pure balancing: yes.
    These are not faction specific ergo they should be the same for all factions.
  13. Haterade

    Lockdown's bonus is already nerfed for NS weapons.

    But yeah, just give us bursters as a TR-only weapon. Or some other AA. That definitely won't cause any tears.
  14. Ender

    Pointless you say? You mean aside from racking up massive air kills and quickly boosting away from flak. You must not be very good in that Reaver sir. Although, I agree that ZOE Lockdown should not affect NS weapons. There's already so much AA that if you get caught off guard at all you're probably dead. You cannot make an awareness mistake as an ESF currently.
  15. MykeMichail

    You must mean "quickly boosting away from flak so you can die 500 m away instead of straight away".

    Yeah sorry but with the sluggish acceleration on a Reaver, which apparently is trying to accelerate through water, our extra afterburner speed is pretty much completely negated by our poor acceleration and non-afterburner top speed.

    I frequently 'boost away' from aerial dogfights only to have Mossies and Scythes almost immediately catch up with me. Why? Because they're faster and I have a finite amount of AB fuel.
  16. zib1911

    Ok that would work, as long as the NC's shield doesn't work with any NS weapons.
  17. Citizen H

    If you can't kill an immobile MAX when it's armed with a close range weapon, you deserve to burn.
    If you can't come up behind a MAX that is unable to turn around, your ESF deserves to be shot down.

    Lockdown is underpowered for the penalties it caries. Plus, despite the fact its effectiveness varies from weapon to weapon, the penalties are always just as severe. Aegis at least works as well with every weapon.

    ZOE should be removed from the game. Period.
  18. MykeMichail

    You're an idiot.

    Half of an NC MAX's time is spent sitting at a doorway waiting for people to try to use it. A deployed MAX can do that job just as well, if not better, especially considering how quickly they can undeploy.

    And most of the time, you won't even see the MAX's before you've lost most your health.
  19. Dragonblood

    quickly undeploy? Did I miss something? g1 XD
  20. Fned

    Already in! As of last night's update, you cannot fire any NS weapons while the Aegis shield is turned on. :D
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