How it will feel to fight the NC in a distant future..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nyscha, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. Nyscha

    In the future Higby is Skynet.

    But in his name it will be "HigbyNET"
  2. Prodigal

    Thank you for saying this, I love you.
  3. TintaBux

    Miller tr have the best, then its nc and vs, often nc 2% ahead of vs, but later and earlier vs can go ahead.
  4. Devrailis

    There needs to be a macro that spams that message in yell everytime I fire my Hacksaws. :cool:
  5. khai

    I want a macro that says any of the following when I kill someone.

    • Up x 1
  6. Reventine

    Waterson was odd last night normally at around 1 am GMT the TR are outnumbered from anywhere from 5-10% yet not only did the TR outnumber the NC and VS by 1-2% but the VS almost had 30% population. Either it was because of it being a Saturday or the 4th faction is weighting its options for the Wednesday rotation.
  7. Helljump3r

    God I love Sarge, he's my second favorite character as you just can't beat caboose imo
  8. LordMondando

    They need to replace one of the planets with higby's face and have his eyes fire that image out across the sky every five or ten minutes.

    I'm undecided on the last bit, every five minutes might be too much.
  9. MaelstromSOB

    lol and yet he doesnt post the landslide of new vs with remarkably powerful newb weapons that seem to with there zero bullet drop shredd nc .............sorry nice try but we been losing most of the fights lately and you post the 1 we win....lame.

    there seems to be quite a few low level haks vs today......reported 20 already
  10. S0LAR15

    On Cobalt, the NC are little more than a Zerg faction swamping alerts and running around like lemmings. They also ***** themselves out to the TR in an casual alliance, that thankfully rubs more derp off on the TR than actual benefit, and earns them the moniker "TR lapdogs".

    They have the highest pop as well, and really I don't know what they do with it, we VS have anywhere between 5 - 10 less pop than the NC on cobalt (depending on time) and maybe 2 - 5 % less than the TR. We fight them both more than they fight each other by a large margin, and we still end up locking more continents for longer. The NC are like Mordor orcs, numerous and scummy, once you learn to vanquish them you'll pity them more than fear them.

    (It's a regular thing to see NC and TR ESFs fighting together. If you're fighting the Tr in the north east, and the NC in the south west, you'll still find Reavers in the air vs the TR, and vice versa.)

    It's also only recently that the NC has realised what the meta game is, in reference to neutralising continents, they still regularly forget. Instead of pushing, say the TR who have a continent lock, and have only 3/4 territories left they will push right into our flank and stop us from neutralising the TR bonus. ******* idiots, this used to happen a lot back in Nov, Dec, and Jan. recently though, through gratuitous yelling we've made them realise the benefits of neutralising their TR buddies continent locks as opposed to zerging in a straight line to our warp gate.
  11. MiZrY

    Your Vanu propaganda used to tempt us humans with the promise of being immortal through modification is disgusting. Your cybernetic implants will not be forced on my body!

    I will live forever..... through the stories my grand children will tell their children of the sacrifice I made to defeat the horde of purple scum that say my children and I are inferior beings for not bowing down to their freakish aliens ways.

    You do not understand this alien technology you posses. You wield it like a child who just discovered candy. Your alien gods are long gone. Seems their tech did not help them, what makes you think it will do humanity any good?

    You seek to destroy humanity.... we will not let this happen.

    It is ironic that you compare NC to this...

    That is what you will turn humanity into.... mindless machines

    There can be only one.....
  12. Klondik3

    Wrong. If NC was ever to get such weapons then actual battle would play out on forums. Imagine a hundreds of keyboard jockeys in one basement furiously typing 'nerf NC petitions'. THAT is the TR/VS 'resistance'.

    edit: actually it is shown in the video. Start from 1:32 to see a glimpse of the 'nerfbrigade' in action...