[Suggestion] The Ultimate Thread Dedicated to Refurbishing TR as a Faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EliteEskimo, May 3, 2013.

  1. Liquid23


    lol... seriously tho... bring it on!!!
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  2. Compass

    Frankly, the ROI on Racer 3 is 1kph. I think scaling of this was not quite right. It is, right now, 5:4:1kph increase. Perhaps 5:4:3 would be slightly better, hitting a respectable 72kph which puts it ahead of a stock Lightning.

    Hence why they've been prepacking it with a lot of fluff. It's still only practical in unique situations, but it is still poopy in the end, due to the long activation and deactivation time comparatively to the other abilities.

    Even a perfectly steady gun cam would be more universal.

    The Vulcan has been a point of contention with me. The magazine size is understandable, but should be replaced with cooling a la base turrets as opposed to magazines.

    Make the Increased Magazine turn into how long the weapon can fire without overheating, and making the Increased Reload reduce the time before the gun begins cooling, as well as the speed of cooling.

    This would make the weapon much more tenable for short fights while keeping its performance envelope the same in long ones.
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  3. Guardsman99941

    Oh I wish the debs would listen... Please I trying to find reasons why my freinds should join TR
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  4. gunfox


    Repeat until the enemy takes your airsoft gun!
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  5. metrotw

    As sa
    as sad as this looks...it's not too far from the truth. the random horizontal recoil is something that you just can't compensate for..

    what they should have done when they took flinch away (which as far as i am concerned..horizontal recoil was the balance for the flinch mechanic..) they should have eliminated or otherwise made horizontal recoil practically non existent as well. it should just be purely vertical recoil with a VERY minor horizontal value. the slower firing guns..lower vertical recoil...the fast rof guns...the higher vertical recoil.

    what they are using horizontal recoil for now is a way to force you to buy more guns since the values they are putting in are making guns that were once decent all rounders into garbage and forcing you to buy 2 guns instead to compensate..the jaguar is a perfect example of this. if you want to be competitive you need to ditch it and get a lynx\armistice for close range and a t5amc for mid-long.
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  6. FoxD3v1lsW1ld

    Then again, the only faction not having this is the NC. VS got the same problem, and as you said, the horizontal / random recoil cannot be compensated for since it is random

    But i do not think refurbishing the TR is an option atm. Yesterday they had the most pop and over 60% territory at indar on my. Further buffing them would be making the population imbalance even worse, so using the suggestions mentioned here would necessarily call for nerfs at some point, and i don't quite think that is the actual plan.
  7. metrotw

    and this is exactly why i try not to fight NC if I can avoid it in straight up gunplay. with the random horizontal recoil...even if you start shooting them first, you miss so many bullets that many times they just laugh it off..point their heavy hitting laser accurate weapons at you and kill you in a short burst. as far as straight up gun play is concerned the NC far and away have the best weapons.

    you dont balance a FPS game around a ******* random number generator...this isnt mother ******* d&d online...
  8. Thrustin

    And on my server, it would benefit us greatly since we are constantly underpopulated. Population across servers should not matter in balancing concerns.
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  9. EliteEskimo

    I've seen this before, but there is one massive problem with the design that jumps out at me. How the heck are you supposed to Hull down and use cover?
  10. EliteEskimo

    1. Quotes or it didn't happen;)

    2. Was it a glance of not really giving a hoot or an in depth look of what I was trying to do and all the NC/VS/TR who agreed?

    3. You should message them back to comment on the thread on what they think so far. This thread has more likes than some roadmap ideas and while faction specific has VS/NC helping out. The Devs need to know this so they do not fear commenting in this thread.:cool:
  11. Flukeman62

    i will invite you to the convocation as i cannot seem to get a screenshot
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  12. Vortigon

    Sorry I stopped reading after you said the word 'Higby' without also using the word 'clueless' in the same sentence.
  13. EliteEskimo

    That's very unhelpful, and is really REALLY not an intelligent thing to say when he is one of the main people behind making the decisions. If anyone is going to make TR get back on track to following their lore it will be Higby. You never bite the hand you're seeking assistance from....
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  14. EliteEskimo

    This thread is not about buffing the TR, it's getting them back on track to following their faction lore. Currently the populations on the grand scale are as follows 1. NC is on top and increasing 2.TR is flat lining or very slowly declining 3. Vanu has been slowly defecting to the NC and/or have been decreasing.
  15. EliteEskimo

    Give it a year or 2, we need solid gameplay mechanics first before we add in super vehicles :)
  16. Liquid23

    meh... I don't care if it's buggy as hell and only 1/2 funtional or a prop peice... I just want to look up to the sky and the the glorious Terran Fleet carrier blot out the sun
  17. Kaale

    may be a dumb question but how often do Devs comment on these threads? It would be nice to see something for the TR to match NC Stopping Power or Vanu Accuracy and Reload speed.
  18. Liquid23

    Devs? not often... mods do a lot but it's always a "keep it clean guys" or "this thread has run it's course so I am locking it"
  19. Luperza Community Manager

    We're well aware of this thread. I mean who couldn't be? ;)

    Keep up the great discussions. The devs are working to make everything better in the world of Auraxis! :)
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  20. Liquid23

    well now don't I look like a jack-*** :)
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