SMG designed to beat the TR MCG?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Halcyon, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. Halcyon

    Head to head with a VS infiltrator with an SMG.
    We both fired at the same time, and I put my heavy shield on.

    His gun absolutely owned me. Is this intended? Thought the MCG was the king of all CQC besides shotguns.
  2. Grotpar

    Shoot the head.
  3. Xind

    Maybe you didn't know, but the MCG isn't really better than the Carv or MSW-R or Orion.

    Try the TR SMGs, they're better than all of our Carbines/ARs/LMGs pretty much outright. (More so Armistice, than Hailstorm)
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  4. -Zlodey-

    MCG is garbage.
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  5. XRIST0

    This ..

    Noway you will outgun somebody with an smg in close quarters .
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  6. gigastar

    Apart from a... "feature" that allows an MCG user to bypass the spinup time by going ADS as they hold down the trigger, theres just not much going for the MCG that you would have it over a regular LMG.
  7. Satanam

    We were promised a buff for the Mini-chaingun, but we're still waiting for it. I still use it, it can be useful sometimes but... You know, it's just about the name of it, because even the design is screwed. Actually not screwed, but it doesn't make me feel like I'm using a mini-chaingun. They should redesign the underslung one and give it to us. Or just do some kind of thing that makes it turn 180º so we can choose if we want it to be underslung or like what it's right now.
  8. Kaesarr

    Two things:

    the spin up time cannot be avoided.

    The chain gun is a close to mid range weapon while the SMG is only a short range weapon
  9. Headcapper

    Well, spin up time can be avoided (Start spinning and immediately hold your right mouse button). But it messes up your COF a lot, so it's actually worse than just spinning up..
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  10. TekTR

    Lol the MCG is the king of losing.
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  11. Kociboss

    I wouldn't go that far.
  12. DrEvilPenguin

    Here is the secret to properly using the MCG.

    1) Aim at enemy SMG user.

    2) Switch to sidearm and fire.

    3) Never use the MCG ever again and lament why you bought it.
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  13. y3ivan

    depends on range, it a good short-midrange weapon. with 800RPM and relatively close 30m-50m. The enemy has relatively short time to react and live

    Seriously, TMG cant be an all round solution in a firefight
  14. Kireles

    When you see heavy assaults using SMG's you know something is wrong... I've seen plenty
  15. Pinyon

    Again, I wish the MCG would be restored to its former glory. Held like it was in PS1 or even like that dude in Predator as he's spraying the jungle with rounds, left and right..
  16. WalrusJones



    The armistice under-performs the TAR, TRV, and Jaguar.
    I own all five.

    Trust me.
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  17. Takoita

    It can be fun to use, but it is by no means effective. Almost any other weapon you can place in that slot would be better at actually killing things.
  18. Cinnamon

    MCG will really shine when they add lockdown mode for the heavy assault.
  19. metrotw

    mcg is worse than the jokehammer and the lasher combined. the spin up time is longer than most ttk's in the game.

    why anyone would use that weapon other than for some lulz is just o_O
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  20. Van Dax

    Its garbage beyond the exploit to avoid the spinup, however apparently according to on average stats per hour in terms of kills its better than the tmg and far far better than the lasher. also interesting to note the jokehammer performs the best out of all the heavy weapons almost twice as good as the lasher and better than any TR lmg.