Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Zaxudih, May 1, 2013.

  1. Zaxudih

    I have literally never heard a single player complain about the fury. NOT ONE. Why in the hell was this even considered?

    Bump this every chance you get, post something. Keep this thread alive till we have confirmation that the fury nerf does not make it to the main servers.
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  2. Sarmane

    Please consider this on the PTS for a longer period before even thinking of taking this to live. I dont see any reason why the fury deserves a damage nerf.
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  3. NotTheMomma

    According to other players, this is a problem with the Wraith cloak that SOE is trying to address by nerfing the Fury. o_O

    Nerfing it on other platforms, such as the Sunderer, will be a huge and widely unpopular mistake. While the Fury can be tremendously effective at short to medium range, a commiserate level of practice and skill development is required to reap those benefits consistently, certainly more than that required for HEAT rounds, rocket pods or pump shotguns.
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  4. WycliffSlim

    Higby stated that they would be at the least delaying the Fury nerf from going to live servers.
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  5. NotTheMomma

    Yes (and thanks for posting), but that's only because it's coinciding with an unfortunate promotional sale on the Fury, not because they've realized that they are trying to "fix" something that virtually no players actually think is "broken".

    On the other hand, rather more people think the Wraith is unbalanced (sure, it's annoying, but I don't think so), but that's a separate issue.
  6. WycliffSlim

    Well... yes, that's true. But still... it's nice of them to do so.

    But yeah, the only reason the Fury could be a problem is because of Wraith.
  7. E-Fuze

    I know a solution, after uncloaking,there should be a 2 delay before you can fire your gun.

    Players cant just uncloak and fire instantly, and the fury remains the same.
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  8. iccle

    ^this is exactly what is needed a cooldown on re-cloaking after firing.
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  9. Mindcrime

    What is wrong with a high risk high reward play style? You do know you can shoot the driver off of the flash right? Or a well placed rocket will send him to the deploy screen.

    Fury is fine.
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  10. Stealth1

    They have yet to say WHY they are implementing this change, which has led to speculation that there is financial and commercial motives behind it to sell the Flash Shotgun and whatever new Sunderer weapons they release.

    If its because of Wraith, which is a logical assumption, it can be balanced by adjusting decloaking - add a fire delay, and a greater visual/audio cue to help player awareness.
  11. fludblud

    The Buzzcut nerf bat stikes again!

    Also I believe that daily sales are chosen at random so that this one with the fury was a rather unfortunate coincidence, however the stream of the dear leader of TE has been shown to influence SOE's decisions in the past and seeing that he has tonnes of vids of him farming the **** out of hundreds of players at a time with the fury+wraith, this is probably why.
  12. Sarmane

    As NottheMomma mentioned, this nerf would harm all variations of the fury across vehicles and that isn't right.

    Developers shouldn't be putting a hard counter on a weapon because a person with skill is attacking people who are IGNORING him sneak up and kill them. They do almost get Buzz a couple times but stopped. They should of waited and dealt with him instead of returning to tunnel vision mode.

    I'm going to say it a few times here but:

    It isn't right to nerf a weapon because the people who are dying to it aren't countering it with weapons or basic tactics, a la prox chat or rallying around the sundy and seeing where the wraith hits next.

    Out of sight, out of mind playing in this game shouldn't be catered too by nerfing someone else's skill with a weapon to attack people from the shadows. (I do see the issue of wraith ATV's having no cert cool down. But whats the point of gaining so many certs and specializing that tool? You cant say to players "gain certs and specialize that tree, but if you do it too much we will have to change a different game value to compensate for what we put in place first".

    Even in that case, the principle of a player who decides to max cert out a tech path with a tool shouldn't bring a universal nerf down on more than what was one issue or even experience a nerf on their choice since it was in the game.

    The Fury is like a shotgun for vehicles, deadly up close (and only viable against infantry, tanks will typically wipe you out before you defeat them) but difficult to use at range. That means vehicles need to get up, close and dirty to score kills OR play it like a stalker, striking from a flank or with a cloak.

    Devs if you have read this post, thank you for making it through the wall-o text and please consider these points before making a move on the state of the Fury.
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  13. Fafnir

    According to other players!? They started ranting about it AFTER the nerf showed up. I've never seen a single person complaining about the Wraith before. It's just the nature of players - they are happy that the nerf bat didn't hit their favourite toys this time.

    The problem is with incompetence of infantry spawning from a Sunderer, who most of the time don't bother dealing with someone attacking them and just run straight into a meatgrinder to a base. Every time I attack a Sunderer of an organized outfit, I get the message: "no fun here, move along" and I go somewhere else. SOE is just adding a crutch to help bad players out.

    Either that or the Renegade wasn't selling very well.
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  14. Perk-i

    Yeah, seriously, leave it alone. If the wraith is really causing that much of a problem nerf the wraith, not the Fury.

    My suggestion would be to just make the Wraith Flash show up on thermal.
  15. Giggily

    There is nothing wrong with an invisible player being able to instantly kill any and all infantry with a single shot immediately after becoming visible. That's just called balance, much like pump shotguns, land mines inside the ground, the OHK UBGL being able to shoot through spawn shields, long range AV projectiles turning invisible, and the Prowler's old ability to shoot faster than mach five while deployed.

    I mean it's just common sense for these features to be in the game. As.a high skill player I feel like I should be able to effortlessly kill anyone I want with no fear of retaliation or danger whatsoever.
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  16. zappy


    another nerf.

    i give up, i will just play infantry
  17. Zaxudih

    Nay, dear brother, tonight we stand up for what is right. Tonight we stand our ground against monetization blatantly working against the joy of the game. TONIGHT WE STAND UNITED FOR THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE!

    And tomorrow
    and the next day
    and the days after that
    until this blight has been eradicated
    from the test server
    and the memories of the player base
  18. Brandmon

    Well we all seen this coming from 100 miles away with all the Wraith-Furies running around. It is first of all being used the most because it is by far the best of all the Flash weapons: it does great damage vs infantry, really effective at the short to medium ranges a Flash expects to engage targets and the target would have no idea where the fire is coming from because of Splash Damage. And infantry cannot do much against a Wraith Flash: it is hard to see it even with Thermal Scopes, it can cloak and decloak in little time and at higher upgrades you can stay cloaked for nearly 100% of the time and simply recharge briefly when you are not being seen.

    They should just remove the weapons from Wraith Flashes altogether; the thing was intended to allow for infiltration anyway, not the easy-mode hit and runs that we are seeing now. And the Fury was meant to be used on Sunderers, thus the flexibility of its use was marginally less and you sacrificed AA capability. In a Flash you have no such concerns.
  19. FrankManic

    Honestly - Making Wraith incompatible with weapons would probably be a good move. As it is the Wraith-Fury Flash is one of the better assault vehicles in the game.

    Simply disallowing weapons on the Wraith would fix that, while still allowing the Wraith to be dangerous as the driver can carry a stealthed passenger with a rocket launcher or C4.
  20. Dragonblood

    Thx to the harasser the wraith is kind of useless now in heavy fights anyway......