Misinformation regarding the striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sobieski14, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. Sobieski14

    Was just casually watching the road-map youtube video from SOE, till it reached the part where the TR striker destroyed a vanguard with three rockets. <- What!?

    But of course, its not true.
    * But people are already calling the weapon overpowered and personally.
    - I thought it was overpowered as-well.

    Till I watched the video in 1080p at 2:34
    * I was watching the video clip, and the two rockets from the striker did very minimal damage.
    - About 1/5
    - Then the third rockets in the video clip destroyed the tank. Nice job cutting out the clip in destroying the tank.

    Not going to lie, this is a cheap way to market the weapon.

    If your gonig to destory a tank in a showcase, please show us exactly how many shots you actaully took?
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  2. Highway_Star

    It does look OP in the video.

    Still waiting for the VR training area to be introduced before I'll splash my cash on it.
  3. RadarX

    Keep in mind these are not done yet. The purpose of the Roadmap video is to give you guys insight into what's being worked on.
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    I think SOE could have done a better job with this video. misleading for one, and totally lacking for another. I think it confused more people than it excited in regards to ESL's

    OP whats the issue here? the fact that SOE released a lacking video, or the fact that the community demonstrates a complete lack of objectivity, patience, or understanding. you got it, I got it, but the community as a whole thinks that this vid is a finished model of a COMPLETELY OP launcher, when in fact its just a demo of an unfinished product. I think that this vid has done more to illustrate stupidity in the community more than anything else.
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  5. Fiatsu

    Hey RadX,
    Have the lady emphasize that a bit more in future videos.
    Also i'm coming back for that Flash passenger seat, Boy the Videos we'll be making with that one!
  6. Sobieski14

    I understand that the video was just a presentation of what is being worked on.
    * But I stress that the video must be in a way balanced...

    What do I mean...
    * The VS rocket launcher was tested and "damaged" the tank.
    * The NC rocket launcher was tested and "damaged" the tank.
    * The TR rocket launcher was tested and while using about half the ammo clip it "destroyed" the tank.

    That is how the video clip was presented.
    * People are already panicking in the youtube comments and even up-voting people calling the TR rocket launcher OP.
    - Just because how it was presented.

    I understand the overall point of the video, its just the presentation was somewhat biased.
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  7. Achmed20

    well its kinda like a commercial: allways looks cool, never is what they promised.
    i keep spraying axe all over me and the only thing i seem able to attract is bills from companys who want my money.
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  8. Salryc

    You see, this is why we can't have nice things.

    At no point can anything seem to possibly be made that won't result in someone freaking out like a 14 year old school girl (having once been one, I can assure you, that's a LOT of freaking potential). Seriously though, are we really such a dim witted player base (wait, don't answer that, it's rhetorical!) or are people just that histrionic that they pride themselves on some hidden drama meter? If so... where do I check mine?

    Seriously though, this really is why we can't have nice things.
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  9. Arkha3

    I swear some of the comments are completely moronic. You would think all three launchers do equal amount of damage (TR launcher having all rockets in magazine spent on target would equal same damage as one full vanu charge). It only makes sense.

    net necessarily. If the VS weapon charged in 3 seconds, and shot like the vangaurd enforcer rocket, then i would seriously hope that it did significantly less damage than the TR rocket which takes 5 seconds to unload a clip, requires constant visual lock (increased exposure time) and is easily defeated by flares/smoke.

    I get what your saying (that all launchers should be equal in the end) but if they made one launcher more difficult to use, I would hope that the reward is proportionately better.
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  11. Metallic123

    Weren't they suppose to be released last week?
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  12. WalrusJones

    Its a tech demo, wait for release to see what its really like.
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  13. DankFist

    Nope. the patch was supposed to be last week and those the week after. So technically speaking, this week.
  14. Slyguy65

    Just like every other TR weapon im sure the damage will be pathetic.

    - The TR RPG should take 3/5 shots to kill mag and 4/5 to kill NC tank (without shield up)
    - The VS RPG should take 2 fully charged shots
    - NC should take 3 shots...cause it being guided and all....well it can destroy infantry with extreme precision, so 3 shots to kill a tank seems fair, since the NC and

    Anyway those values seem pretty fair as long as the VS charge attack doesn't add more splash damage with each charge if shooting at infantry THAT would be OP

    The goal would be this
    - TR has the advantage of taking out armor and air quicker than the others but not infantry, if they make the TR lock on only...that will be messed up and will pretty much make the NC one the best RPG. IF IT CAN BE DUMB FIRED...well good, the TR needs something to brag about...
    NC have AI maxes
    VS have subtle buffs to everything regarding infantry weapons (low COF, low recoil, high ROF) and the best ESF
    TR....has nothing currently to brag about, the new RPG could be that thing.
    - VS have a hard hitting rocket that will shoot fast...so pretty much a super RPG, that will actually require good aim...OH no i can see it now the vanu will whine about how they keep missing with their charge shots and how TR lock on RPG is OP...god forbid the vanu aren't given an EZ mode weapon for once.
    - NC will have an effective RPG that can hit anything if aimed correctly.

    IMO they have it backwards the VS should have the guided one and NC should have the charge...cause you know its all about sheer power which is kind of NC's thing
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  15. RasFW

    Woah wait... Are we talking about shots to the front or the rear? 3 shots on the front armor of a magrider? Seriously? No other HA launcher deals that kind of damage. Not even the decimator. And that projectile is slower. And unguided. And has a smaller ammo pool.
  16. RadarX

    These have not been given a release date.
  17. Rhinzual

    You're more likely to kill the same person twice in a BioLab assault with the Lasher than getting two hits with the Decimator against a half-awake tank driver.
  18. Xae

    Holy ****, can people hold off on rushing to judgement until they are actually in game or available for use?
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  19. Phazaar

    I think getting more 'in testing' comparisons in there might be a good way to cool things down, whilst demonstrating more too.

    'So, this is how the Phoenix manoeuvres right now' *video shows it turn 90 degrees in 0.2 seconds*, but this is the minimum we think we'll launch it at *video shows it turns 90 degrees in 1 second*.

    'This is a long range shot with the lancer at it's 'higher bracket' velocity' *video showing it firing at 1000m/s* 'and this is it with a much lower one - we're looking for a comfortable medium on the QA server right now!' *video showing it firing at 100m/s*

    Stuff so people really get that it's in development, but also that might inspire people to think about balance in different ways. That way, rather than nerf something really important because something's a little bit good after launch, we might be able to be a bit like 'Well, if you look in the video when the velocity was half what it is now, it was still hitting pretty efficiently; why don't we nerf velocity so it's much harder to hit an ESF, instead of nerfing its damage and ruining the weapon as a whole.'
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  20. wave

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