Command chat needs a level 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Slyguy65, May 30, 2013.

  1. Slyguy65

    That costs 500 certs

    It allows squad and or platoon leaders to send a broadcast across all continents to call for help on a specific continent.

    Fix the bug that platoon leads face where if they aren't a squad leader they don't even have access to leader or orders chat.

    We need more leadership certs that make leading fun or allow us to manage platoons (and outfits) better.

    I see they are doing this with allowing us to customize squad colors in the future, but we need less cosmetic and more practical.
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  2. Zapon

    i've said it many times, and others have also(and luperza commented in one thread recently on it)

    they might need to use a system similar to MAG's extremely-polished communications set up, and it could handle multiple platoons
  3. Dis

    CR5 chat, where all of the world's problems are solved.
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  4. Slyguy65

    Thread link please? Also i remember playing MAG beta (sad to see it not be super successful)

    Just curious what kind of "polished" comms you are talking about.

    Also i don't think doing battalions is such a great idea...there really isn't enough people under one banner that can form those...

    Honestly i would just prefer they optimize and give squad and platoon leads more control and customization to their platoons and outfits before just adding more.
  5. MilitiaMan

    I hope you are joking!

    Emerald CR5 NC chat was the pinnacle of human interaction...Though BanD was fun ;D
  6. Benton!

    I should cert into command chat and order people to empty bases.
  7. ToggleSwitch

    Totally agree with ya Slyguy. :D
  8. Zapon

    I mean, where someone can easily manage 4 platoon leaders, and the platoon leaders can easily coordinate with their entire teams and the others.

    And Companies worked fine in MAG.

    Furthermore, the game's #1 sellign point is size- and their motto is size always matters. No other game can field the numbers PS2 does- so it doesn't hurt to make it easier to command armies in the hundreds and beyond- if PS2 doesn't nothing will, and it'll be a lost premise- and franky, that's why a lot of people, including me, are playing the game in the first place.
  9. NikkoJT

    I'd also like the ability to relay intel to The Relevant People even if I'm not a squad leader. Quite often I'm on my own without a squad, and end up behind the enemy or overlooking their advance, but can't report their numbers or position because people tend to leave squads whenever they feel like it, and without a large outfit I can't even maintain an internal squad.

    To be clear, I'm not asking for Orders or Leader access. Just some way to pass on the intel. And naturally it'd require certing into.
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  10. Slyguy65

    The thing you have to remember is that there are outfits...aka guilds, and trust me, At least on waterson TR, i doubt, that you can get multiple platoons of just one group (outfit), and have everyone be OK with it, it COULD work if done right but for the most part unless it is made abundantly clear that the company or battalion leader doesn't completely rule them then, ya, it has a chance, for the most part though it would be extremely situational.

    Mainly cause ANYONE can make and outfit (this is issues number one IMO) you have all these tiny and a couple large outfits running around,with the tiny ones being jealous of the big ones for thinking they can run the show (even though they kind of do). So that leads to bickering and such. Which leads to lack of cooperation. Honestly the purpose of outfits right now is just to heard people under one banner and follow a group, its just a zerg recruiter TBH, they need to add functionality to it, which is why i can't believe they actually moved the "outfit progressing all the back to October.

    TBH i just want them to focus on IMPROVING what they already have...SOE has a bad habit of not fixing stuff, but instead just pile on more crap so as to make you forget what was broken.

    Give us more platoon management and utilities, Give us outfit rewards and let us have abilities or things we can only do IN an outfit. Before they start wanting to simply bundle platoons together, they need to focus on the management of the groups we have available to us now
  11. Slyguy65

    I think a global chat would be nice, it would work like region chat but continent wide...TBH that would be awesome.

    200 certs would be fine for price. Also the ability to create custom tabs that only show certain chats would be awesome.
    Example; you can make a tab that just shows platoon and squad, or just platoon and outfit, or just a platoon and yell. Customization is key to variety.

    Also the ability to highlight individuals in certain chats like in platoon the platoon leaders voice has priority speaker (adjustable), a sub voice com for platoons and outfit for leaders only (aka squad leaders and outfit leaders can talk/type in a private chat that only they can see).

    Also a filter system, where you can filter the relevant people in command chat, and the trolls. The ignore list doesn't work completely.

    If I ignore someone i still hear them everywhere besides PM...I would personally like a universal ignore list or at least specific ignore lists for different things (command chat, yell, platoon).
  12. zukhov

    Well, command chat is global, and therefore as confusing as hell. Global 'orders' np problem but chat really needs to be continent only.