Loyal soldier bundle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Liquid23, May 3, 2013.

  1. Liquid23

    I just logged in and had this waiting for me in my notifications tab... anyone know what it is or what it was for?

    TY SOE
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  2. SiosDashcR

    Nope but congrats.

    What's in it?
  3. Zafexus

    I had one as well. No idea what was in it though...
  4. Terran537

    What? Please tell! We want to know! Are you a member?
  5. Raazer

    I just got it, also. No idea what is in the "bundle" though.
  6. Zafexus

    Found a Loyal Soldier Camo in my camo list!
  7. TheBloodEagle

    I just received it too. Not sure what else is in the "bundle" but I received the name tag Loyal Soldier. I'm fine with that too. I dig it. TR PRIDE

    **** YEAH! Thanks for pointing that out. =D It also includes Weapon Camo!
  8. GSZenith

    wait whatttttttttt
    where is my 4th faction bundle?!"111!11!11231231!
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  9. Terran537

    Hmm. When did you all make your characters?
  10. maxkeiser

    What do you have to do to qualify for this?
  11. Liquid23

    I got it on my TR (which I created at launch) but not on my newer NC or VS toons, not a member now.. but it had a title and some bad as black/red unlimited camo for vehicles, weapon and armor
  12. Terran537

    I'm thinking that this "loyal soldier bundle" is given to people with long-time characters. Judging by the name only, of course.
  13. RawrWulfe

    Dunno about the other folk that got it but I made my character the day the game came out and got the free camo myself.
  14. pomps

    Yeah i just got it too, logged in just to say so!
  15. TheBloodEagle

    I've had my TR character since the first day of launch (as well in beta).
  16. Somtaaw101

    I got it on an NC alt I made 2 days ago, and not on my VS I made 2 months ago.. and it's character specific not faction. So my second NC doesn't get it, just the 2 day old alt that I made for a name reservation.:mad:
  17. GSZenith

    got it on my tr, not my nc which i created before, so i guess it is 1 char only QQ
  18. Zafexus

    It gives you the "Loyal Soldier" title as well as Weapon/Armor/Vehicle Camo called "Loyal Soldier Camo". That's about it afaik, anyone else found something more?
  19. Terran537

    Wait, so I might not get it on my BR 57 NC?
  20. Torok




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  21. Intruder313

    The NC Loyal Soldier camo is a very dark, digital blue. Might be quite effective at hiding in the dark like the VS cravens.
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