Are Aimbots the norm?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badvudo, Mar 9, 2013.

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  1. Badvudo

    Seriously. It seems that there are quite a few people that use aimbots on this game. I know some people can make amazing shots. You know from a distance you can not even see and they hit you once for the kill. I can accept that, sniper gun. Or maybe when a Medi uses the default gun and hits you once and kills you a second after facing off. Ok. Maybe when a HA (with shield) stands against an Eng and dies in two hits. Those are the norms I have all the time. Am I missing something?
  2. smokemaker

    No but bruised egos are.
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    OR maybe theres alot of really talented people on the PS2 servers. I cant say ive ever had a problem with aimbotters. Ive ran across 1 or 2, but even those guys i could kill, and they seemed to disappear very fast after the hacking started.

    sounds like you got a case of bad luck :(
  4. 7Elite7

    The person you see in front of you is not always the one that killed you. It's quite possible that the real foe that damaged you was behind you, above you, etc.

    I've been accused of aimbotting when I kill infantry with my hailstorm on my scythe. It's cute. One guy even said that he had recorded a video of me shooting him in midair and submitted it to SOE as proof of my hacks.

    What I'm saying is that many hackers are made up - usually aimbotters don't decide to only aimbot against you. They rampage through a server and wreck everyone.
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  5. Egonieser

    The other night i was hackused and reported for "Super1337MegaHaxOMGWTFBBQ" because me and my outfit were camping the NC warpgate and i was flying my nicely upgraded Liberator and killed a hovering Reaver dude with tankbuster with 3-4 hits if that.
    I got a nice rageful tell coming my way like "You are so banned motherf*****"
    5 minutes later that same guy was in his own lib, being swarmed by mossies and i fly like 50m next to him and finish him off again and guess what, i had a full chat, like FULL of rage and threats.
    If i actually didn't burst out laughing, i'd have had reported the guy for being vulgar and offensive, but it was funny, as he ragequit 10s after.
    How can he actually think i cheat when he stands still hovering, i mean tankbuster rips anything to shreds in close range in a second of two, and the time after that he didn't even have like 10% health left, i just stole the kill with 1 shot. How does it even remotely look like hacking to some people i'll never know.
  6. Mishkel

    Nothing as you list it really screams aimbotting to me. Tho its hard to really say without personally seeing exactly what you are describing (because it may look odder than what you wrote).

    Melon shots from pretty much anyone will kill you. I've had some pretty good melon shot streaks sniping and I'm not really that into sniper.. so I would imagine the people that spend a lot of time at it are better. *edit* lol just in case its not clear I'm talking about headshots.. I just call them melon shots because it amuses me.

    However, I have also gone out from a base when its quiet to take note of where you can actually get line of sight to some places.... so yes some snipers aimbot because there is no other way they could hit someone at certain places from their "nest". Which is why I said its hard to say without "seeing" it...

    Medic example to me just seems very easy to pull off if they happen to shoot you in the melon (even with base weapon).

    Engie.. depends on weapon they have. I use a Sweeper (semi auto shottie) on mine for close encounters... and I can most definitely 2 shot a HA with shield and 1 shot them without shield up. <- that meaning I don't have to be all that specific and aim at their head... or I could even be using a ubgl and um they definitely can go *poof* pretty fast to my engie.

    I mean I have gotten pretty good at sniping people (who don't move much) with my AV Turret... so ... it takes quite a bit to get my attention as far as "aimbotting" now. Most of the fishy stuff I see has more to do with teleport, in the floor, going through walls etc
  7. n0pax

    Yes, I'd say about 90 to 95% of the population uses at least aimbot and three other various cheats. You're one of the select few who do not, the last frontier of legit gameplay if you will. /sarcasm off

    You're just bad.
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  8. DogEgg01

    Lets tell the TRUTH here please. Yes there are alot of cheats in this game atm. I've got so much footage of people speed hacking , walking through walls , shooting out of walls , shooting out of the floor, 1 or 2 round killing heavies with a carbine, ( with 25% nanoweave boost and shield up), its a joke. I have had people firing at me through solid cover and regging hits continuously. I've seen bullets come at me through hills , walls , rocks etc.

    Have you been shot at and died in less than a split second... for some reason you lost control of your char for that moment , couldn't continue firing , moving etc...when you died, did your character remain standing for seconds afterwards etc etc all signs of aimbots.

