How to Fix the lancer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by pixelboom, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. pixelboom

    Well as you all know, there are only a few situations in which the lancer is very useful.. and one of them is long range sniping.. but theres a problem.. i for one find it very hard to see the target or sometimes even see the reticle when scoping.. another problem is the charging time.. I believe to fix the lancer and make it balanced, it should have another zoom in option (for example whenever i am scoped in and want to zoom , i shall press h and it will zoom in and will return to original zoom after i scope in the next time.. ) and the charge time should be reduced to 4 seconds instead of 6. Being able to upgrade the launcher to consume all 6 ammos to make a more heavier and faster shot would also be nice. Do you think this will fix the lancer?
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  2. freeze

    the only thing it needs, is a damage increase against aircraft
    2 fully charged shots should take out an ESF.

    otherwise the Lancer is completely fine, no need to tweak it
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  3. ih8Darian

  4. pixelboom

  5. ih8Darian

    Yeah I've used it, it does need a buff against armor but not against air. I don't find it hard to hit air at all, but I do find myself using decimator against air because it rewards for good aim.
    If it set an ESF on fire (more or less) with 1 lvl 3 shot, it would be a tad unfair. Especially since people are already calling nerfs on out Sarons & ZOE
  6. Elrobochanco

  7. bodmans

    um, wut, does the lancer need a change? working fine and as intended for me

    or does the OP want to make it more noob-friendly?
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  8. jdono67894

    How to fix the lancer?
    Lets reduce its alpha strike damage with full charge and damage in general, that thing is ridiculous compared to TR/NC anti vehicle weapons and I have to laugh very loudly at this thread.
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  9. Biytor

    This has to be a troll, only way to explain it.
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  10. bodmans

    wut? explain please?
  11. freeze

    I know what that site says and I know that it's not the case ingame.

    maybe it's supposed to, but the Lancer bugs out more often than not, to reliably say whether it's true or not ;)
    I've never 2-shot an ESF so far though. and not for the lack of not being able to hit 2 charged shots.
  12. NightFallz998

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  13. sSie

    The lancer is fine, leave it how it is. Best AV weapon the VS have.
  14. Fned

    In the actual game, two fully charged shots on an ESF usually leaves it smoking or on fire with a sliver of health left. If it's already taken a little bit of damage, two shots will finish it off.

    I sure would appreciate the possibility of adding a 7-shot mag, even if it cost a lot of certs, just for situations like that. You get an ESF pilot who's bad enough to let you get a second Lancer shot on him, and he comes to his senses and escapes during the reload? That's just cruel.

    I seem to remember reading somewhere that Lancer damage drops off with range, but I'm not sure what the range increments are. That may be what we're seeing here, ESFs are usually pretty far away...
  15. MrGurrenLemfox

    Really OP? Lancer is already damn good, VS can basically have a 500+ meter non Vehicle zone same as TR , the way that we play in this game where zerg vs Zerg having 2 or more lancer focusing their fire on one vehicle can take them down in less than a second. Higby stated that it doesnt need anymore buff, a weapon that can hit anything in almost 0 second travel time is already OP in own right IT DOESNT NEED ANY BUFF for sure
  16. ih8Darian

    Guess I don't have a lancer then
    Oh and to both of you, I tried it and it sets it on fire on the 2nd shot. This is definitely a bug because the last I used a lancer vs. air was like 3 weeks ago, and there were no changes to lancer since then.
  17. treeHamster

    It's not a bug, you were probably shooting ESF's that were slightly damaged. I certed it the day it came out (yeah I know, quite stupid of me) and it was taking 2 full charges plus a third Lvl1 single to kill an ESF (I was 5m away at the time testing it).
  18. Tar

    yes, a zoom option would make sense. it had 4x zoom in ps1 even.
  19. ReconMarauder

    I use the Lancer as my primary rocket launcher and it is too powerful at long range. If extra damage drop off were introduced to where it dealt 10-20% less damage at its current max range its balance against land vehicles would be perfect, but as it is it's way too good at the ranges which nothing can retaliate. It also needs to deal 25% less damage to MAXes at 100 meters, and one shotting flashes at past 100 meters shouldn't happen. Extra damage dropoff is needed against land vehicles, but otherwise the damage model against air vehicles at all ranges and land vehicles at close range is near perfect.
  20. Talshere

    Nah, needs changing, its to underwhelming atm, all that buildup for a measly pew that does no more than a normal rocket but with more risk. Remove the "rapid fire" function and make the charge up do more damage.