[Suggestion] TK medic who dont have max res.

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Ghoest, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. Ghoest

    These guys are just getting in the way of the real medics who you want to revive you.
    Its terrible in the middle of a fire fight when you get a res and realize you dont even have half health.
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  2. FunkyFreshKilla

    We were all new at one point and if medic is your first class then level 1 is all you've got. It's been said many times before, if you don't want the rez don't take it. Don't punish all new medics because some morons may *try* to abuse the xp gain.

    (And yes you can tell what rank they have if you pay attention. As soon as it says "X is attempting to revive you, pay attention to how long it takes for you to get the button. Real quick, high level tool. Takes a while, low level)
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  3. Being@RT

    Nowadays 90% of medics that revive me have at least level 5 tool, which is acceptable.
  4. Sossen

    The revive should inform the possibly revived player of the level of med tool employed.
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  5. Badname0192

    The difference between rank 4 and rank 5 medigun is basically nil. All I have to do with cert rank 4 medigun is, you stand up, for a half second I medigun you before moving on.

    Rank 1 medigun revives are driving me nuts though.
  6. }{ellKnight

    And you want people to TK them? Wow.
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  7. SpaceKing

    Better revive at half health, duck behind some cover and let him heal you than walk all the way back through hostile territory.
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  8. Flukeman62

    dude this just makes you an ****-hole
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  9. GlyphZero

    yeah because you revive with full shields... sit down and take the lvl 1 heal, he's gonna work on it. you weren't leaving without your 500 hp shield were you?
  10. JesNC


    a) Don't be an ****.

    b) Don't accept rezzes from random medics.

    c) Cater to the dedicated CM in your squad or stop complaining.
  11. cKerensky

    What's your in-game name again?
    Yeah, I'll make sure not to revive you.

    Enemy faction? I'll just kill max-res medics around you. You'll take out the rest of the medics for me.
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  12. Sossen

    Those of you who condone medics with less than level 3 tools are tools. Either you get the level 3 tool or you play another class, it's not exactly expensive...
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  13. Cardozo

    The big difference between 4 and 5 is for the medic. With 4 you have to wait for them to accept to top them off. With 5 you can run from guy to guy bringing them up will full health almost instantly. 5 lets you accomplish more in less time and lets you be less of a target.

    I agree completely. The first few levels of the applicator are dirt cheap. The last is a little pricey, but 500 certs doesn't take very long to get (especially not during a 2x weekend). If you want it fast, either run with the zerg for a bit, find a hot biolab fight, or get a buddy to take you up in a dalton/zephyr lib. With the xp vehicles give now you will have enough certs for the maxed applicator in no time flat.
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  14. Arcanotechnician

    You probably shouldnt be rezzing in combat without rank 4 or so, takes too long. Save up a few certs before going medic.
  15. TomoB

    I often wonder when failing to revive someone, is he refusing or are my revives just failing? How do I know if person doesn't accept my revive, does he become permamently dead?
  16. }{ellKnight

    If you wait till he changes his position to the "ready to get up" position then that means he got the revive. Thing is the sometimes revive might glitch out even if he pressed accept so you'll need to revive him again.

    If they decline your revive another medic can come in and revive them (or you could do it again), they don't have to respawn if they decline the revive.
  17. TomoB

    So basically there's no way to tell if revive was glitched or he simply declined and I may keep trying to revive reluctant patient who's like "goddamnit stupid medic leave me alone!!"? :rolleyes:
  18. Razzyman

    I've wondered the same thing TomoB. I have the medtool 6 though so most people accept my revives. If I notice they don't come up right away I'll throw another their way, often times though I'm running while rezzing because I know they'll come up full I move on immediately following the rez. I just have to hope it worked, if it does fail for a squad mate they let me know but I've not yad a squaddie revive fail recently.
  19. SDD

    Remove XP incentive for reviving. Let real medics be real medics.
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  20. VanuSovereignty

    So make it so no one will be a medic because they won't get any XP at all? No.
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