Changed Faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BlueyTheWolf, Apr 7, 2013.

  1. BlueyTheWolf

    After playing so much TR , i have came to realise TR have no future.Every bit of money spend on TR weapons which are practicly junk is a waste.

    I almost bought all the TR weapons but never ending constant nerfs to this faction ,just took the fun of the game and worse thing for a game is feeling of desperation.

    Prowler never needed buff or nerf all the players asked was a smaller frame to dodge enemy rockets.Instead of chaning this small detail *graphical* Devs choose to mess up with balancing.Right now what Terrans have as a tank is an easy to kill whale with messed up aimming.

    Mosquito's main armaments got additional bullets in magazine but kept their dmg same, this means you have shoot 50 rounds to do damage of 40 rounds of old.It maybe looks small difference but in air it makes a huge difference.Rocket pods of mossie everyone knows does least amount for per missle.You need to land them on to kill an enemy tank.

    Tr weapons were fine when render distance was an issue cause enemy used to have to came close to you to see and shot you and all terran weapons shine in cqc but at the moment they suffer immensely from ranged combat.People started to use battlerifles and semi automatics for just to get a glimps of range ability.Too high levels of bullet spread and least amount of damage only works upto 25 meters.If you have dissiplined fire tmg50 might be on par with other factions' guns but not much.

    Lets not even talk about Terran dild0 trap I mean claymore.Completely broken, double inferiour and useless.

    These were the major issues I saw in Terran faction.I tried to and wanted to stay but meh...
    All my friends were in TR thats why I joined it but they dont play often anymore.

    Reasons why I changed faction
    I wanted to rewarded for my accuracy, I dont want the game telling me *Aim all you want bro* with massive bullet spread.
    I wanted versitale and different weapons.I like collecting medals for weapons but in TR guns and carbines almost same.Tmg50 and TAR only unique guns in entire arsenal.
    I wanted to have more options for laying traps, utilizing tactics and weapons suited for those.
    Better vehicles and better color scheme.

    So I joined NC
    but I got something to say for NC players on the forums.
    NC is best faction thus far among 3 factions, its definitly not the hardest faction,vehicles have no problems what so ever, phonix was op now a little more optimized.NC weapons are beast and Scatmax have no weakneses xD
    Less whining more fighting.

    I had to type this real fast so ignore grammar errors and such.
    I just made this thread to answer NC whinners within forum and yes Im not trolling I really joined to NC cause they seem to suit my play style atleast I can shoot what Im aiming for.
  2. WetPatch

    Noticed you didn't pick VS.
    • Up x 6
  3. HadesR

    • Up x 13
  4. RobotNinja

    You could just as easily replace that statement with VS or NC. It has become apparent that SOE's cash shop strategy involves a simple 4 step process:

    1. Release shiny new cash shop weapon with better stats than the gun you have already
    2. Sit back until everyone has ponied up station cash to buy it
    3. Nerf it. NERF THE **** OUT OF IT so it's basically about as useful as the player's original gun...or less!
    4. Repeat as necessary.

    It's typically known as the "Carrot on a String" technique but in this case the "up yours paying customers" might be more accurate.
    • Up x 5
  5. HellasVagabond

    Oh another player who thinks that the OP prowler is worse than the UP vanguard...........Funny really :)
  6. BlueyTheWolf

    Thats right bro, I dont like latex
  7. BlueyTheWolf

    Statistics and practical uses are different matters.
    Every single **** soldier killed 5.7 Allied soldiers in WW2.They had better planes almost half of the war and German tanks were unriviled.They lost the war didnt they.

    Stats are only value on paper.Nothing can defeat a well organised teamwork regardless of guns which TR proved so often but I rather wanna have some personal glory rather than team efford in ps2 cause ps2 favors personal glory among player base.
  8. LordMondando


    Actual stats are in. The debate is over.

    What you, or I. Or anyone else perceives is irrelevant.

    I'll take a half decent statistical analysis of how thousands of people have been playing, over literally anything else.

