Alerts: NC had 80% and lost to TR???!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bill Hicks, Apr 4, 2013.

  1. Bill Hicks

    I was wrong. you are just like EA. every new weapon and camo you create, you bring out more severe bugs which you dont fix. I spent 2 hours dominating Esamir, while the TR were being warpgated. The alert ends and TR get 10000 xp wtf? If this is how everquest whatever is like, no way im getting a sub.
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  2. DashTech

    It's coz TR are uber.
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  3. shatter

    not only that, it ended with 20min to go
  4. Bill Hicks

    Indeed. They can't even spare enough people to fix what they broke. I can only assume that the game is not making money, and they are firing and moving people to other projects
  5. meucha

    SOE staff is biaised towards TR, obviously. This is known.
  6. deathflail

    We capped Amerish.. and for some reason that ended the alert for Esamir. Don't really get how that made it past QA, but enjoying all the points. Feel a bit dirty though.
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  7. jeuvisage

    So I just spent 2 hours fighting as NC on Helios obtaining 80% of the territory, just to lose to TR who was warp gated. Thanks again SOE for not testing anything and reminding me why I should never spend money on this game. But hey SOE you have MLG going for you and more moneygrab NS weapons being released, its nice to know you have priorities. I just can't wait for the disaster MLG will be when they encounter these bugs.
  8. meucha

    So capping any other continent will end the active alert and give points to the faction that capped the other continent ?
    Nice job.
  9. Bill Hicks

    whatever it was still really fun. A good idea that is hurt by bugs

    Nice not fighting on indar.
  10. Serpent808


    Vanu was rolling-laughing at your lost. You deserve it after capping Helios with no resistance, and everyone was a sleep. ROFLCOPTER-ftw. SoE, you've made my day. Good job. Even all the NC Hackers and 3rd-party, aimbot-users couldn't do squat to win. TR took Amerish, and won Esamir's little Cold War challenge... ahhhh I'm very happy. All the NC players from VVAR, COLG, and D3Dk-asians are all probably crying tears like a bunch of QQ-panda because their victory was stolen from them thanks to a bug in the system... Waaaaaaaaa! We lost to TR who's population was 90% on Amerish. Waaaaaaaaa! NC was robbed! Waaaaa! NC warp-gated the TR on Esamir, why did they win. Waaaaa!
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  11. Aztecoatl

    Oh do tell me how EA breaks the game while just being a publisher ..
  12. Onineko

    I have to say it was damn funny to see the win especially after all the S-talking the NC were doing, karma anyone? Yes you technically won, no it wasn't fair you didn't get the exp, yes it was funny we did. Obviously this needs to be fixed but they also need to fix the pop imbalance. How are we ever going to even get a chance to win when the NC on Helios have double the pop of either other faction. Throw in the other balancing issues and you have an experience that turns a lot of people off.

    It was a nice idea and I have had fun fighting on the other continents, now they just need to fix it. To all you humble NC, sorry guys. ;_;
  13. Ardnam

    Sorry we hurt your feelings with all the **** talk, we hope you can recover faster than you do in game.
  14. Onineko

    Thank you for proving my point. As for my recovery, I'm doing just fine -.^ thank you for the concern.
  15. Yeesha

    I am honestly sorry if my **** talk hurts you though. Getting seriously into the game, and the war is part of the fun for me.

    I'm just tremendously disappointed that I spent so much time trying to capture esamir, and this happens. It really discourages me from wanting to play. It sort of ruins the whole experience for a bit.
  16. Turiel =RL=

    I guess TR won the voting....again.
  17. meucha

    Wait for the fix. They had it easy this time but can't be blamed at all. They were as surprised as you and something is not an exploit on the first time it's been discovered.
    Hope the fix will come soon enough before other people abuse this, cause then that would be actual exploiting.
  18. Prodigal

    *cough* *cough*
  19. Onineko

    Apparently there is a misunderstanding here... your S-talking doesn't offend me in the slightest, in fact I find it amusing for the reasons I stated. You have double pop right now, of course you are going to win. I personally enjoy just fighting on the other continents. I kill you, you kill me, it's a good ol'time. The win did have everyone in my squad laughing though because as Meucha stated, we were just as surprised as you -.^
  20. Bill Hicks

    OMG do you have any critical thinking skills? EA is the one who pays the damn bills. They can direct the studio to put less, or no resources into bug fixing. This is what happened to Bad company 2. They stopped patching the game to get Medal of honor out the door and left Bad company 2 riddled with bugs and exploits to this day.

    Charles Manson should use your defense: He didn't kill anyone, he just directed them to. Why should he go to jail?
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