There is not one Planetside: The servers are wildly different and changes effect them differently

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by FrankManic, May 2, 2013.

  1. Arc Fault

    LOL. No, what I said is, Im not reading this thread because it's silly.

    Incoming made up quotes from Triumph.
  2. TriumphOfMan

    He also called you an idiot, Frank.

    "I don't get along with Frank. Just go look through his post history on Reddit to get an idea of him."
  3. Arc Fault

  4. FrankManic

    Okay, this has gone far enough. This is a discussion about lattice, not a Dramattherson pissing match. If you want to keep trading insults I'll be happy to do it in PMs. Let's keep our dirty laundry off the boards from here on out. I'll stick with it if you guys will.
  5. TriumphOfMan

    Hey Frank, you started dishing it out so dance with it now.

    The fact remains you want to call out outfits for being tactically inept in your eyes, and you want to use this as a reason that the changes shouldn't be implemented.

    Consider this me pointing out that you have no idea what you're talking about.

    We play with an outfit that does nothing but chase down the biggest fights it can find on the continent 5 nights a week. You complain about us hitting a base with fewer numbers? It happens. It's necessary to do so on our way through to the big fight. BuzzCut's entire game plan is to find the biggest concentration of opposing forces and engage, disrupt, and destroy them.

    Two reasons:

    A) It's ******* awesome. It makes Planetside Planetside. It's entertaining and that's how we draw numbers by having fun fights all the time. We wouldn't play this game as much as we do or have the numbers we do if we sat around ghost capping for hours like AOD

    B) We're big enough to do it so we need to be the ones doing it. Other outfits like BWC, DOG, VG, etc. They're not big enough to hit the targets we hit. So we do it for them. It's not uncommon for Buzz to have The Enclave trade spots with another outfit to handle a fight they're not equipped for.

    You complain about zergs avoiding each other. Take it from the people that spend all their evenings hunting said zergs, this makes pinning them down and engaging them much easier.

    How does a zerg currently elude us and get past us? Somebody ghost caps a base we're not engaged at a couple of hexes away, and then the zerg we are engaging redeploys there. Why don't we try and stop these ghost hacks? Duh, we're busy engaging a force you wish yours were as big as. We can't be everywhere at once. Or they use the reinforcements needed button to deploy onto the other side of the map and now we've got to fight our way over there to deal with them. Either way, we can only be in so many places at once. You think it's dumb how many times we fall back to warpgate to Gal drop somewhere? Well now you know why we have to do it so much. Our opponents rarely fall back to the next hex, they run as far as they damn well can. We're loading up in Glaxies to chase the buggers down.

    Lattice will provide better structure to the map and will create a system of attacks and counter attacks rather than allowing the current system of attack and fleeing. Today we got overwhelmed at ARX reserve on amerish by the NC. We counter attacked in minutes and took the base straight back before the NC force had a chance to move onto the next hex.

    That's the kind of back and forth battles lattice is going to give you between large forces. Rather than the ending where the NC decide "**** this ****." and try to bypass us to ghost cap some bases and steamroll poor little outfits like TEST.

    But most of all, Frank, you say in your other thread that lattice will kill large scale combined arms combat. You should probably be someone who actually takes part in large scale combined ops in Planetside 2 before you make that assessment. We do, and we know it'll only make it better and stronger.
  6. trollager

    don't see why you guys are complaining about the lattice system it makes the game easier to understand for new users and also allows for some underhanded tactics if you know when and where to use them. what really is more or less screwing up PS2 at least on higher population severs is the alerts. alerts causes for most players to be clumped up on one continent and many waiting at the warp gates to que in. so for those who don't feel like screwing with a 40min que they just end up ghost capping parts of the other continents.

    the NC need some love. specially after our maxes got nerfed was really all we had left. the reaver is trash and most of our weapons are lacking in comparison to the other factions.
  7. Caladin

    Whoever that outfit is, I like their discipline (though it appears that their commanders are unable to command independently, given what people have said about them)

    Really, the rest of that server should be grateful; that level of discipline mixed with independent commanders would be devastating.
  8. OldMaster80

    I neither understand this. The reason imho is hex system allows players who lose their battles to retreat, regroup, attack another base on the other side of the continent: it makes feel some players like if they always have an option to influence the battle even if they're bad players or if they're simply outnumbered. They can avoid the enemy waves, surround, disturb, ghost hack. Some call this "sandbox strategy". I say it's bull**it, and it's exactly what SOE must fix with the new system because battle flow is totally out of control even if well-organized outfit can somehow see "order" in this "chaos".