    Because: science.
  9. HadesR

    About 18 million German Troops used during WW2 .. At a 5.7 KR would mean they killed 102600000 allied troops


    Stat's are only useful if not made up
    • Up x 3
  10. Sledgecrushr

    TR is easy mode. I guess op is looking for more of a challenge.
  11. Zenith

    It's not really latex, more like a nano-suit if you look closely. But I guess Space Cowboys are all the rage these days.

    No idea why he want to NC then.
  12. xGreedFuSioN

    VS would be the best choice for you. be heavy assault, buy some composite armor, the spandex is barely visible. buy some camos, the purple will fade.
    I'm BR28 on my VS, He's pretty buffed up. unlocked a bunch of stuff on double xp/sc, so I have alot of things to toy with. hate shooting lazors/the bolt animation for the snipers tho, so when sniping I play TR/occasional other classes when my squad needs it. vs LMG's are amazing for cqc. not as easy at long range as NC, but damn does that orion shine. the pulsar LSW will seemingly instakill everyone up to like 80m. prettty simple recoil. alot of the carbines are kinda garb tho, and the magrider is nothing special, it can only strafe slightly faster than infantry can move. and its the slowest overall mbt at somethin stupid slow like 46kph or something. (don't quote me on that)

    IMHO the carv is still amazing, you just cant full auto people at 100 meters anymore. just buy the 1x reflex and use it in cqc/occasional 3 shot bursts at medium/longisht and you'll be fine.

    NC get the poopiest default stuff (other than the boss saw ofc) and have some really amazing things to unlock (reaver is secretly really good once upgraded)

    overall, the factions are *almost* balanced. removed the very last tier of damage drop off VS get (there is a 3rd stage on most items that bring them down to like 100dmg/shot) give NC ever so slightly tighter CoF and a little bit more recoil. give TR some more ADS movement multipliers and maybe slightly tighter CoF.
    just from my personal experience.
    I would have picked NC from the start but the sound of their guns sound like someone asthmatic blowing through a metal tube.
  13. RD1349

    You obviously neglected to mention the size of the Vanguard and the fact that the NC have the highest recoil and the lowest hipfire honestly I prefer to play NC just for the fun even with a KD of 0.30/1, but when I play TR it results in 30+ kill streaks so really...
  14. Pemtaphalon

    Can all the 4th factioners on the NC look else ware? no offense but NC are becoming over populated and that's what creates an OP/OP faction, I started as VS, I went to NC early on because they were the worst at the time and the game was more fun when you aren't stomping all over, then the mag nerf and warpgate rotation made the VS population shrink to ridiculous levels (on Ceres at least) TR won the popularity contest (UES) and so the only logical place for those not wanting to seem like the EZ mode faction came to NC

    It was almost perfect, just before they brought out the ESL's, but now everyone sems to be flocking to NC, so devs start nerfing NC and no doubt these 4th factioners will move to TR since they have tried the others, but please, think about what you are doing first, join the lowest pop faction, they need some love, I'd go back but I've spent a lot of SC on my NC stuff and really don't wanna spend more
  15. Zenith

    NC is obviously the go-to faction, for some reason. It then becomes a domino effect.
  16. HadesR

    Think that's something we can all agree on .. Population imbalances are the problem and not weapons per se
  17. Dubious

    When saying an empire is overpopulated its a good idea to also write down the server name
    NC is currently and always have been the least played Empire on Miller
  18. Zenith

    Easily fixed though, if the devs actually cared enough to do so. Increased bonuses for low pop factions, and increased spawn timers for over-pop factions. Problem solved, no need for faction hopping, and everyone's happy.
  19. Peter Daniel

    It's a ripoff and a scam see a wepon nerfed some days after paying real money for it.

  20. Pemtaphalon

    As I understand it in testing the VS were the least populated faction, so they gave them some big buffs, NC was most popular so they gave big nerfs, I guess it works like this:
    here is a choice of 2 cars, a Reliant Robin or a Zonda...hmm, well lots of people prefer the Zonda, tell you what, make the Robin faster then the Zonda....oh no, now more people like the Robin...make the Robin slower then the Zonda...darn, now the (etc...etc...)