Nerf the Battle Nanny

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 13lackCats, May 29, 2013.

  1. 13lackCats

    Many apologies to my battle-nanny, but we capable of finding and creating battles.

    We need more than the same thing over and over ad nauseum.

    You call it a lattice. We call it shackles.
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  2. Tekuila

    No ghost capping.
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  3. GuraKKa

    No small combats
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  4. SgtScum

    That's due to small minds and not lack of options.
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  5. EliteEskimo

    Real Battles =/= 3V3, 6V6, or Ghost Capper Squads facing off in a meaningless battle that will only result in another ghost capper capping behind them once they go off somewhere else to ghost cap. This is Planetside2, where the battles are made to be so huge and amazing you can't help but go :eek: from time to time as you take in the epicness. Lattice helps accomplish this so much more than the Hex system did, and here on Mattherson we love it!
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  6. Bearcat

    Seriously? Another thread ******** about the lattice?
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  7. Van Dax

    There are plenty of places and opportunities for small combat even in the lattice
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  8. Loegi

    I'm out.

    EDIT: Quoted the wrong post...
  9. Tommyp2006

    It's funny how few opposers there were when there were so many threads asking for lattice before it was implemented. Or when it was on the test server for months.

    Get over it, the game is finally turning into a planetside 1 sequel. Hopefully it will feel even more so by the end of the year if/when continent locking is established.
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  10. Sordid

    Not true. Look at your map, locate where the zerg clash is, and then go somewhere else.
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  11. Bearcat

    I'm really looking forward to continent locking (and other PS1 features). On the downside, just imagine the level of whining it will produce on the forums ;)
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  12. Crator

    One can actually hover over a hex to see how many allies and how many enemies are there. :) Now that doesn't mean this fight will be a ghost capture experience cause people are actually able to respond due to less locations needing to be responded to :)

    I've found that there is a need for a smaller group of players to defend locations behind the main zerg attack. Because there are spec ops teams that attempt to take your owned territory while the large zerg tries to move forward. Or, the smaller group could do the forward attack spec ops themselves if they like.

    Battle nanny, LOL! You people are funny...
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  13. SgtScum

    But it gives the devs so much entertainment to read such learned and ,erm, informed opinions! ;)
  14. Vashyo

    How many threads do you need to make about this same thing? Yes we know you are upset, some of us aren't. Just dont go through the same lanes the zerg does if you don't want to fight in big battles.

    adapt & overcome or just quit.
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  15. Phazaar

    SOE's own fault for stating that if people didn't like it it could be quickly dismantled. What you're seeing is the hourly reminder that we'd like it dismantled before it ruins the already half-arsed enjoyment the game is capable of producing.
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  16. Ennkay

    How about you demand spec ops content instead of turning off lattice? It's not lattice you don't like, it's no smaller scale fights. No reason to ruin a fledgling effective system just because it's incomplete
  17. Paisty

    Yeah and within 3 months the pop will be about the same too.
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  18. Kubor

    Actually, you can fight where you like whenever you like still.

    You don't have to cap a base or outpost for your efforts to make a difference.

    We had the Lattice in PS1 and people would attack bases way downstream of their closest owned base. Hopefully in the future the different types of bases will become more important to the bigger battle and disabling them or cutting them off will be a more viable tactic.
  19. Paisty

    Because new features like you suggest will take the better part of a year to implement. This mess started April 4, 2013 how long is long enough to wait for the game to be interesting again?
  20. Ennkay

    Nonsense, you leave players on their own to find fights and it'll be empty quick. Some of the most frequent feedback was that it was hard for a new player to find fights. This change was made to bring in new players, we just need some smaller scaled content for the more experienced players, and there is no way this dev team wont provide that.