Take away Phoenix infantry OHK for 2x XP Weekend...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by turtlestation, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Jrv

    >no cons

    but that's wrong.

    -Can't be used close-mid range
    -Can't be effectively used on moving targets
    -leaves the user vulnerable by firing
    -can be easily dropped in a single shot by a sniper if you're not careful.

    It's a good launcher, sure. They're messing with it's camera vision to make it hard to see infantry, which is the only reasonable way to nerf it. Removing it's infantry killing power all together would make it a ****** crow, which would be stupid, considering it has NO splash damage and is skill-based as opposed to lock-ons.
  2. XRIST0

    I have killed tons of players that are moving , please dont try and make out like its hard because its really not .

    And it does have a small splash radius , if one of the other factions got this launcher there would be never ending QQ .

    The striker cant kill infantry , the lancer cant kill infantry so why should the phoenix kill infantry ?

    Listening to NC try there hardest to justify its OHK infantry abilites is hilarious :rolleyes:
  3. PS2Freak

    nope there nothing OP here

    Phoenix Avg. score/hour: 7058
    Striker Avg.score/hour: 9892
    Lancer Avg. score/hour: 4860

    and the winner is - STRIKER (vehicle xp and infantry inside it)
  4. Jrv

    Because both the striker and lancer as FAR BETTER at killing vehicles. The striker, for instance, is an ESF's worst nightmare. Legitimately the most terrifying AA system in the entire game, bar none. A couple of those and air is GONE. Absolutely GONE. You can COMPLETELY NEUTER AIRPOWER with 2-3 strikers, which is far more useful as a whole than a couple of NC heavies one-shotting the occasional sniper and engineer.
  5. XRIST0

    Dude it has exactly the same TTK on a lightning or sunderer as the Lancer ..

    "NC heavies one-shotting the occasional sniper and engineer"

    You mean NC heavies spamming these things at everybody for hours while sitting on an ammo pack behind a mountain ?

    Occasional you say ..

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  6. gunfox

    NC sure loves their easy mode infantry kills.
  7. SgtBreastroker

    That logic is beyond flawed. It makes arguing with you bunch of lunatics equivalent to shouting at a brick wall.

    I won't even bother.
  8. blueskin

    NC here:

    Give it longer range and take away its OHK and I'd be happy. Its 300m range make it pretty poor as an AV weapon. If it could hit vehicles at range I would use it for that.
  9. Wusl

    thx 4 another vid that makes my cry ^^
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  10. Jrv

    Nearly all of those kills are on stationary targets. You can accomplish the same ****, more efficiently, with a sniper rifle.
  11. Hammer Hug

    Nothing wrong with the weapon. Reason why it is OP is simply due to how bad PS2 performs. Most of the time things don't render before they're right in front of you.

    Invisible missiles, mines etc.
  12. XRIST0

    You can not , sniping is much harder and requires a ton more skill than that crap ..
  13. hostilechild

    Video please of hitting a moving infantry. Not seen a single video of anyone posting doing this. They only hit standing infantry, usually ones standing there for a while.

    I still prefer my dumbfire+saw and go find the enemy, faster exp than sitting someplace hoping for some enemy to get within 300m and stand still. Maybe they will park a sunderer then spawn and stand by it where i can get a decent angle? pff no fun.

    I still prefer my AV turret over phoenix, engie in my outfit kill way more infantry with it than those who have phoenix.
  14. Mazdam

    how do u know that a double SC and exp weekend is coming? where can i see it?
  15. Jrv

    It's really not and it really doesn't.
  16. Sempars

    What a joke... Even killed a HA with one shot with his Shield on.
  17. XRIST0

    To snipe somebody you atleast have to be exposed , you have to be precise with a sniper rifle ..

    With the phoenix you just steer it into targets =\

    Whatever dude ..
  18. Chipay

    I'm sorry, since when is Vanu's ESRL worth a thing?
    Our launcher doesn't OHK infantry,
    our launcher needs 18 ammo to kill a EST.
    We don't whine, why do you?
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  19. XRIST0

    Oh look..

  20. Jeralamo

    nope i saw this guy shoot one at from a little more then 70m away, he shot it straight at me like a dumb fire rocket and when it was about to hit me i ducked behind this steep little hill i was on (VS warpgate area) it was for sure a miss because from my view he could not at the last second steer it up and back down over the hill to kill me. but yeah it got me and i was half surprised..
    This video is why the phoenix is easy and needs a nerf against infantry. some NC say "no its actually quite difficult to hit moving targets its only the dumb noobs that get killed by phoenix" and i saw watch this video. you dont even have to have people in the center of the screen/cross hairs.....o_O