What are these factions fighting for? and who are the good guys?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Derp., Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Makora

    This war has completely polarized. Any option or chance of peace by mutual agreement is impossible. Even if the leaders wanted it, even announced it. It'd only take one man, one spark to light it all ablaze and start this war anew.

    For war does not determine who's right. Only, who's left.
  2. Zorro

    I actually wrote an article about the three factions. From the designers' perspective, there are no "good" or "bad" guys. Just as in real life, the righteousness of one's cause and the evilness of the enemy depends on one's political beliefs. The politics of the three empires are so designed as to attract the maximum number of players. Here is a quick summary:

    VS: Technocratic, monarchist, traditionalist (almost theocratic), distributist.
    TR: Democratic (to an extent), militarist, authoritarian, socialist.
    NC: Anarchist, corporatist, liberal, capitalist.
  3. Kastrenzo

    And VS will kill everyone that did not help them if they win, civilians included
  4. Backf1re

    NC: Freedom
    TR: World domination
    VS: Batteries
  5. Fned

    The TR are the North.
    The NC are the South.
    The VS are the Native Americans...

    (at least this is how it feels on Connery)
  6. Strottinglemon

    I'd say the TR are more traditionalistic. I wouldn't call lasers and hover tanks traditional.

    Any source on that? As a Vanu soldier, I can say that I don't really care if someone doesn't want to join us, I only ask that they stay out of my way. It look like you're eating up all that TR propaganda they're forcing down your throat.
  7. Zorro

    I was referring to values. The VS want to improve humanity but, being the most religious faction, wish to return to a previous, more perfect state of society enhanced with advanced technology. The TR only wants to control all of humanity and unite with earth. However, perspectives can vary.
  8. Aztecoatl

    The Terran Republic is nothing close to USSR or **** Germany like some people say >_>

    It represent best the British Empire . Trying to maintain all colonies with force if necessary .

    Also NC & VS rebels DO NOT forget that WE are the only official representatives from home planet Earth . And if it takes 100 or even 500 years to establish communication back home , do not start crying when hundreds of Republican Battleships start appearing in the system ;)
  9. Alarox

    Everyone feels they are fighting for the "good" cause.

    In reality, I believe the NC are the good guys though. Some people will say the TR are.

    No rational person thinks the VS are though.
  10. Kastrenzo

    Uh, I play on VS just as much as I play on TR. thanks
  11. Outreach

    you clearly don't know jack about the VS lore then. Especially if you think they just kill people for the hell of it. Meanwhile there are actual canon events of TR slaughtering innocent civilians.
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  12. Kastrenzo

    There is no such thing as innocence. Only levels of guilt.

    Either way my point stands. No one is good, every faction has legitimate causes, and every faction is flawed. The VS's flaw is the very thing they stand for, which can be seen by some as a Perversion of Humanity with Alien Technology.
  13. treisinegomoh

    No need for excuses - i was not that serious.

    Anyway, thanks for the info. I was not aware if these facts. I wonder if that's also the reason why VS does have a population/reputation problem.

    Out of curiosity, would you say VS is a kind of religion then? Because in my opinion there is a difference between venerating and worshiping ...
  14. Strottinglemon

    That isn't a flaw. We're improving ourselves. Races evolve, be it through natural selection or science.

    Oh look, someone else who had no idea what sort of situation he's in. We've been on Auraxis for a great many years. Right now the Terran republic represents its Earth counterpart in name only. Seriously, says right here in the lore.

    "Meanwhile, the autocratic Terran Republic—now resembling the transparent democracy of Earth in name only—failed to rescind the curfews they had claimed would be only temporary aboard the fleet."

    We have absolutely zero idea where we are in the universe relative to Earth. We don't recognize any stars or constellations or anything. We could be on the other side of the galaxy or the other side of the universe, there is no way of knowing even in which direction to send a signal.
  15. Sabreur

    It's all about fashion. TR are rocking the complimentary Red/Black color scheme, NC are all about straight lines and hard corners, while the VS are performing dangerous transhumanist spandex experiments.
  16. Heero

    Nanite Systems are the good guys... they build bridges
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  17. felfox

    The way the game is made is to have each faction have good and bad traits so that the players will freely attach themselves to a cause. Each faction believes themselves in the right and each opposing faction views them in the wrong.

    TR: TR started as good guys that wanted nothing more than peace and stability. They represent a long time existing government and were there to maintain security and order. When push came to shove though they reacted heavily and tried to squash out terrorism and anarchists that threatened everyone's lives. They became untrusting of the people they swore to protect and instigated extreme measures. When the dust settled they failed to remove the curfews and laws out of fear that chaos would begin again without their guidance.

    They want peace but no longer trust their own people.

    NC: NC definitely started out as bad guys. They abused a dangerous situation for their own greed and pleasure. Backed by corporations that controlled everything, they attempted to push the TR into allowing them extreme personal freedoms at the cost of the many. When TR didn't back down though it fueled the propaganda of the NC and more and more civilians joined thier cause, believing they are fighting oppression.

    They were terrorists and lapdogs but are now mostly fighting against a tyranny they themselves caused.

    VS: The VS were never one for war, instead focusing on ancient tech and the betterment of mankind. When war broke out, the TR began to confiscate and dictate what could be used and who got it. Believing everyone should be allowed to prosper from their advancement, the VS fled to the NC who proceeded to open fire on them on the grounds that they belived the VS were freaks. With no one to turn to, the VS became its own faction and as the war progressed, looked to their alien tech for guidance. Believing it was divin intervention, they agreed that war could only end when humanity rose above its barbaric and hypocratic ways.

    The VS belive in utopia but hatred and racism has led them to conclude people need to be shown the error of their ways.

    In the end, all factions are guilty of something and will never accept one another until the other is dead.
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  18. Leonard DeVir

    As people have stated, there are no "good guys" anymore, every "faction" is just a twisted shadow of their former self, feeding their followers the propaganda they want to hear. Sooner or later every war party will cross the moral event horizon, making their claims of killing for the benefit of all riddiculous.

    That said, Im leaving this famous piece here, its frightenly accurate for PS 2 too.
  19. FatherVanu

    TR= space communists

    NC= Company bloodhounds

    VS= space drag queens
  20. smokemaker

    What are these factions fighting for? and who are the good guys?

    Do not know.
    Do not care.
    I am in it for the digital murder.