Only care about K/D than the guy not to play a planet 2!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by shoolgate, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. shoolgate

    Squat down B or cheat in its K/D than what planets at the expense of his honor and victory on the battlefield play marginal 2 to go home to play single himself rebirth break to you open door into the enemy on the squat I I break smoke nor repair result to break their being plane brush head also don't know a AAMAX air defense
    Commander gave you coordinates results brush a head there motionless I fine a collective war game was the only care about the k/D ratio of guy ruined!!
  2. PeanutMF

    I agree whole heartedly.

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  3. Phazaar

    An eloquently worded point, good sir.
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  4. PeanutMF

    I'm handing out free babelfish for anyone who needs them for this post.
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  5. Vilhelm

    Today's garbage, brought to you by Google translate, and the letter ü.
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  6. The King

    I agree, those lame dudes hiding in the shield just for their KDR or those pilots talking shiz thinking they're all badasses with their higher than normal KDR... lol (not saying that flying and having a high KDR is bad, just that, you really cannot compare G2G KDR with A2G KDR)
    Also, it makes you more cautious and prevent you from doing fun stupid stuff.......
  7. DemoniWaari

    I'm trying to decypher this, but my dumb-to-english translator seems to just give me smoke signals.
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  8. Ssidistik

    I am sorry I tried and tried and tried and tried....................................

    Still haven't gotten a clue what this post is about besides that, he no speakie engrish.
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  9. Shinrah

  10. pulse

  11. Marinealver

    sorry but the additional feature of a leaderboard means Planetside 2 puts more emphasis on K/D then its predecessor.
  12. seamus2008

    English version?
  13. maxkeiser

    If that's how they enjoy playing then let them play that way. Find a new squad/platoon.

    Everyone enjoys something different about the game and has a different play style. I make not like snipers but I don't complain about them sitting on a hillside all day waiting for my head to pop into view.

    Just enjoy the game in your own way.
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  14. Sinoby

  15. PS2Freak

  16. }{ellKnight

    Great... now my head hurts.
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  17. TheBusinessMan

  18. K3STR3L

    The sad part is that I am finding this thread one of the better ones on this forum :(
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  19. Finestyle

    This thread is a win of epic proportions.
  20. PurpleOtter