Is this remind you something , curently happening a lot in planetside 2 ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, May 16, 2013.

  1. Stew360

  2. exLupo

    The Planetside franchise has always been about who can best control the zerg. Welcome to 2003.
  3. Stew360

    If they manage to fix the latency issue , the lag compensation and the weapons balance it migth change :)

    ATM zerg are even more efficient due to all those hit registration / lag compensation / servers response /frame rates etc.. issue

    If one day they manage to fix all that i think we migth see the Zergs been way less efficient

    Oh look, another Stew360 thread.
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  5. Stew360

    You are welcome
  6. Littleman

    Lag has only been an issue for me when an actual alert is going. Soon as that alert ends, the same number of people = no lag. Hypothesis: bonus exp causes lag. Go figure.
  7. exLupo

    Never. As long as weapons are, in general, balanced symmetrically (empire diversity is nice but not truly game influencing) then whoever points the most bullets at the other team will win 9 out of 10 times.

    Outside, more dudes = more tanks/air
    Inside, more dudes = more bullets

    Lag hits everyone equally and symmetrical weapon balance only makes having superior numbers more important. Strength in numbers. Not understanding that is not understanding the game.
  8. Stew360 Translator

    I feel that as of right now, players (or outfits) that fight with large numbers of allied players are only effective because of several issues due to them fighting in large numbers. When these players fight in large numbers it creates a large amount of stress on the server, the resulting issues include such things as faulty/delayed hit registration in addition to client performance issues. These issues are primarily what causes players that fight in large numbers to be effective.

    If these issues in addition to weapon balance issues were to be correctly addressed in future updates, I would expect that players fighting in large numbers would be significantly less effective.
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  9. Bill Hicks

    i like taters in my stew.
  10. exLupo

    Those issues are called "bullets" and, yes, there are several of them. 100v150? 150 wins. 10v15? 15 almost always wins. 1v2, 1 has a chance if they're good. Then you have force multipliers like external attackers locking down the area in vehicles, pinning the defenders inside the shields. That can help inferior numbers beat superior but that's a case of severe power imbalance on a gear level.

    The more bodies you add, the less that player skill matters and zerg disparity begins in double digit ranges, far below anything that would cause network latency. Having been on pop-locked Indar when, literally, the entire NC population was crammed into a 1 hex base defense, then the system started to crap out and it hurt everyone equally. With the infrastructure support on this game, there are times when an entire server can become unreliable (which hurts everyone) but no single outfit in game is large enough to bring the network to its knees. And the core game is coded well enough that even my few-year-old machine can run huge fights at 20+fps if not more.

    If huge outfits are beating you then either they're bringing more bodies (and, with them, bullets) or they're bringing equal numbers and are simply better than you. With the exception of server-crushing congestion combined with players blind spamming explosives over hills, there's never a point where lag favors anyone. Thankfully, that requires the cooperation of an entire faction, not just one big outfit.
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  11. Stew360 Translator

    I merely help Stew360 to voice his concerns about the game. Please address future responses to Stew360 himself, I'm sorry for this misunderstanding.
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  12. exLupo

    I did. I was directing it at him when I was speaking through you. A translator shouldn't be so egocentric to think that they were ever a part of the conversation. In the future, do not address speakers directly.
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  13. Stew360 Translator

    Stew360 has no trouble in reading and understanding comments, he only needs a little bit of help in his responses. If you directly quote me rather than Stew360, Stew360 may not know you have left a direct comment for him. I am sorry for directly speaking to you, sometimes I forget my place.
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  14. Klondik3

    Ur not translator, ur grammar police...
  15. loleator

    They are nerfing the crown since it doesn't go with the zerg mentality.

  16. Kastrenzo

    How many times can you complain about the same thing in the run of a few days.

    Stop making threads.
  17. ArcKnight

    so I'm guess your familiar with his threads
  18. ExquisitExamplE

    Speaking through him? Is this like one of those new-agey channeling things? I know you probably think you were being pithy and smart, but your whole quoted post above is just syntactically egregious. That means it doesn't make any sense. "Do not address speakers directly"? Is that kind of like "Don't quote people and then get pissy when they reply back to you" ?
  19. Ketobor

    You are my new favorite poster.