Matherson TKing to new extremes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Baracuda, Apr 2, 2013.

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  1. TeknoBug

    I heard about TR having a civil war, in /yell the other night some TR were btching about their sundies being blown by friendly TR, I've had this happen on my Matherson TR alt before I deleted it, there was a reason why I deleted it- I'm GLAD I don't play TR on Matherson. I've had GOON members do whacky things to me on my NC alt, but I don't see GOON anymore.

    So far VS on Matherson doesn't have any problems, well one problem, VS aren't doing much right now, I couldn't even find a decent fight with VS in it the past few days.

    Um no
  2. Wilden

    What i find funny is that there are people who are like "lets take the high road" and make statements that are politically correct without actually trying to resolve the problem. For any disagreement there are always two sides of a story. Why would BCP order a TK? Why would the AOD Leader refuse to join in on the vent channel when requested by ULTRA to find a resolution to this problem. Posting stuff like "staying neutral" after the fact, means nothing. "Hey, i know i killed your parents and all but, lets go out for ice cream and have a talk."

    I can recall situations before this "Civil War" happened, where during a single cap of tawrich i got ran over by an AOD Prowler, Lightning, Flash and railed in by back by an AOD Carv. When asked why, their response was "TE tahts why". Does that make my subsequent TKing spree and blowing up of tanks right? sure, I may think I'm doing TR a favor since that tank would probably have killed more TR than enemies, but its wasn't the right thing to do.

    Both sides probably have similar stories like this, and there are always two sides to a coin. To think that you are angels are thus absolved of all fault is ridiculous. Stuff like "you started it" "no YOU did" worked in grade school. What needs to happen is for both sides to be more cooperative and tolerant.
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  3. TeknoBug

    Oh I think they do, BCP even TK's his own members, he spent so much time TK'ing Palmtree and t-bagging him over and over.

    And having watched his stream a few times last week, I now know why he got suspended(?) and his Twitch account closed.
  4. Naehloseht

    And this ladies and gentlemen is why you should never join an outfit, it does nothing but foster bad game-play by compensating the lack of skills of situational awareness with relying on other people, and on top of that is ensures there to be dramatic ********, as seen by all TR and some NC on Mattherson. As a result if your entire platoon or squad dies your group will think "This weapon/faction is overpowered" but in reality it isn't, your group just cant handle the fact that there are other groups out there, who are better than you, and that the game is balanced for the most part. (If your in the NC Outfit I was in, you know who you are, and why I say this to you.)

    Lonewolf for life.
  5. Zorro

    Fortunately, VS players are more disciplined and team-oriented, so no intra-empire conflicts have resulted.
  6. ChaosRising07

    Would you like to know what I find funny? The fact that someone took the time to make this thread and didn't have a clue as to what they were talking about.
    As to us not trying to resolve anything. How are we suppose to do anything when no one tells us they are getting killed by a few bad apples from our outfit. To expect me or any other officer to know is completely unreasonable. I am 100% willing to remove those players from our outfit still, but I still haven't gotten any names. But how does any of this excuse TE from coming into our vent throwing insults everywhere? That was completely low. Not only did BCP come on the first time, he dropped several members off later before we banned them. It's completely inexcusable.
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  7. SizeDoesMatt

    Same problem on Ceres. Some outfits dont care if there members are TKing on purpose. If you complain about it, they threat you to get TK by the outfit over and over again. I have seen players to get shot 20 times by their own faction and devs do nothing about it.

    Solution: TK should cost one cert point
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  8. Naehloseht

    A bit extreme, but my god I LOVE this idea.
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  9. NoctD

    Yup we lost all the goodnees that was SolTech TR. :(

    The Genudine and now Helios NC are good guys though... seems to be a bunch of very mature players, ran with random squads/platoons that worked well. I enjoy playing there a lot more - not sure what the 666th will do to that, once the Helios/Connery merge happens.
  10. NoctD

    That's plenty spiteful, no? Why would someone C4 your Scythe? :confused:
  11. Wilden

    Enlighten me on your side of the story, oh one who is without sin.
  12. ChaosRising07

    Wow.. You sure are reading a bit far into my post aren't you.
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  13. Carnage40k

    Another mindless fool who can't read... EVERYTHING you need to know is already written down. In this thread, previous threads, numerous links, and videos. If your too stupid to educate yourself... Then stop wasting people's time with your idiocy.
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  14. MonkeySalt

    Plain and simple. If you are not in either outfit, then you truly don't know what is going on. I don't care what you hear in /yell from someone who says they have a friend in one of the outfits. You don't know. Nobody was banned. Both outfits are still going strong. SOE stepped in and things were sorted out. TK'ing between the two outfits has dropped off. The is no civil war. It's all over.

    Just in case you didn't get that, lemme repeat.

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  15. Inzababa

    on the other hand, people could also just rage quit from being TK?
  16. Vapid

    Buzz and the TE are not responsible for everyone playing PS2. I'd never heard of him or his Outfit until long after I started playing. So I am proof positive that your statement is inaccurate. None of what you say is a fact. (The closest you come to stating an actual fact is this: "...while AOD was securing hexes for the Terran Republic and then subsequently let the Vanu roll up those hexes..." - even that, however, is heresay and subjective.) You might wanna open up a dictionary, Sparky.
  17. Vapid

    Everyone, I repeat, everyone has problems with TAS team killing. We do understand it's bad apples - but it's clearly apparent TAS has a lot of bad apples. This is a failure on your leadership's part.
  18. Vapid

    It's not a matter of TAS intentionally running around TKing every NC in sight. Their leadership isn't teaching the new players how to play, so what you're running into is an outfit full of a lot of incompetent new players with no organization or direction. Therefore, mistakes happen. Frequently.
  19. rickampf

    Matheson seems to be the most cool server!
  20. Vapid

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
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