Planetside 2 Confirmed for PS4

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Craigr910, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Craigr910

  2. Rockit

    Good move!!!
  3. Jestunhi

    Presumably on their own servers so they don't have to compete with keyboard & mouse users?
  4. Hicksimus

    Please be cross platform. The population increase would be appreciated....I really need more people to teabag, and console players have a weakness to teabagging.
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  5. Ash87

    Please let it be cross platform.

    And bring me my white horse.
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  6. Ganelon

    That link links me to the homepage. I can't find the article anywhere on there either.
  7. Toten

    latticeside 2 will be a withered corpse with 3 players by the time ps4 ships
  8. SgtScum

    The ps3 currently supports both usb wired and bluetooth wireless keyboards and mouse so the ps4 will likely do the same.

    It wouldn't surprise me if sony has decided to drop the dumbed down console gameplay that has festered for so long with its generic twiddlesticks and will have a 'pro gamer' package on launch with the normal controller but also a wireless keyboard and mouse with headset.
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  9. Tommyp2006

    Dang, I just logged on to make this thread, ya beat me to it.
  10. Ash87

    3 people playing with a corpse doesn't sound healthy or legal

    What does this have to do with Planetside?
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  11. Rockit

    No way will they require a keyboard/mouse. Far too limiting and creating a barrier to entry. Won't happen. Separate servers are likely. DCUO has separate servers.
  12. Ash87

    Double posted by accident, please delete this post.
  13. GreatTrixie

    I dont think planetside 2 being cross platform is a good idea, Mouse and keyboard users would DESTROY the controller users.
    I do admit it would be funny to watch.
  14. Doctor?

    Yeah, it would be really awesome if they made it cross compatible, and highly recommended PS4 players use a mouse and keyboard.

    Plus, ya know... shooting console kiddies...

    Oh! Idea! They should give console players some specific visual appearance like Steam did with Mac players and iPhone earbuds in TF2.
    Not that I'm trying to actively target console players in game, or anything...
  15. Caserion

    If this would be cross platform... that would mean i have to fight people not having a mouse or a keyboard.

    This is turning out to become easy mode!
  16. tomahawk72

    PLEASE be on seperate servers....
  17. SgtScum

    A wired usb mouse and keyboard combo is like $10 at walmart. Even the poorest console kiddie can wheedle that much out of moms wallet.
  18. Wasdie

    Probably on their own servers. Too many logistical and gameplay issues having cross platform gameplay with this game. Will just be easier for everybody.

    This is a good move really. More players = more money = longer development. Everybody wins.
  19. SgtScum

    The ps4 for all intents and purposes is an 8 core x86 64bit direct x machine so not only would development be seamless between pc and ps4 the 100% standardized hardware would make it a developers dream when compared to the million and one hardware combinations for a pc.
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  20. Wasdie

    Though it is an 8 core AMD processor. The processor itself is a bit weaker. They'll have to really work on their multithreading and CPU utilization to get this game running at a solid 30 FPS during the biggest fights on the console. This could mean some great optimization for the whole game.
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  21. ironeddie

    Cross platform! ah easy XP for us keyboard & mouse users. if a way could be found that didn't make PlayStation users cannon fodder for us or that nerfed our gameplay to make it ok for console users then the population increase from it would be welcome. I would expect separate servers though & I worry that we become one big test server for before our console using friends get a new update.