What's with the TR and hating EVERYTHING

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheMagicCookie, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. CrashB111

    First your remarks on the NC
    1. The reaver is pretty bad I'll give you that.
    2. Nothing is wrong with the Vanguard, it is in a good place you crybaby.
    3. Clearly you have never used the Gauss Saw if you think NC defaults are ****.

    Then what you said about TR
    1. The Prowler was a terrible tank until GU2, it required the most effort to get the least gain since Deploy Mode was absolutely terrible and the Vulcan was only good at knife fight distance.
    2. TR has only really "had it good" for about a month since GU2.
  2. Ganelon

    Returning the favour. People constantly ***** about our weapons, to the point that we only have about 2 viable weapons left for each class.
  3. RIctavius

    We're Soldiers.... we get ****** anyway.
  4. Warlyik

    The Vanguard is the most balanced MBT and what the others should be. But it has the worst DPS and the worst maneuverability. The shield skill is also broken and bugs out half the time. To say "nothing is wrong" is nonsense. But as I've stated in other threads, I think MBT balance is very good right now (possibly the best balance in terms of empire-specific areas). It's good, but could be better. The Vanguard could use a few performance enhancements and a slight bump in DPS.

    The Prowler wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. It was worse Tank vs. Tank, but it dominated in Tank vs. Infantry. It was that imbalance that caused most Prowlers to throw on HE cannon instead of HEAT, which made it *appear* that they were even less effective in Tank battles.

    TR has had it good since the game opened up to the masses. Starting off in the best possible Warpgate locations and having them for the longest period pretty much assures that statement. Seriously, what do you have to complain about? The reason people didn't complain was because other than the Prowler, there was nothing to complain about. Oh, and Claymores! I almost forgot! IMO, they should just be changed so they're like the others ;/
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  5. Ganelon

    The Prowler was a ******* piece of **** with a ******* terrible ability and was of no use whatsoever.
  6. Warlyik

    Keep telling yourself that, crybaby.
  7. CrashB111

    1. The Prowler was as bad as people made it out to be, you could not engage enemy armor at all unless they were within 200-300 meters since the main gun was **** at long range and so was the Vulcan *Halberd was a non-factor back in the day*. When I pull a Main Battle Tank I intend for it to be able to kill enemy vehicles, not just be an infantry farming machine like an IFV would be. And the reason people put HE on was because they knew the Prowler was **** against armor and were tired of trying and failing to use it for that purpose.

    2. I was avoiding the warpgate thing since I really do not think it is as big a deal as people make it seem. On Mattherson I haven't seen any TR complain about the SE gate, and I like it myself since it funnels enemies for my Prowler to chew up.
  8. Veri

    People come on here once they have been owned far too many times and will cry about something of another faction being OP and attempt to get as many people to agree on nerfing it as possible.

    After this, they find something else to cry about and nerf until their own faction has an advantage and is also equal in areas rather than having some areas where they are lacking in comparison to the other factions.
  9. Warlyik

    Sounds like crying to me.

    Oh really? Then why, after the buffs, did people still use HE cannons on the Prowler? If it was simply a question of what *worked* and what was *viable*, then you'd expect those same people to actually start deviating from infantry farming after that huge buff they received. But we all know what happened. MORE people started using HE, not less.

    Fact is, people tend to do what's most effective for cert farming. And even before the buffs, the Prowler was the best at Infantry farming, and that gave you the most certs. Especially early in the game, where people *needed* certs, to expect them to instead equip a weapon like HEAT when they have the Prowler is nonsense. Of course they gravitated to the HE. A Prowler could kill infantry in one reload where every other tank had to wait two reloads to kill with splash damage. People felt the situation was balanced because the Prowler was slightly less effective vs. vehicles (until the buffs).

    Prowlers even after the recent nerf still have the best DPS, though. They can destroy both other tanks in something like 4-6 less seconds than those tanks can kill them in a direct fight.

    Anyone that ignores the warpgate placements is kidding themselves. You might "enjoy" it, but I doubt most people are getting anything but a performance decrease from it. I know I saw my numbers jump up sharply once I got out of those damn canyons.
  10. CrashB111

    1. You have to recall, HE really had no downsides at all with it between launch and GU2. It did basically the same damage to armor as HEAT and AP just had a slower shell speed so it dropped faster. But the Prowler was gimped at long range already so most people didn't care. After GU2 anyone using HE was doing so because they simply could not aim, HEAT was just as good at infantry killing you just had to place the shot a smidge closer to the target which was too difficult for your average zergling.

    2. North warpgate is the best for resource pulling no doubt, just because it has more land available, but all the people that *****ed that the SE warpgate was why their faction was doing bad were just making excuses.
  11. SharpeShooter

    hahaha the TR complain about everything lol? how about the 1000000000 NERF PROWLER NOW posts lol H.Y.P.O.C.R.I.T.E!
  12. Ganelon

    How constructive.
  13. Nyscha

    Prowlers was always OP, but people didn't bother using HEAT they just farmed with HE and tried shooting magriders and vanguards and did nothing so they cried and then got buffed.

    Which made it 100% stronger than the other 2 tanks.
  14. Pat Cleburne

    I think you just went full ******.
  15. Le_Fou

    Little list of the OP things in Empire :

    Vanu :

    Magrider strafe and climbing
    Scythe accuracy by his maneuverability
    Infantry weapons (Ultra high accuracy+High RoF)
    No bullet drop

    NC :

    MAX (Certlands in biolabs and any rooms)
    Infantry weapons (GD-7F and others)

    Terran :

    Mosquito speed?
    Infantry weapon in really close range?

    And... Nothing else! Since the GU04, the Prowler is totally not OP, bugged recoil and smaller explosion radius, we can get anchored? Hopefully! Without it, the Prowler is a piece of junk! Can't shoot something while moving (you can with luck, or on a road), we got the biggest rear, almost nothing for destroy vehicles at long range (Only the Halberd)

    And about our infantry weapons! What a big joke! Why? It really cool to shoot 10 bullets in 1 seconds, but you hit with 3 bullets; the enemy shoot 8 bullets in 1 seconds, 6 bullets hit... the explain everything, our weapons are totally not accurate, for example; Vanus shoot ~50 RPM less than our weapons, they hit 75% more the target. The NC shoot ~100 RPM less than us, they hit 25% harder and 50% more.

    Think a minute, tell me what is OP for the TR? I don't see anything!
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  16. Kastrenzo

    Take small arms for example.

    The TR's LMGs dont' have a whole lot different between each other, as compared to the NC or VS equivalents.

    they're basically all high ROF, Close-Medium range 143 damage LMGs with the exception of the TMG50, Which is just a poor man's EM6 or Flare.
  17. Duff_Chimp

    VS don't want to nerf anything, because everything the VS wanted nerfed happened in beta or soon after. Besides it not that we hate everything just hating everything that isn't us, especially Vanu. Vanu should be extuingished from the face of Auraxis forever imo, but its just a good job i'm not responsible for game design decisions.
  18. Papio

    Nobody wants VS weapons because they sound like a toy my 6 year old niece would play with,
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  19. TheMagicCookie

    The TR has been kind of **** on recently.
    Though the whole "VS has best accuracy" is BS, as the climb on our guns means that, although the CoF is tiny, it doesn't really matter if you're aiming 20 degrees above the target after three shots.