Vehicle Weapon Changes 5/10

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Ryko Nailo, May 10, 2013.

  1. Blitzkrieg

    No, they are both the ES AV weapon. Comparing it is the only thing you can do because they are both designed to do the same job, kill tanks. And don't say it can only do short range. Because that's utter bollocks. It will happily do medium range no problem. If you don't think that Vulcan is completely utterly stupidly insane on the Harasser, then your vision is clouded by your empire tinted goggles.
    You also seem to have completely skipped or deliberately ignored the real point. On a Prowler, that Vulcan is held back because it's on an MBT. A big, lumbering tank which tend to engage at medium to longer ranges. Which to close the gap makes it a more difficult task. A harasser on the other hand has no problem doing this due to speed and size and will completely rip tanks to shreds. It's the combination of that weapon with the Harasser, that's the problem. Not the singular weapon its self, nor the Harasser it's putting them both together.

    It's funny. Only the TR want this to happen because they damn well know that the Saron and Enforcer will make no difference because the Halberd does their job already and they have access to it. The only faction to gain anything are the TR, the NC and VS gain nothing from this move.
  2. Fafnir

    It's not a problem with the Vulcan, it's a problem with how all gatting guns in the game are designed. They are supposed to be accurate guns with very high rate of fire. Just make them so and reduce their damage by 3/4 or whatever to compensate.

    Vulcan should have the same effective range as other AV weapons, but lower burst damage and higher sustained DPS.
  3. Taiga

    i never said the enforcer or halberd was bad, im just saying that the enforcer is only marginally better than the halberd which the other two factions have access to. the enforcer brings very little to the table for NC when the other factions can have nearly the exact same weapon in the halberd.
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  4. Blitzkrieg

    Right, I knew TR would sweep in to defend their Vulcan. Let me say this once more, individually the Vulcan is not a problem. Individually, the Harasser isn't a problem. It's putting the two together that is a problem. It's the fact these two sync too well in comparison to every other weapon.

    Now if they want to put ES weapons on the Harassers which I think is completely dim even if the Vulcan wasn't in the list. It's an NS (common pool) vehicle. Why is it getting access to Empire Specific weaponry? The Lightning doesn't, nor the Sunderer, Flash, Liberator or Galaxy. So why is the Harasser the special snow flake?

    If they really want to put the Vulcan on, they need to nerf the Harasser version quite hard.
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  5. Ryko Nailo

    Personally I think the empire weapons should be fore the empire buggies and that they should be massively tweaked for the Harasser to support its hit and run nature. I would however be completely behind a new NS gun for the Harasser that was Vulcan esque, ie a close range death machine but long range garbage.

    But I do think the empire guns need fixes, the Saron and Enforcer are pretty much Halberds with a tiny tweak. I honestly wouldn't mind if the Saron was changed to be a charge up weapon or the Enforcer made laser guided. As for the Enforcer Modified and the PPA make them fill a role similar to the Vulcan but have the PPA be more anti infantry with a dash of making enemy armor think twice sorta the opposite of the Vulcan while the Enforcer Modified is more balanced against both armor and infantry but needs closer range then either.

    To do that for both isn't hard just give the Enforcer Modified a rather sizeable armor piercing effect on top of its infantry killing it currently has, and since it's a shotgun it can't be used at long range well, worst case nerf the spread just a tad, though this thing really needs to be like it's Live version not its Test though it should have 6 shots not 3. For PPA all that's needed is to slow the projectile speed down substantially and up the fire rate just as much and tada you can easily dodge them long range but up close its death by laser balls and since they'd actually do decent damage at a much higher fire rate you wouldn't even need to tweak anything else.
  6. Nogrim313

    im with you guys

    NS vehicle = NS weapons

    ES vehicle = ES weapons

    the mechanics of the ES weapons are a lot easier to keep unique and balanced when they are limited to ES vehicles but when you cross the streams so to speak were going to end up with a lot of problems like the vulcan/harasser combo

  7. Ketobor

    I would agree more if they actually made the weapons more substantially different. The only notables are the Proton II and the Vulcan, and the Proton sucks and the Vulcan is competitive. I don't fear Vulcan on harassers, they are delicate enough that you can deal with it. The others are thematically slightly different weapons with minor advantages, advantages less than the already super-minimal Infantry weapon differences. The only real things the tanks have that is unique is the chassis.
  8. SpaceHobo

    Okay many TR-players will hate me for this, but maybe we should turn the [harasser-] vulcan into an anti infantry weapon.
    Turn down the damage against vehicles, turn up the damage against infantry, reduce the spread a little bit, reduce the bullet drop, make it more accurate and give it more than 30 bullets. maybe 100 to 200. Right now the only usefull AI-weapons are the kobalt, the bulldog and the fury. well the kobalt is really hard to use thanks to its high accuracy, the bulldog has a slow firing speed and not a lot of range, and the fury... i dont trust this thing a bit until someone tells me they are not gonna nerf it into dust, also the range, firing speed and splash radius isn't that awesome anyway. The vulcan could be a good medium range infantry killing machine, if we tune it a bit.
  9. Blitzkrieg

    What you're suggesting is exactly what it use to be during beta. Except it wasn't very good, but it was an AI weapon. And the Marauder was dire against vehicles.
  10. Crazy Airborne

    I have been playing the harasser non stop on live. I have it pretty much completely max certed, save for the final reload speed on the Halberd. I also have the Vulcan on the Prowler, and I understand its firing capabilities.

