Notable NC Outfits on Waterson?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan 117, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Spartan 117

    Currently I feel there is little/no organization amongst the NC on Waterson. Is there any form of leadership or cohesion between New Conglomerate outfits? I'm aware of the existence of DVS, however my interactions have been less than stellar with this outfit (Was asked to be gunner in one of their libs, only to have vehicle locked & be dropped to my death, run over multiple times, shot in head while on capping point when 0 enemies in area etc).

    What other leadership exists? Despite the Vanu having roughly 1/2 our population they accomplish almost twice as much as we do on a daily basis. I am always amazed at how coordinated/tactical they are. Does the New Conglomerate have any sort of alliances between outfits?
  2. Spartan 117

    This is a problem. I'd like the VS/TR from Waterson to share their perspective. Does it feel like there is any organization amongst the NC or just a massive zerg when populations are relatively evenly distributed?
  3. Total_Overkill

    If i was to refer to it in Starcraft terms...
    What we have here, is a 3way FFA match between 2 gold level Zergs, and a Masters level Protoss...
  4. EViLMinD

    I'm a DVS officer. If you've been unfairly treated by one of our members, please give me their names and I will follow up on it. DVS is the largest NC outfit on the server, so we're bound to have some creeps. I'll purge anyone who intentionally TKs another blue without just cause. I hate people who do stuff like that in mp games. Believe me. I can be a mean sob when dealing with griefers, trolls or careless idiots.

    The NC clan TFPR are terrible for griefing. I got into a nasty feud with them after I caught their leader, Goatsack, mining up a point and killing all the blues in range. I told him off and then he and his buddies started TKing me. Now they blow up my vehicles, shoot me in the back or gang up on me at a spawn. Real heroes, eh. So... to get even I hunt down their AMSs and blow 'em up. I make sure I do it in situation that will really wreck their ops, too. Hey, I don't want to have to do such things to other blues... but... payback must be dealt. I say... do as the wise old emperor said, "Give in to you anger"

    Seriously, don't take any crap from jerks. However, if you're too civil to deal with griefers the way I do, just ask to speak with a DVS officer. Our leaders won't be jerks about a legitimate complaint. We want other blues to enjoy playing with us (as long as they aren't d-bags).
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  5. Kosetzu

    Well you have DREV, which I seem to fight a lot more than DVS lately, and it's probably the same "group" that made VREV for the Vanu. I agree that the most efficient faction on Waterson is by far the Vanu, and I think it would be a lot more fun if people actually thought about defending as well as attacking (I see lots of zergs and platoons loose a base they capped not 5 minutes ago).

    Teamkilling is a problem no matter where you go, and it's not only certain outfits. It's certain individuals inside the outfits, making them look bad...As an ODAM member I find myself getting teamkilled just for the outfit I'm with, even though the only teamkills I have are accidental or people running in front of my guns or vehicle. I always toss out a sorry voice command or whisper them, but some people goes on a crusade to teamkill back no matter what, and often keep doing it. The increase in cross-faction teamkillers have increased a lot as well, when there is a siege someone hops over to their alt to teamkill and let their real faction through to capture. This probably goes for all factions, but as a TR player I don't know how much this affects the VS or NC currently.

    ODAM currently have a website with a subforum to report abusive members for everyone at if anyone feels wronged by a member, and we will try our best to look into the action(s).
  6. InvalidCast

    Nope. Not the same people. VREV started on Jaeger from 2EZ (which I think is dead now) members who wanted to be more organized.

    As for the topic...err I don't know. I would say DVS and EZC are problems mainly due to sheer numbers. Seems like the main strategy NC uses is to watch for any signs of attack on bio labs or tech plants and then mass deploy there.
  7. DashRendar

    That kind of thing doesn't fly in DVS. Either you are lying (I don't recognize your handle), or you actually had a bad time and I assure you that's not representative of DVS. I've seen a handful of people insta-kicked from the outfit for that kind of thing, there's no negotiation for unneeded or unapproved teamkilling. We're tightening down on our recruitment methods to weed out people like that before they even get in.
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  8. TheHalo1Pistol

  9. vaxx

    As a VS on Waterson its hard not to see NC/TR as just a blob of a zerg. VS does accomplish a lot with a little population. That is because we kind of have to compete. VS has a strong outfit community that work together rather well. The only purposeful TKing I have seen from VS is obvious NC/TR alts that got frustrated trying to dislodge us from an area, and logged into their low BR VS alts to TK. Happens quite a bit.

    With a higher population you will have more jerks, its just simple percentages. I have an NC on Waterson that I rarely play anymore but never had issues with TKing.

