Vanu`s Charge Up Pistol

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bolticus, May 1, 2013.

  1. Bolticus

    May I please know why we are getting a charge-up mechanic on a PISTOL. Let`s see what pistols are used for.

    You use a pistol to quickly end a fight when your primary runs out of ammo. So SOE wants me to pull out a secondary in the middle of a firefight, charge it up, and fire it hoping I don`t miss? Pistols are made to be a fast response. We don't want to charge up a goddamn pistol. By the time we do any considerable damage, we'll already be killed by the TR's fully automatic pistol.:mad:

    Please come up with another unique feature for Vanu. This charge-up mechanic is getting annoying. Next thing you know, we're going to have charge-up rocket pods, or tank cannons, maybe even a charge-up shotgun.
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  2. MarthKoopa

    How about some Wave or Spazer effects? Wave to shoot through targets, and Spazer to split the projectile for multi-target damage!
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  3. Ketobor

    I would be OK with a charge-up pistol if it had reasonably substantial AOE and arch. It wouldn't be a great primary weapon, or be useful in the way of most pistols, but it would have strong utility.
  4. WalrusJones


    A charge up shotgun would be pretty OP: Point defense of a semiauto, Oneshotting power of a pump action.

    Albeit, for the Vanu pistol: I have a strong feeling that the charge up shots are going to be EXTREMELY worth while.
    Either being a fraction of a second to charge up, and thus fairly versitile (Think, Basic fire mode=Samuses power beam, Charge fire mode= Plasma beam,)

    Or it will have a charge up shot so powerful that makes the Commisioner look like a panzies gun.

    Or, we get another Acolyte.
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  5. jjruh

    I would be ok with it if it acted like the Halo CE plasma pistol, where you charged it up, and it almost "targeted" enemies arcing to hit them even if you didn't aim right at them.
  6. PaperPlanes

    It needs to be able to hold a charge permanently so that it can be primed. Basically you pull it out, fire the full charge and then continue to fire it with normal shots similar to a Beamer or Manticore.

    Anything less than this and it will be a piece of garbage that nobody uses. At least we have the revolvers...
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  7. WalrusJones

    If its 167 at 400-350 RPM- 334 at 200 RPM, I am going to laugh.

    That would legitimately be excessively useful.
  8. Bolticus

    It's not a matter of how useful it is.
    I just want a unique weapon that does something other than charging up.:p
  9. WalrusJones

    I would like to see a unique faction weapon that isn't a generic military shooter styled weaponry for the TR.
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  10. Van Dax

    Thats fine make thread about it, if you get enough support maybe you can have what you want.
    But this thread is for the charge pistol AKA the thing that will most likely be less used than the beamer.
  11. WalrusJones

    It may see good adoption rate amongst the fourth faction, if you are in luck.

    Regardless. More faction unique weaponry that is... Faction unique....

    Is... A good thing, in all honestly.
  12. FoxGhost

    I also dislike the charge up mechanic in general, never was much of a friend of that. On a pistol however it's even worse, for reasons well described by the OP. And that has to go up against full-auto and shotgun pistols? That's just useless.

    And don't tell me it worked in Halo, so it's gonna work again. That's simply not true, the mechanics of that game were fundamentally different and everybody knows that.
  13. WalrusJones

    I don't think a halo charge pistol would be a good idea in planetside.

    But, if we got an Accolyte styled pistol.... I think most of us would cheer a gun that shoots bouncing, exploding, mothballs of death.
  14. ACE McFACE

    When you say Acolyte do you mean that pistol in Mass Effect? Or am I completely off the mark?
  15. WalrusJones

    The one that was one of the most commonplace weapons in the game, yes.

    It was considered a good enough sidearm to use in a game that explicitly penalizes you for carrying a sidearm, it was fairly unique amongst charge weapons for being fairly rapid fire despite not allowing uncharged shots (Aside form that one anti-missile glitch time period where it was flat out broken,) which actually made it a breath of fresh air....

    Once again, despite being another charge up weapon.
  16. ACE McFACE

    I never really liked it, I guess I just liked my Carnifex Hand Cannon more. Probably because of the name.
  17. Van Dax

    no kidding, does no one remember that that fired homing shots and didn't need to reload and charged (almost) instantly?
  18. WalrusJones


    But the Accolyte had the following traits that were really noticable:
    It bounced on missed shots (Making it very good at attacking enemies in cover.)

    Very high DPS when mastered (The timing on it was difficult to learn.)

    It eliminated shields like nobodies business.

    It took very few direct hits to kill an enemy (Resulting in some of the fastest TTK's in the game for weapons not named Harrier, Pirhana, or Krysae.)

    It was fairly good at handicapping enemies ability to fire at yourself.

    It made very good use of native mechanics to add further utility.

    It could be fired in a full sprint.

    The last three are not viable in PS2, obviously...
    Given little could balance Sprint shooting in PS2, There are very few unique native mechanics to PS2, and handicapping foes ability to return fire is a bad mechanic for a damaging/killing intent weapon.
  19. VinLAURiA

    The idea of a charge weapon is that you charge it up for heavier shots, but you can still fire off weaker shots quickly. I'm glad the VS are getting a charge pistol; I love charge-shot weapons since they're so versatile. I'm sure some of you have played Metroid Prime?
  20. ACE McFACE

    Yeah I did see a lot of people using it very effectively. But ill be fine with the charge up pistol as long as it still lets me use it like a normal pistol to take out enemies if I run out of ammo (maybe a bit weaker than a normal pistol though)