HA should choose better AI OR AV not both...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ghosy01, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Taemien

    I don't see what the big deal is. I'd say my Medic is more effective at killing tanks than it is infantry with dual C4. In fact I'd say in some situations its better than my HA with a Pheonix. Note I did say SOME, not ALL.
  2. WalrusJones

    .... Only infiltrators lack C4.
  3. ent|ty

  4. Ghosy01

    im making a new thread for all the grammar ***** i was creating this from my mobile phone stop bashing for no reason internet warriors new thread should be up in a couple of minutes
  5. Profileiche

    Just increase ARM_DISTANCE to 3 or 5 ... end of CQC Rocket Launchers and no problem in medium range use or AV.
  6. huller

    I need this shield to survive those three HE blasts (combined with flak 4) to have the time to reload my decimator and destroy him. The launcher justifies the shield, if it didn't have this people would complain "HA is OP in 1V1 infantry fights, why does it need a shield?". A change as you suggest would be pointless, stupid and only serves to promote the shield's use against infantry.
  7. gavinbrindstar

    I can see what the OP is saying here, and it's something I've also been saying. In Battlefields 2 and 2142 and in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, the anti-vehicle classes had weak anti-infantry weapons. If the rocket launcher were to take up the primary weapon slot this would cut down on the amount of rocket launchers on the field, encourage greater thought on loadout selection, require support from other classes whether you decide to go AI or AV, and encourage greater team play and coordination. I think it's okay to have a class that can combat both vehicles and infantry effectively, I just don't think it should be able to do both at the same time.
  8. FatSheriff

    I can see your point of view but wouldn't Hoover spamming ESF's and tanks just end up farming infantry all day again? Rite now ESF'S and tanks can get a pretty good score per hour and kills but they can't fight a force much bigger than there own is this not balanced? I'd say that maybe lock ons are are just a bad concept for a game but you would need to remove ESF'S ability to hoover and make the more like jets than attack helicopters.
  9. Zitroxious

    then dont create stupid threads from your mobile phone..
  10. gavinbrindstar

    If there were too many vehicles to deal with, then the HAs could all pull rocket launchers, leaving them vulnerable to infantry. THis encourages true combined-arms attacks. Honestly, I'd love for the Heavy Assault to be split up into two classes. One class would have the rocket launcher and AV potential the class has now, and the other would be able to equip pretty much every infantry weapon except sniper rifles, giving it the AI power the class currently has.
  11. siddar

    HA already have to give up Flak or Nano armor in order to carry up to three extra rockets.

    No reason they should have to give up shields in order to perform one of there classes defining functions.

    May as well make engineers give up repar tool, medic give up heal tool, and lite assault give up jump jets in order to use C4 if you want to make HA choose between shield and rockets.