I'm Upset at the Daily Membership Cert Gain

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stellus, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Cougarbrit

    Oh god I just realised what that sig is from now.
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  2. Stellus

    This, exactly. Thank you. I am not a hardcore gamer and have limited amounts of time to spend in the game. I have responsibilities in life that I place well before my hobbies. The advertisement led me to believe that by being a member, I was effectively accumulating certs even though I could not log in every day. However, this is not the case.

    I really struggle to understand why people are so quick to defend the forfeiture of consumer's money without its promised value in return.
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  3. Traska

    Think of it this way. You have a water tower. It passively gather water. If it fills, any water will overflow. Draining the tank does not make the tank any less passive.
  4. StrikerKOJ

    I agree, and I am curious as well. The reasons WHY you chose to spend money are completely irrelevant to this discussion, and it's frustrating that you have to argue with people who have no affiliation with the company that is asking for, and receiving, your money.

    I also have a subscription (for reasons that are my own), and I also do not have the ability to log in to the game every single day. As such, I receive less product than another person who can log in every day, for the same amount of money.

    Again, if it is documented that this is how the feature is intended to operate, and that documentation is in a place the is clearly visible to the consumer, or at least some sort indication that additional terms and conditions apply to the purchase (so the consumer has the the option to research said terms) then there should be no issue. But that doesn't appear to be how it is set up.

    It feels like opening a PO box, and being unable to collect your mail for a week, and then being told that they only kept Monday's mail because you didn't show up.
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  5. fish998

    How about 25% extra health from nanoweave? How about lazer sights on all your guns for hip fire accuracy? How about having a 2nd burster for your MAX, rocket pods or flares for your ESF, double C4 for your LA, shotty for close quarters, lock-on launcher for your HA, mines for your engie etc. Paying is letting you get all this stuff earlier, therefore a subscriber will have a flat out stronger character versus a F2P player of equal skill who has invested the same amount of hours.

    There's also the issue of camos which can't be bought with certs.
  6. Stellus

    As innovative and awesome as this is, it would require me to run my desktop at home while I'm traveling for work for 5 days straight. That's money on my electric bill I would rather not spend.
  7. Stellus

    I would be content if they came out and said:

    "Hey, our bad - we didn't think through our marketing well enough and we unintentionally misled you. We'll fix the advertisement so it properly reflects this as it is the intended behavior. In order to make up for the loss of certs from the misinformation, we'll remedy those affected by <insert proposal here>."

    Until then, I am still upset as the title states.
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  8. DaddyVinoBambini

    How much was your monthly subscription fee to collect rain and/or ground water?
  9. Gavyne

    If they say passive, it should be passive. I honestly didn't know you had to login to receive the passive certs, and I'm a loyal subscriber who has paid a tons of money into this game. SOE, do the right thing. If you say it's passive, then make sure it's passive. Otherwise put big bold letters on your subscription page that says "YOU MUST LOGIN EVERY DAY TO GET THE PASSIVE CERTS".

    <- a tad ticked off.
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  10. Compass


    Set up an hour a day, say lunch-time, where you know you will have some time to check-in. Set it up when you're in house, try it the following day at lunch after making sure it's off, and then return home to make sure the shutdown works by itself.

    The power profile is now 1/24th of what it would be if you left your computer off at a maximum, if you don't check in. If you do check in, you can manually shut down from TeamViewer and save extra power!
  11. Aparition

    The passive gain in all MMO's or other "unlock" games is to help level the playing field between the guy that can play every day and the guy that can play 1 day month.

    Passive certs is that method of leveling the upgrade gap between those two types of players.

    SOE both failing to mention the need to log-in to claim the "Passive" certs and the requirement in general both fails what they advertised and further only gives the guy that can play everyday an advantage over the other guy that can't.

    The fact that the guy that can play everyday will gain certs anyways just further distances the gap between avid player and casual. Adding a paying membership into the equation further shows how much SOE doesn't get the concept.

    For those with membership and limited play time I'm sure SOE would like to thank you for your donation.
    Passive certs should be gained on an unlimited claim status for paying members.
    Daily/weekly cert "gift" for the non member is fine.
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  12. Raneman

    There is really no reason for SOE not to make membership certs truly passive. It is another reason to buy a membership and it doesn't cost them anything or add too much value, just convenience.
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  13. Vreki

    It means that that buyer has a responsibility to research what he is paying for. From my POV, entitlement is the state of society.

    The only difference is that GU 4 screams it to your face with bright yellow letters.
    You paid to get 50% extra on top of what you get as standard, and with a raised cap. But 50% of nothing is still nothing.

    I have a subscription too, and I knew what I was getting. There is a cap on passive cert gains, just like there is on resources. Or do you also expect to have gained 10000 resource when you log in after a week?
  14. Compass

  15. SiosDashcR

    PlanetSide 2 requires some ports to be open to even launch the game.

    I've brought my personal laptop that I bring from home to school and can't login to PlanetSide 2 because of closed ports by the WiFi here.

    And what of those who travel to areas without WiFi?
  16. Aparition

    Vreki why do you want to punish the casual gamer? The guy who doesn't get to play every day is the one being affected by this, not the guy that can play even for 1 hour every day.
    Punishing people for not playing does not help the game at all or the community. Those that do pay for a membership are in fact paying for these cert bonuses. Without money they would not have that bonus. It should be about players investing into SOE and SOE investing in their players.
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  17. Novmiech

    This x 1,000,000 - thank you SO MUCH Dusty <3

    Passive cert gain has been this way since beta - this is nothing new to complain about.
    Fire up computer while you roll out of bed. Start launcher as you towel off from the shower. Click log-in as you do the one leg in the pants dance - cert gain complete.

    There are plenty of days where ^ that is all I can manage to squeeze into my day - but you know what? For 50 certs and taking the 10 seconds to check out the daily sale; its well worth it and I can find a way.
  18. Compass

    Dial-up? Phone tether? Smoke signals?
  19. StrikerKOJ

    No, because there is a defined limit to the number of resources, as displayed in the User Interface. It's not clearly stated that there is a cap, but if you want to split hairs in the defense of SOE, then yeah, you're right. There is a cap of resources, so one should not expect to have received any more resources than the cap.

    So until such time that the total of certification points accumulated passively (combined with the total of certification points earned via gameplay) reaches 10,000 (the current certification capacity per individual character) then a subscriber should continue to accumulate points passively...

    Just going on your example, and based on the information that is available (through trial and error).

    Or they could just clarify the advertisement that asks people for money.
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  20. Poacher

    Passive gains are those which are obtained with NO effort. Logging in requires effort. Big deal if it's easy to log in. That isn't the point. SOE advertised passive cert gain and EVERYONE assumed certs would slowly accumulate every day....online or not as long as the monthly sub was active. IMO the monthly sub is a waste of money anyway, especially if we must log in to get the certs.
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