Wow, this is why you don't call hacks immediately

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ViXeN, Apr 19, 2013.

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  1. RobotNinja

    I'm just saying PS2's ban team to say..."sucks" nicely? Inefficient. Yeah, that's it.

    The devs have claimed they have this super sophisticated automatic cheat detection algorithm and yet it's banned people who weren't hacking and it constantly ignores people who are ragehacking. Literally, aimbotters/movehackers can have a field day flying through the air, teleporting and the game can't even figure it out. You would think the game would know that a player can't automatically jump or teleport hundreds of meters away and fly through the air...without a plane.
  2. Sea of Ink

    Congrats, dude. You're a mean shot.
  3. MurderBunneh

  4. McDonaldsMaster

    Here it is.

    (Also posted it here: )

    Check out those moves. See how I juke the bullets and even the soldiers? That takes skill.
    Not just that, but my path decision and my timing on activating or deactivating my cloak.
    Like I said, hacks can't tell you how to move your WASD or when to activate your cloak.
    So those skills should give extra credibility that my marksmanship is legitimate as well.
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  5. MurderBunneh

    No but having less to worry about IE: NOT AIMING lets you concentrate on the other aspects of the game more if you were cheating. And if I was to make a judgment based on my gut from your posts and your video I would have to say you are.

    So I went ahead and rang you up a report just to make sure you get some attention.
  6. McDonaldsMaster

    dat gut
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  7. Chessmen12345


  8. almagester


    Just ignore this thread, man. They're just mad because they can't L2P.
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  9. Laraso

    Not hacks at all. You can see the legs through the bushes.
  10. xXSmokeXx

    I for one find it hard to believe a cheater would post a lot of youtube videos showing off their skill, especially since a lot of those shots look impossible to make.

    However. There is a guy who can slice a BB gun pellet shot at him with a katana. In half. Nobody knows how he does it, you can't even see the thing unless you film it with a slow motion camera. He just knows when and how to swing. So some people have a knack on timing required to pull off something like that.

    99.99% of others use aimbots, but again, would they brag about it? Dunno. I tend not to worry about it too much since I don't often see something like that and it has yet to ruin my gameplay.
  11. Chessmen12345

    it's the one after- the one where he 1 hit kills a invisible infil 300 m away
  12. shackers

    Its true most people you think are hackers aren't
    I mean just check out this guy, turn out hes a world class ice skater


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  13. Rudette

    Infiltrators have this stigma I think >.>

    I am a mediocre player at best. I play for fun. Only ever accused of hacking when I play infiltrator. This last time it wasn't even for anything special.. I got a lucky headshot on some guy going up one of the beamy elevator things. Then I flanked some phoenix users and farmed them.

    ...Stationary targets. ... they really think It takes an aimbot to hit a stationary target?

    And it's usually the NC Fun Police that blast my tellbox with hate. They know when you're having fun. They are waiting. Watching. Primarily the reason why I usually run with general and /yell untabbed! At least Vixen is vanu. She may be a filthy heretic, but at least she isn't some NC scumbag. I can find common ground on mutual NC hate ;p

    Joking mostly. I'm pretty sure each faction has it's bad eggs and whiners who make the rest of us look bad. I know I've gotten an earful on platoon chat myself.
  14. Goretzu

    You are, seen nearly 3 dozen hackers so far of the sort that fight and destroy entire zergs solo, 100% accuracy, infinate ammo, either flying or under the ground (and can shoot through it) killing 100's of players in 60 seconds - utterly unstoppable.
  15. Czuuk

    Oh hai! Also, the guy on my gun is not a hacker. But according to customer support after his recent vacation, "Whoa, you get a lot of reports."

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  16. MurderBunneh

    Well you find it hard to believe but I find it fitting. Guys that like to cheat and are not trolls do it for recognition most of the time.

    As far as cheaters posting videos then getting caught it happened here like 6 weeks ago.

    I guess you missed Snowman getting busted. He had no visible cheats on screen either doing it from a Lib so videos don't prove anything.
  17. Czuuk

    We see something just about every day. From speed hackz, to crazy legs teleporty feet, aimbots, platoon hacks, you name it. But I guess that happens when the platoon is up 24 hours a day or so.
  18. Czuuk

    Snowman had highly visible cheats on his screen and he was busted because HE posted them on the intertubez. ;)
  19. Goretzu

    Yeah there's a LOT of hack script users out there (and an awful lot more clever and subtle hack users than the ones I'm talking about), of course that doesn't mean every good play is using one by any means, but then equally the existance of good players doesn't mean no one is hacking either. :)
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  20. McDonaldsMaster

    5:10, i was able to see his "predator outline", it's very hard to see it on Youtube even with HD/full screen, I still have the crisp original .avi file, though.

    Think he was talking about the long ranged, infiltrator who was stealthed for 3 seconds and got headshotted with a silenced rifle while he was running.

    Okay dudes and dudettes. I'm really interested in playing at those live events, seems exciting, and I get to prove you doubters wrong! XD

    Any one know how I can join those events?
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