    The issues I always had with NC outfits was amass a huge force....then attack a small outpost with "enemies detected", and move to the next. Then, if there is an equal size force or greater, its time to fall back until the NC have double the numbers as the oppositions , then attack again. Basic attrition warfare. This happens a lot.

    Now there are some fine smaller non-zergy like NC outfits that are good, but always end up basically meshing with the zerg, because they are fighting in the same area. Kind of hard to avoid I assume.

    Since I don't have a TR on Waterson, I can only say what I see from a VS/NC standpoint. They are not as organized as VS or NC, but don't back down from a fight, no matter what the numbers. Which is good for VS/NC in a sense, because they can be farmed, for a long time before they finally overrun you. They are also very zergy as well though. Will spam Lib/Mossie/Prowler, and shotguns, against a small force, because they need every advantage they can get. No matter how many AMS's, air, or armor you blow up, they will keep coming.

    Same with NC, there are smaller, good groups in TR, but they are rare to find in the sea of zergs.

    Not trying to insult any outfits or factions, just stating what it looks like from my perspective.
  10. Ghosty11

    Go Vanu. Join our collective Hive Mind. We are the true Master Race of Waterson.

    Move along nothing to see here.

    Seriously, check out PHX they seem like a better well organized bunch on the NC side.
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  11. EViLMinD

    I agree that the VS have superior coordination. They typically do quite well with the pops they have.

    Like the NC, the TR has a couple outfits that do quite well. Yet, both factions seem to be about the same in terms of overall coordination.

    NC outfits do not work together as often, or as well, as they could. Outside of DREV, I can't think of another blue group that is big enough to mention.

    Lately, my outfit members have been noticing that both TR and VS have been focusing more on NC; especially, on Indar during events. So, though we may be a mindless zerg (for the most), we're obviously enough of a threat that our rivals feel the need to give us special attention ;)
  12. TheFencer0

    This has to be my biggest lament about the NC on Waterson -- We often rival the numbers of the TR, but are often unable to best them (case in point, they are often holding a two continent cap). We have good leadership within our own outfits, but inter-outfit relations can (and often do) quickly become toxic over team killing or perceived slights. It was a problem on Jaeger that, sadly, has bled over with the merger into Waterson. Clearly, we outfit leaders on Waterson need to come to a better understanding with each-other, and coordinate our communication, strategy, and resource allocation. For those of us in the know about existing resources that are being under-utilized (Mac1, I think you know what I am referring to), we need to work with what we currently have to improve inter-outfit communication and cooperation.
  13. Shanther

    To be fair, I have on countless occasions seen BlackBird TKing people on purpose. He's gotten better about it lately, but he used to shoot people for being 'dumb' and even blow up tanks and sundys for being in 'dumb' locations and not doing anything.
  14. Mythicrose12

    From a VS perspective, it seems more like NC/TR ganging up on us. I'm sure TR see those events as NC/VS ganging up on them. VS typically are trying to fight NC from moving past Hvar and TR from Zurvan during Indar events. There's certainly no TR/VS alliance....ever.
  15. Metal Insomniac

    We have worked together with PHX, and they were coordinated as well as cooperative. I've seen a minimal amount of griefing or plain stupidity from their part. As many others have been saying, the bigger the outfit, the more idiots there will be.
  16. ViXeN

    Yes, you should have joined Vanu if you want to be part of an organized faction.
  17. GrantonStar

    You are welcome to come join us in the Mad Tea Party - H4TZ on Waterson. Honestly, we mostly do our own thing - a few of us have command chat, I cant speak for the rest of the outfit but generally mine is muted....a lot.

    As for DVS - I believe the thread that highlighted this was locked on your forums. Still a member?

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  18. Czuuk

    DVS, DREV, good chaps. That said when we're playing red we only shoot at purple and sometimes DVS. When we're playing red, we only shoot at purple and sometimes DVS. When we're playing blue, we shoot at errybody. And DVS.

    By the by gents. In case you were still wondering. It seems we have finally managed to collect enough certifications to procure this supposed "command channel".

    By popular demand. ;)
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  19. ARCStormtrooper

    We at PHX have some pretty good leaders who are quick to boot jerks from the outfit. We think we are the second largest outfit on Waterson with more than 1500 registered players. So I don't entirely agree with your bigger outfit comment. It's about the leadership and if you make it to weekend practice, you can obtain a rank and get a voice in kicking idiots.

    Whenever I play, we usually have enough for 2 platoons where we split and each set out to gate one of the other factions. And we zerg, but we get into massive battles. We definitely do not steam roll everyone on Waterson even with our numbers. In other words, the TR and VS fight back quite fiercely.
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  20. CletusMcGuilly

    There's lots of NC outfits on Waterson, they just mostly hate each other.
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