TR Miller keep holding Indar

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JeffBeefjaw, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. TintaBux

    TR never took Indar, only when everyone was asleep.
  2. JTKirk

    i think the TR should set their alarm clocks to 3am and correct their dishonourable mistake with a bunch of BR1 nc/vs. If not, they'll be marked as the lamer faction on Miller for a long time (ya argue but thats what ppl think about that alarm clock ghost cap). You will still be outnumbering the other faction and do well.
  3. Pella

    Yes he was. Otherwise he would of changed "We" to "BRTD"

    Last time i spoke to jeff he was fluent in the english language.


    Also the tone of this thread is positive from all factions. Look at the Posts from today on how great the fights where.
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  4. Arquin

    I've had the most fun in a while during this weekend. I think it's a great thing you capped Indar. People haven't been this passionate in a good while.

    However this evening kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. I was personally attacked by multiple people from the NC and TR over /tell and /yell

    They seemed to think I was responsible for all the things the VS did and the entire of our force. I got blamed for backcapping NC territory, I got blamed for sucking at capping spec ops. Hell, I even had a long discussion with someone about who is to blame for the tearing of NC and VS truce.

    I know I'm a very vocal person and you see me bantering around the game commonly, (And I never mean any harm by it. It's all in good fun, in my opinion. I hold no grudge against anyone.) but I still don't want to be insulted for things I haven't done.
  5. EvilJollyT

    "We" as a collective pronoun can be used to describe any group, of any size. Outfit, alliance or empire. Your arguement is as awful as your understanding of the english language, especially considering it has no merit. I'm merely replying for amusement.

    Go re-read my original post and tell me where I talk about BRTD self-promotion.

  6. desktop

    Cant you stay up late on a bank holiday weekend?
  7. Hovis

    That's the jist of it. I don't think there is anybody still playing the game on Miller who doubts the TR capacity to take a continent at night if they have a mind to. The last few days haven't been so much about putting Indar neutral as just bending the TR over and giving them a thorough spanking.

    It is perhaps one of the happier developments in this game that the TR enjoy their spanking as much as everybody else has enjoyed beating the hell out of them.
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  8. Hovis

    They took it on Wednesday doofus. Or Thursday. Or something. Nobody cares nobody else was there.
  9. Pella

    Talking out of your **** more like it.

    Even if he was self promoting his outfit. What does it have to do with you? And most of all, why do you even care?

  10. PS2Freak

    i love truth-talk. you earned some sympathy here.

    i can feel the fun too, as nc.

    god, i wish this lags would be less.. it is like in "bad" film, it ends but it didnt told story to end, and you not know what happened. so you starting to think ... in this case - what would be if there were no masssssssive lags [ i remember me throwing 4 granades and i have only one. lol ]. would be the final else without lags ?
  11. droidika

    good fight on indar tonight,

    problem definitely is that the game mechanic forces all players on one locked continent to its very last facility, so this is what epic fights should be about... just they are not, massive lags, disconnects, no ammo of ammo packs and that sort.

    Funny thing is that the NC Phoenix rocket launcher in that environment behaves like a grenade and just blindly falls down after several meters.

    At the end a endless zerg of bodies over dead bodies won TR their final base
    Not beeing able to shoot them without rendering doesn´t help either
  12. Arquin

    I'd like to see some statistics on how many people died in one hour during the fight.

    The number must be mindboggling.
  13. HuntTheWind

    Good fight.
    I'll welcome the map overhaul though.
  14. PS2Freak

    you bet. the earth was red.
  15. Pella

    Must of been close to 10k.

    I logged bacause of the insane ammount of lag. The que time at peak for TR was 6+Mins on a premium.
  16. PS2Freak

    i heard about que time of 30-40m for indar (nc), for "non premium"
  17. Arquin

    Queue time for VS was, well, depends

    I got warp prompt in like 20 mins from the 40th spot but some dudes who were about in the same spot had to wait for nearly an hour I think.
  18. MorteDeAmgelis

    Just proves that Indar is still the **** map it has always been.
    Tanks are made of paper and Aircraft fall out of the Sky.

    Just proves that there needs to be away to end stalemates like this. Either but not having the point in such an open location / requing to RUN PAST THE SPAWNS or a way to cap the base a very "Long" way around without the need of the point.

    While it was fun it was damn infuriating that there are BS bases like these that are IMPOSSIBLE to capture with any sizeable force.
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  19. Arquin

    Well, yeah. 1200 vs 600 (Loosely, the NC and VS weren't entirely friendly with each other) and we still can't cap a base.

    Sure, the TR put up a great defense and works like a really cohesive force, but there's something really wrong with the game too if it's THAT hard to cap a frigging outpost.
  20. shadouac

    I haven't enjoyed it. I really don't know how any of you can. I don't play a game with public players to face such organised opposition that public players can't handle it. I would play clan battles in some other game if I did. It's like putting an amateur football team up against a professional one. It's unfortunate that other TR players are the kind of people who would arrange things this way. I liked it much better when everything was chaotic and continents seesawed and the map ebbed and flowed, that's what I play an MMO for, the clue is in the first M.

    Also I would like to believe that the TR held Spec Ops because of the lag, but I suspect that's vain, and in fact, they would have without it. Which is stupid. To bear upon one single base the entire thousands strong populations of both other empires, with no distraction, and prove unable to dislodge the occupants, is in my opinion an obvious flaw in game design. Of course it is. And because of this organised TR thing it's going to start happening all the time, in fact it has for the last few days (Rashnu, Skydock). There is no point playing if you can not take a point with every person on 2 factions. To farm certs? For what? To spend upgrading things you can continue to not move things on with. Whole weeks will go by, battle ranks rise, certs increase, the map will not change, it will grow very, very boring. Eventually you unlock everything after spending months fighting in the same place and you can say to yourself "well that's that then", realise you've been chasing nothing the whole time and log off forever, finished with it. This includes TR themselves. Mindless.

    Server transfers can't come fast enough.
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