    Heres my only issue with the "OMG THIS WILL BE OP" idea about the vulcan.

    in a harasser, When you close the distance with any armor, youre likely hood of dieing skyrockets. all it takes is a couple vanguard shots, and you are either on fire or close to it. Closing the gap only works against a lone tank with his back to you, or completely engaged in a different direction. The buggy takes fire from every weapon in the game, and its hardly cost effective for you to engage targets right up in thier face. its best to zoom around the outskirts of a battle and pick off stragglers and people falling back to repair.

    now dont get me wrong. I have a competent gunner, and we are on third party coms, and we **** pretty hard with the Buggy. Its insanely fun and rewarding. but this is due to extreme luck and using terrain, speed and distance to break off engagments that get too risky.

    i truly think the vulcan could probably be not OP on a harasser, because of the extreme risk you are in at close range. its kinda like an ESF hoverpodding at low altitude, paper thin but packs a punch.

    i dont think i would put a vulcan on my buggy even if it didnt get nerfed. those 200 resources arent easy to throw away every 10 min.
  11. Blitzkrieg

    I appreciate your honest reply other than the standard defence of a weapon most people put out.
    After playing with it on the test server (Not VR), there were no other words for that weapon. It was just wrong. The damage output was crazy, however it can still operate at a medium range. Yes it does lose the ability to stay at range and strike targets by hulling down and sniping. However you can keep moving with speed using the boost and to get in and out of ranges and you can hose down other vehicles.

    I still think ES weapons shouldn't be on an NS vehicle regardless of how good/bad they are.
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  12. Fafnir

    I'm not defending the Vulcan. All I said is, that I don't like it's design.
  13. Bhudda V1

    going to have to say no to the empire specific av weapons for the harasser easy they are made for the mbt and would have to be balanced for both then, not good for any tanks no thanks, but the empire specific ai weapons like the marauder, enfocer modified, ppa those mesh far better with the harasser and realistically they already have the halberd so av is taken care of already, hell modify the hell out of the ppa, enforcer and the marauder im pretty sure all factions want these weapons changed for the better.
  14. Skadi

    Solution for the Vulcan would be a complete redesign, make it VERY accurate up to say 300M, give it lower drop and high velocity, and change its RoF to be where it takes the same time to unload a clip and reload as it would for a halberd (this would lead to VERY high reload speed, which might kill the idea...) and decrease its damage to be equivalent to 1 halber shot, as in 1 clip = 1500 damage. And also decrease its infantry damage... because we know people would abuse the hell out of it.

    This would mean 50 damage per bullet, give it a total of 1500 damage if all bullets landed. And keep the option to cert into a bigger clip.
  15. Ripshaft

    I'm mainly replying to tell you that ctrl-z is the standard shortcut for undo, and would have saved you from having to retype your wall of text. Important key to know. ctrl-z undo, x cut, c copy, v paste, it used to be printed on old keyboards. You can count on those working in almost any program on any OS.

    Otherwise, some interesting changes.
  16. Nogrim313

    OR you could just keep ES secondaires off the NS vehicles period and save the vulcan for the ES ground vehicles that are coming.

    id rather them design a vehicle around having the secondary than make two versions of a weapon with the same name and different mechanics just to be put on a vehicle that is more than capable with out them (but SOE wants MOAR money)
  17. Skadi

    We both know there going to put them in ,trust me ide rather them be left out.

    But since they will be putting them in ($$$) I rather start suggesting things now :\
  18. Ryko Nailo

    Well personally its sorta silly to me to have Harrasser versions of Empire weapons but not actually change anything stat wise between em. I mean isn't that the point? Or was it all just a gimmick to makes us think we weren't getting the same thing.

    Oh I know but I hit backspace apparently outside the text box which as you know in a browser is the 'page back' button and that apparently wipes allll your text on these message boards even if you page forward back to it.
  19. Ripshaft

    Ahhhhhhhh gotcha, that sucks the big one. And it's test server, first step is to make the weapons, stats come later, wouldnt pay it too much mind other than the progress we can see.
  20. Pikachu

    Btw is the magazine buff to the c85 only going to be for the harasser variant? I don't tell me they're not going to give that buff to the regular one, which is already an underperforming weapon.