Is anybody else getting shot from behind cover ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by XRIST0, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Emotitron

    I'm taking a lot of flak from AA that hasn't even rendered yet, if that counts.
  2. SgtSomeone

    This can happen when the render rules are conflicting, and on the enemy's client, he sees you before the cover renders. I've heard of people shooting into buildings that way before when they are at extreme distances. A good example is sniping a player on a turret, before the turret renders.
  3. Darlith

    Alot of the issues I have been blaming on server desync and lag. Plenty of times yesterday I was shooting right at people and not hitting them but shoot off to the side and hit them, or be shooting at a door a friend runs by and gets killed by me 10 meters off to the side of the door.
  4. Lancars

    A few times i've seen people walk through the spawn room shields even tho the base belongs to the faction thats already in there.
  5. ent|ty

    Many times.. Sometimes its only my head exposed, or if I duck down, I'm still recieveing hits from the shooter.
  6. pucwyczes

    So now we have to deal with empty ammo packs, faulty repair and medic pistols, damage behind cover everyday, not from time to time.
  7. Sen7ryGun84

    Yes, frequently. I hate to say it but this games net coding makes BF3 look amazing.
  8. Kastrenzo

    It's probably because whoever is shooting you still sees you as being not behind cover

    see: Client-side Hit detection
  9. Vearo

    It's more than that. Earlier I was in a firefight against a NC, where he disengaged and went behind cover and I turned around to check my 6. About 1-2 seconds later I saw that I got hit markers, when the last time I fired my gun was at the NC now in cover. I think the servers are struggling with something, and its showing in weird happenings.
  10. Kastrenzo

    I run into a spawn room and get well past the sheilds, only to five seconds later get shot 6 times by someone with an NC6 and die, because they're laggy.
  11. Veri

    The answer will be both lag and cheating.
    Double XP to bring out the use of cheats more than usual and the known issue of lag to blame the odd behavior in game.

    Been seeing cheaters use speed hack and some invulnerability/god mode mainly.
    Both of which can be blamed on lag, but when you noticed these instances coming into affect at the most crucial times, you have every right to suspect.
  12. illgot

    look up hacks for planetside 2.

    Read up on the forums there and you'll find out why people are shooting through walls.
  13. Owleyes

    I call BS on every problem being client side hit detection or lag. Of course a lot of the problems are most likely all of that.

    I have Libs hitting my armors out of render distance without even a missed shot, All the while im moving, evading, hiding behind cover. Sure, Maybe outside of render distance a guy can get some nice lucky shots, But pin point accuracy out of render range with not even a single miss?

    I call Hacks.
  14. Sebyos

    Man I hope new players come check the forum before wasting any buck on this garbage game.

    This is a FPS where the shooter elements don't work.
  15. NovaAustralis

    It's been happening all weekend.

    I suspect it's latency issues.

    I've also had the 1 for 1 kills happening a lot.
    (Where you and your opponent die at the same time...)
  16. Kreantris

    I got killed twice on Saturday in the middle of my own spawn room by enemies shooting at me.
  17. Xeenos

    Meh, this patch had a lot less issues then GU02, its a little rocky but not to bad, getting better all the time over all. I bet if you came back in 6 months, or just pretended this was beta and the game comes out this December, and come back then, you would find it in much better state. Alas it sucks to have to wait but its an entertaining game and gets my FPS rocks off so its good enough. I for one would be pleased to see the whatever, delay or network lag or whatever go away.

    While i dont mind a shoot out where we both die, as there is a 50/50 i can get Vengeance bonus! I dont like ducking behind cover, only to take a few more hits and die. Alas its something you have to play for though, know that on that first hit, you need to hit cover now, not try to hit cover when shields drop, at that point you are already dead!
  18. waiora

    this guy wasnt even spawned there, he just ran inside after jumping down with his light assault, the base was just starting to cap in their favour
  19. Udnknome

    Welcome to the "Client Side Hit-Detection" problem. Basically, you was sticking your head out 2 seconds ago and someone's client thinks you are still there. On the legit side, it's network lag (or some kinda lag). Not sure if there is an exploit for this currently. Given that it has become common right after a major update, I believe it to more on the bug side than exploit.

    I have heard that some weapons are able to shoot through shields since the update but have not personally experienced this. Usually when I'm getting hit around corners/through shields, it's because I was exposed a few seconds earlier.
  20. NinjaTurtle

    I have on various occasions. I have never been able to work out though if the person killing me is cheating or whether it is a bug/lag.