Shotgun thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Grayson, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. CoffeeBreak

    Edit. Realized you were a whiner that argues about everything. There is nothing I can say that will make you see how your entire play style is compensating for a lack of ability. BTW hipfiring is not aiming it's pointing. If you aim with your shotty.... either way have fun trolling.
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  2. randalthorr

    Am I the only one here who has a stupidly difficult time playing with a shotgun. I spent 1000 certs on this crap and can't kill **** unless its standing still. LOL
  3. TomaHawk

    Stick with it. What you're going through is perfectly OK. I've been running around with a shotgun for a long time and I still screw up tons of shots and wind up dead. But there's nothing quite like being in that zone and things fall into place nicely, when you can look behind you and realize the room has been cleared, thanks to you! :)
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  4. randalthorr

    Guess Ill have to get used to playing with it.
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  5. TomaHawk

    I didn't think I had to spell this out for you, but (I suppose) thanks for pointing it out.

    I don't scope with the Uppercut, I hipfire with it. Aim and Trigger have to be lined up or you open the chances up quite a bit dying before your next round.

    I get the hint you aren't having much fun with the game. So I will help you out with that as well. It isn't the shotgun, it isn't other players, either. The problem is you. Take a break, grow up a little, or just realize that this is just a game.

    If you aren't having fun, go play Wizards 101. That may be more to your liking.
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  6. TomaHawk

    There is quite a selection of weapons in the game. Play with what feels most fun. Then working to get good at it will feel less like work.
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  7. nella

    The pump shotguns are the real problem, the other ones are pretty balanced. Can't believe some people are defending these ezmode weapons.
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  8. Grayson

    Like BR matters.....just yesterday i have encoundered a "skilled" VS of course shotgun+irnv high.
    He claimed that he's a pro, and sooo skilled, 2nd in the score list blablabla, i found him in the daily top list or wth, had a 0.95-8 KD and 50-60% of the kills was with a shotgun...nuff said about BR=skill.
    Btw have a BR 50 something character (i don't really care about it) and about an 1.90KD and more than 500hour in the game.
    And i played a lot of FPS games.
  9. randalthorr

    Yeah. I might take up the shotgun after I have tried getting Auraxium medals on other LA weapons, just for the fun of it. For now, jetpack + smg + c4 is all I need for a good fun filled evening. :D
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  10. Pengalor

    They are balanced.
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  11. Pengalor

    Hipfiring isn't aiming? Oh damn, hear that CS Pros?
  12. jiggu

    Can't believe people are actually calling the pumps OP.
    Learn to play, it's easy.
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  13. Grayson

    And you should L2P without a pump.
    They are way far from "balance". Pump actions are to "forgiving" as well, just pop 2 shots without aiming and off you go, doesnt even matter if you miss due the "relatively" high RPM /ROF
  14. nella

    I can play, which is why I don't want pump shotguns in this game.
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  15. VengeanceD

    I've played plenty of FPS games but PS2 is the only one where shotguns are ridiculously stupid.
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  16. ACE McFACE

    Is there a game called Wizards 101? Because I want to see it now.

    Also no PAs aren't overpowered and you do have to aim, and guess what even hipfiring is aiming. I have the phobos and if there is even the slightest chance of some mid-ranged outdoor combat, guess what I go with an LMG or carbine. Now before someone tells me "Most combat is indoors!" ill just say get out of Allutum Bio Lab.
  17. HeyApple666

    I still think that everyone calling Op the pump actions had never played with them. They have a low range so you must sneak behind your enemy (but infiltrators can't use shotguns so it's pretty difficult) or sprint towards them (and you will be an easy, defenceless target), but you can counter this using LA and his jetpack or HA and his shield. But even when you are close, pump actions are high risk weapons, because of their low RoF you have to aim fast and flawlessly to ensure a OHK, and if you miss you're DEAD. Then you have a 5 shot (or 7 with extended mags) clip, so you need to reload often. Where is the OPness?
  18. Sorusi

    Shotguns are still a huge annoyance, anything with a possible TTK lower than 200 milliseconds is just bad game design.
    They are booring to use and they dumb down the combat gameplay. (it is low to begin with allready)

    TTK gap between the average/bad Carbines and the shotguns is just too huge.

    All other weapon users must get multiple headshots to even stand a chance against a shotgun user in CQC battle, where as the shotgun user can just aim for the center mass. (requires alot less precision)

    Shooting at center mass in this game at CQC ranges is trivial for anyone with FPS experience and this combined with not getting ambushed is all a shotgun user has to do in order to guarantee victory in CQC engagements.

    Some weapons require ADS to be able to aim for the head propperly, thus giving that user even more of a disadvantage.

    The disadvantages of the shotguns are easily countered by using a vehicle up to the point where you are in CQC combat and because vehicles are basicly "free of cost" in the current economy, you will never run out of potential "shuttle yourself into CQC" vehicles.

    Also because of how poor accuracy all weapons have at range, combined with damage dropoff, ranged combat is ineffective.

    Not only that, but ranged worthless is infact completely pointless in this game if you play for the objectives, as enemies you kill will be ressed/respawn and you won't be making any progress on the objective untill you get up close in CQC. (this is why i believe most weapons need to be within similar TTK ranges of CQC combat)

    Offtopic: i do however believe the biggest problem right now is the combination of insta kill weapons and the netcode.
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  19. TomaHawk

    Who the **** are you to tell other players what weapons are ok and which aren't? You ought to spend more time worrying about your own terrible play and less time worrying what other people use.
  20. CoffeeBreak

    What are you even going on about? I use shotguns all the time. I don't even care that they're in the game. I only acknowledged that they are annoying and gave a useful way to counter them by using something they will not get 1-2shot.

    Unlike you I don't strive for 1-2 kills before I die. I go for 20-60 kills before I die. I use shotguns when they're the best tool for the job.


    We were starting an attack on Quartz Ridge. The front wall was covered with AA. I dropped out of my scythe, C-4ed the maxes. Two died. Chucked grenades and two more damaged maxes died. Shotgunned the other three damaged maxes. Jetpacked back and worth between the top and mid level killing the rest of the Engi and HA. 90 seconds from the start of my attack all 25 were dead and I was watching the friendly forces arrived.

    Next switched to Crimson Bluff( or whatever it's called). It was being zerged. "B" and "C" were held by the enemy and enemy air was all over the place. Switched to buster max to help clear the air. Switched to dual nebulas and cleared wave after wave of LAs and HAs from the points. 40 kills and 0 deaths later the fight ended. I actually died the first time that session sometime later to an angry TR that made a BR1 VS to teamkill in a spawn room.

    But you like personal attacks to lets look at you. Killboard littered with an ineffective playstyle. Kill, kill, death, kill, death, kill, death. I don't put much stock in the K/D, but you are one of those rare cases where low K/D is pretty accurate as far as displaying a baddie. The majority of your kills are from only cheap weapons(prowler, shotguns, grenades, and mines). So I understand why you attack everyone in these threads. The only way you can even perform on a mediocre level is by using cheap noobie weapons. Keep trying to troll me baddie lol. I do just fine at this game.

    PS: pointing the center of your screen at a target 1-2 meters in front of you is not aiming, it's just filling the screen with your enemy so you can't miss.