    Lattice system is such that regrouping and changing target is not always so easy or possible: when the zerg comes you must do your very best to defend your territory, you can't just leave it and move somewhere else, re-take a base you lost 3 minutes earlier and so on. And imho this is how the game should be.
    Main issue at the moment, imho, is that not every base is designed properly and defending is often very hard (let's say impossible). In many structures tanks, bombers and ESF are allowed to get on capture points or surround the spawn rooms, and this is kicking down every strategy, every attempt to defend, counterattack or resecure bases. When you respawn and have just 3 minutes to resecure the base, but there 2 Liberators, 3 ESF with rocket pods and 4 MBT outside the spawn forcefield, there's just no game. We need bases to be designed in such a way that establishing a defensive perimeter is actually possible.

    They must go on with base redesign to prevent spawm rooms and capture point from being camped by vehicles, then I say devs are on the right path.
  9. Effect

    I like the lattice
  10. Whiteagle

    That's just what I said!
    Really Buzzcut just an Alpha who's both "asserted" himself over a large group of Betas and has a layman's grasp of Tactics.

    Do I need to roll a Matterson Vanu Alt just to teach them the ways of Video Ninjutsu?
    Hell, our Vanu on Waterson would have a HELL of time trolling the Enclave, I believe they've even claimed the Vanu Alliance had its founding in fighting them in Beta.
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  11. trollager

    oldmaster08 if you cant figure out how to regroup in no-mans land or attack on an alternate front quickly then you should go back to halo, cod or what ever none strategic game you came from. or you can leave the strategy to the people who understand it and follow their lead.

    heck the 7cav is so good at changing fronts we have made a drinking game out of it. we call it W.O.W. (world of warp-gate) every time we are asked to return to the warp-gate to redeploy to a different front we take a shot.

    this lattice system makes it a lot easier to see oh hay the enemy is advancing in this direction. do we have the man power to stop them? yes ok no problem cut them off. if no attack on a different front and if you feel like you cant get to the other front well then I suggest you go back to the warp gate pick up a bird or hitch a ride to where you want to go. if that doesn't work there are always 2 other continents to fight on there isn't just indar.

    the lattice system makes it easier for new players and zergs to easily see which way they should go. but for more advanced players and clans it opens up a lot of strategic possibilities that are harder to execute with the old system.

    oh and buzzcut is the brightest part of my day should hear how pissed he gets when the 7cav and SG curb stomp his army and rub salt in his wounds.
  12. BuzzCutPsycho





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  13. BuzzCutPsycho

    That's me farming Frank's outfit.
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  14. Torok

    that's why Fury is nerfed on the PTS ahaha
  15. Lyel

    I love how this just turned into an anti-Enclave thread, and it's all basically from the same guy.
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  16. P4NJ

    On the other hand, the TR on Ceres might no longer get owned completely since the few platoons that are actually fighting won't have to be spread out over 20 hexes...
  17. DjUnicorn

    I know that feel, bro.

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  18. Caladin

    I would love to seem them fight the Trojan Trolls from Briggs; even on a quiet night, we can pull around 100 players into out platoons, and while our ability to independently command seems to be greater our discipline seems to be less; it would provide for a very interesting fight.
    (We really struggle to find good outfits to fight on Briggs :( The TR ones are highly skilled but tiny, while the NC ones are huge but, well, terrible)
  19. Gilleland

    FrankManic.....dude......just.....uninstall you game.
  20. Nocturnal7x

    I also play on mattherson. Sure there is often some fighting on indar, but thats about it. Try to find a fight on esamir or amerish not during an alert, and forget off peak hours.