New Saron buff tomorrow

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ih8Darian, May 23, 2013.

  1. ih8Darian

    Saron HRB
    • COF Max reduced from 6 to 2 (recovery rate changed from 12 to 4)
    • Changed to semi-automatic fire instead of full auto
    • Inner Blast damage increased from 350 to 850.
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  2. Van Dax

    pretty much fantastic.
  3. y3ivan

    i want my old saron back :(
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  4. ih8Darian

    I feel ya man :eek:
    At least this thing will get a bit better though
  5. MrGurrenLemfox

    so better than the old one, mile high from the new one ? great choice developer
  6. WalrusJones

    At least we don't have three halberds anymore.
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  7. illgot

    I think this was their plan all along. Feed us a horrible weapon change, then like a hero, bring it in tolerable levels of change.
  8. Shockwave44

    Where did you hear this from?
  9. Fallout10mm

    Meanwhile the vulcan still cant hit the broad side of a vanguard from 100m away and takes still sucks at AI duty.
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  10. Adamar09

    So now it's a rapid fire AV gun that one hit kills infantry?


    I'd like to know what on earth they are trying to achieve.
  11. Navoletti

    really or this is a joke?
  12. NightFalls998

  13. JudgeDeath

  14. Halon


    Also seems even worse for range, which is about the only place for magriders these days. Unless blast damage is base AV dmg, but this could all be a fabrications sooo, source?
  15. Nucleardraft

  16. JudgeDeath

  17. S0LAR15

    I knew they were messing with us. Less Deeps, stupid new mechanic. You got me Higby you got me.
  18. KlyptoK

    I really do hope that what the hotfix does at least makes it bearable for you guys. I've felt bad after seeing this happen to the Vanu.
  19. WookLordz

    It didn't fix it.
  20. LoneMaverick

    Now perhaps they'll decide to make the Vulcan useful in any way, shape, or form....

    Or you know, just keep working on the VS and NC guys, we're ok over here. :(

    Edit : Vulcan-H buff is just making a terrible weapon have better numbers, it'll still be just as terrible.