Medics - why are 99% of them not resurrecting MAX Units?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tbot, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. tbot

    I dont get it.

    My max is laying there and i see medics passing my corps. Not 1 not 2 but 4 of them, running up and down. Still nobody gets the idea of resurrecting the dead MAX.

    Happens all the time.

    I think i can count on 1 hand how many times i got a resurrect of a non Outfit medic since December.
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  2. DaddyVinoBambini

    As a medic I can answer this. The death icon is not above a downed MAX so it's pretty easy to miss if the battle is hectic.

    Once I realized this I just learned to be more mindful of the area and keep an eye out for them.
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  3. Loegi

    Most likely because they don't know that they can, or they know that they can but they had a lot of MAXs respawn while they were reviving them because they didn't know and now they don't bother perhaps. Either way, really annoying.
  4. Urban Cohort

    Depends. If there's a firefight going on right over a MAX's body in the middle of a Biolab courtyard, then that's a 100% non-viable rez. There's no other way to cut it.

    If the immediate area is clear though, or if there's a reasonable expectation of both my surviving the rez AND the rezzed MAX getting to decent cover then yeah (IE - no immediate threats), I'll place priority on getting the MAX up before anyone else.
  5. Vikingo

    At least what I have seen, medics are a popular class for low BR players. They simply might not know that they can resurrect a 1000 kg robot with their little green ray.
  6. TheRealMetalstorm

    Because 80% of this game is filled with the bottom 20% of the skill ladder.

    Check out the 80-20 rule. Apply freely.
  7. DemoniWaari

    I've always just thought that because nobody actually knows this. It is kinda counter-intuitive that you can rez a hunk of metal. But yeah, would love to see medics do this more.
  8. Devrailis

    There's a few reasons:

    1) Many medics have no idea you can res MAXes.

    2) MAXes often bug when they die and sink into the ground, so the medic can't even see them. I see this happen to dead MAXes all the time. MAXes that get ressed after sinking into the ground sometimes stay in the ground after getting ressed. It's actually kind of amusing seeing a MAX sliding around on their belly while half-way into the floor with their arms sticking out.

    3) Your area may not be secure. Just because a medic is passing by your location, doesn't mean its safe for them to stop and res you (someone did kill you where you were standing after all).

    4) As in shooting, ressing teammates requires a bit of situational awareness. Many medics simply lack this skill.

    5) The guy playing medic has no idea how to play medic. Instead of ressing, he's more interesting in playing Heavy Assault with a life buffer instead of a shield buffer. (Hint: Go play heavy assault).
  9. Mefi

    And in addition, new players don't even know that medics can resurrect MAXes. They see that they can't heal them and it's job of engineers. That tricky game mechanics.

    When I see a dead MAX near spawn room or a terminal then I try to switch class to the medic but most times they respawn before my return.
  10. xNPCx

    ^ This. Not having a revive icon makes it really tough when not in direct line of sight.

    Also I have run into a bug where you can see the body but if you try to revive them the progress bar doesn't fill. I assume they have already respawned and their previous corpse just isn't disappearing.
  11. DCTH

    There is a 60second (?) timer on reviving a MAX after his death. It even won't allow you to be revived if this timer ends while being revived ... it just stops in this case.

    Because of this i revive MAX whenever i see one ... even in the middle of the fight where he has no chance of surviving long. But at least the timer got reset and he might be a bit closer to safety.

    Maxxed Medic-Tool is kinda necessary for this though.
  12. Hodo

    Most dont know, or dont care.

    I see dozens of medics who just run around playing like medium assault infantry. Almost as bad as the Engineers sometimes.
  13. Rebornvanu

    I think it have something to do with the 60 sec timer and many newbe medics who dont know that they have to resurrect them. I also see many medics who try to "heal" me as MAX.
  14. BalogDerStout

    As the engi that was healing you from the safety inside the shield, I take it upon myself to use local voice to do a medic call for downed MAXes.

    Now if I could just get MAXes to stay in the range of my rep tool instead of trying to get me to follow them into the kill zone, or get them to have the good sense to put themselves between me and the guy shooting me.
  15. WetPatch

    Healed by Engineers reserected by Medics..

    It doesnt really make any sense, Engineers should be the ones who reserect MAX's
  16. SenEvason

    Some don't know, it's not immediately obvious that you need rezzing, and other times, the area is just too hectic to risk losing a medic.
  17. SharpeShooter

    also its worth noting that there is a time limit or a limited ress window that goes for infantry and Max units (Max units seem to be shorter) if you leave a max died for like a minute it cant be ressed and you have to tap.
  18. Goretzu

    It would probably make more sense for engis to res MAXs in the first place.
  19. Fubbles

    You should be informed that engineers repair maxes and medics can rez them in the informative and expansive tutorial this game has, oh wait....

    On a more serious not as others have mentioned dead maxes don't show up for medics on the minimap and many new players simply don't know they can.
  20. Kristan

    6) There is a feature (or bug), if you weren't resurrected for certain amount of time, medic can't revive you. He can try but nothing happens.