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Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PhilDun, Jun 4, 2013.

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  1. St0mpy

    wow, i am in a mad thread today lol, first, you are wrong, for some months there has been an accepted definition of ghost capping and that isnt it ... which is only made more ridiculous by the second part, inaccessible point is inaccessible, are you both trying to waste my time with impossible statements or what? lol

    explain how a point can be accessible and inaccessible at the same time on hex and I may be able to help, otherwise im sorry, got better things to do than entertain you guys unravelling your mistatements :)
  2. MFP_TK_01

    Thank you!
  3. MFP_TK_01

    Have you ever played this game? Go to Amerish or Esamir. Hit up any tech plant, Amp station, or bio lab behind enemy lines. Blow generators, flip point. This feature has been in game forever. And if memory serves, this can be done at multiple point towers as well.

    Once the above is done, you can start taking points at adjoining outposts.

    This is ghostcapping. One person who spends their night flying to each of these locations racking in mad xp from blowing the generators and flipping if no one prevents it before he returns. They aren't looking for a fight by any means, they are simply doing rounds to each location.
  4. PhiladelphiaCollins

    on Hex...all points are "accessible" in that you can go to a control point and flip it regardless of where it is positioned on the map. On Amerish for example, if NC held the upper right most quadrant of the map, say Ikanam>Mekala>Sungrey>Onatha (totally hypothetical since NC is bad)...on Hex, if you so desired as a TR for example, you could infiltrate behind the front to flip and proceed to capture Hidden Ridge Mining. That, is ghost capping.

    This action would be prohibited (ie. made inaccessible) on lattice unless you first had points captured that connected to Hidden Ridge Mining.
  5. St0mpy

    Urm, no. youve got this all wrong. ALL points with NO connection to a friendly hex dont move until it has connection. You cant just go out anywhere over the map and flip it. Pick one, stand there as long as you like the flag wont move an inch till it gets connection.

    You make no sense, is this new behavour on amerish in the past 2 weeks? Then no, hex cant just flip points regardless over the map like that, if this is what you believe you misunderstand ghost capping completely.

    Again, you make no sense and are wrong. With your example line through those bases and south, on hex its impossible to cap hidden ridge. I would have to cap Amerish ARX to make a connection or Hidden Ridge would never even start to cap.

    Go try it, go get an esf on amerish, fly to some random base with no connection in the middle of enemy territory and try to cap the point while we still have the time its taken you to type stuff you have no idea about you coulda tested it and realised you cant :)
  6. St0mpy

    hmm different example completely from Collins, but still since you arent being too obnoxious ill reply

    Unneccesary and provocative

    Yes you could blow gens behind lines, thats not ghost capping.

    Wrong. No connection means no cap, irrespective of how many gens you blow. We still have hex, go try it.

    Wrong, its only ghost capping if you can actually move a flag.

    So, anything else? I hope you dont now continue to shout me down based on incorrect facts without bothering to check what you think is true. Im not the only one who knows this, im sure someone will be along soon to confirm how hex works, and since neither can be done, neither could ever have been called ghost capping ;)
  7. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Ok no you're right there, it was a ****** example and I half ***** it. Problem with trying to do this at work is being interrupted.

    What I meant to say that a fight could engage at Sungrey, and a small team or even a single individual may be able to capture Jagged Lance via the single connection it has to NC Arsenal, then move to capture Hidden Ridge. Another example is on Esamir with Grey Heron>Frostfall. Bypassing the larger conflict at the Amp Stations. Flipping it and just moving on. Unconnected points however can still have generators blown, defenses destroyed etc.

    Again something that can't normally be done with Lattice now. Either way the annoyance in it is having to play "recap this ****" with some small group of people just tra-la-la'ing around in uncontested zones essentially getting free XP with little risk.
  8. TheBillOf3D

    Does suck to see an enemy ESF to engage only to get close and see a swarm of them suddenly appear like they just jumped in Battlestar Galactica style into your view. Wait... this isn't the battle I signed up for.... I hate toasters.
  9. Crator

    What the hell are you going on about? How in the heck did I put any words in your mouth?

    He's clearly delusional...
  10. St0mpy

    Ok so youre explaining doing an end around the main base, thats not ghost capping either. Whole platoons did that, thats not ghost capping at all.

    Again theres no ghost capping involved moving a squad or platoon to the next base. You seem to be making some kind of value judgement about everyone having to fight or funnel through the amp station? The link to frostfall was a valid path for platoons and small squads alike, its a route decision, ghost capping is different entirely.

    Fyi, ghost capping was taking a vehicle (esf best), looking at the map for a base with a connection and 0 enemy, flipping the point, not stopping for longer than a few terminal hacks, opening the map and flying to the next point, flipping that, map again, fly to next, perhaps they flipped all they can so go back to the first to see the cap, then move to the new bases in connection with 0 enemy, flip those ... thats ghost capping and has been for a long time.
  11. NinjaTurtle

    I'm sorry:

    Massively - Check

    Multilayer - Check

    Online - Check

    First Person Shooter - Check

    I think your case is weak therefore I must assume either drunk and/or joke post
    • Up x 1
  12. St0mpy

    I hold my hands up, youve got me by grammar, but as soon as we step into MMOs my opinion is the lattice is a departure from actual MMOs in the way lattice movement is restricted to linear gameplay.

    Dont MMOs tend to have a rich landscape where battles happen all over, rather than being directed into a house of cards type sequence like a single player game, to me it feels like weve lost the MMO element from a very large FPS and thats all I meant by my original statement.

    Anyway I dont mind debating these things but lets keep the arguing down. Assuming i have an opinion is cool but calling me drunk isnt, it just creates friction.
  13. NinjaTurtle

    The drunk thing was supposed to be humorous and not a serious opinion of you on my part
  14. St0mpy

    Yeah i know, I dont mind a bit of joking but not everything comes over as it is intended here, it would be better if we could all debate these things without badmouthing or baiting idiots trying to stir up arguments.

    anyway as I said before, unless anyone else wants to accuse me of something or debate something without hating, then im out.
  15. MFP_TK_01

    Hi Kettle, how's it going.
  16. Seranov

    For the record, the vast majority of MMOs do in fact funnel you in to a few areas. This is nothing new. Raids, dungeons, whatever you call them, they exist in nearly every MMO. PS2 just sends you to a number of wide open spaces on one of three continents. There is nothing wrong, here.
  17. Crator

    Except, there's nothing to debate really. NinjaTurtle put it quite simple actually and anything else is just going off-topic. You just want to argue about something else in a post that isn't about what you want to argue. Sounds like it's time for you to create a new thread with a topic you want to discuss about. I'm sure those who are interested will join in.

  18. DG-MOD-02

    I am going to close this now as this post is filled with trolling statements. Please keep posts constructive and respectful on these forums as suggested within the SOE Forum Guidelines.
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