    Sadly this is not unusual and is the norm for ALL fps these days.

    There are an awful lot of inadequates out there. Also people who profit from selling hacks.

    Until developers research and INVEST in a hardcore solution it will always be this way.

    However, take into account that no one is going to invest the money or time needed , and do they care or even have to? .. no.

    Also, ignore all these naive children that tell you noone hacks ever, they are deluded, or hackers =D
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  9. Brendan0212

    Yea they are pretty common, hell even TEs "E-famous" leader was hacking tonight. He was firing prowler rounds completely through spawn room shields for like 4 minutes straight.
  10. Grotpar

    It's called desync.

    It's caused by lag, and you dying instantly is the result of you dying on another person's screen, while your client hasn't caught up with the other person's actions.(ie, as far as your client knows, they haven't released a shot yet)

    This creates the illusion of dying instantly.

    Of course, I'm not saying there are no cheaters. There's probably a lot of those around.. But not everyone who makes supposedly outlandish shots is a cheater. It might just be plain old lag.
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  11. Cowabunga

    If you see 1 person killing 10 other ppl in a few seconds, that's aim botting. Just being good at shooting your exposed head off dosn't make the guy a cheater.
  12. Ronin Oni

    I think you prolly just have bad internet....

    I play lots of FPS games... and I've seen a couple hackers but nowhere close to the quantities you seem to think there are.

    Do you even know what an aimbot does? It just aims directly at the enemy like you moved your mouse right on target. That's literally it. Technically speaking, the very same shot could be made without the aimbot... It's just humanly impossible to be that perfect that reliably.
  13. DogEgg01

    Yes and the oldest aimbots out there trigger whenever your crosshair passes over a target , blah blah bleh , i have seen too many in ps2 lately.

    However this is still the minority of players , but get real , they are in every fps game out there.

    Also im a British player so my internet (50m fibre) is probably poor . I hear what your saying there.
  14. SinerAthin

    This is true, and I believe most of the times when you've died instantly, it has been because of lag, not because it was a hacker/cheater.

    Remember that due to lag, when you normally would have 2-4 seconds to react, it might appear as though you only had 0.1 seconds to react before being gibbed, plainly due to latency.
  15. Konfuzfanten

    Ofc there are hackers and cheaters in PS2, but on my server (Ceres) they are few and far between at least i dont see any. 6d 6h played and i have seen 2 guys blatantly cheat and 2 guys that was strangely good at shotting/aiming.
  16. Rhinzual

    You may want to provide evidence of this, if only because it'll make me laugh even harder at how separated TE is from Fallout 2's The Enclave (small squads ripping apart entire cities and such with superior tactics and technology, not drown em in numbers).
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  17. VKhaun

    The game has a delay on the death animation.

    It takes at least a good full second for the target to actually drop, sometimes longer. It's really obvious when you get knife kills, or when you watch through a high mag scope as a sniper gets a headshot kill. You know they're done, but they don't go down right away.

    This leads to a bias in the perception of time to kill. You are over-killing your opponents and don't realize it, but you yourself are aware of the exact moment you die because your controls become unresponsive. So you develop a memory of dying faster than the people you shoot at. Especially when it comes to headshots.

    Take note: This is the real problem with hacking in the early stages of a game. It doesn't matter how well or poorly SoE does from here on out. Since they botched security, the game will forever be known as another F2Play with a 'hacker problem' regardless of what steps they take.

    They could put a patch out tomorrow with the best anti-cheat known to man. It won't matter. The vets who are used to crying hacker at certain things won't re-evaluate, and will still cry hacker when those things happen, even though they were always legit but the excuse used to be more plausible.

    Remember that next time SoE launches a game.
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  18. Mishkel

    For me if someone provided evidence of that.. it would more show how far apart what Smedley claims and "what is" ... really is. High BR players can NOT possibly be cheaters.. or they would have been banned long ago (there is some degree of sarcasm there.. which I know may be hard to detect over the internet).

    Oh and to be clear here.. I am simply making a comment about the scenario described as opposed to the statement that was responded to by the person I quoted.
  19. smokemaker

    If all you worry about are cheats, all you will ever see is cheats, real or imagined.
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  20. draiocht

    If the original poster was frustrated over those simple examples, I imagine there may be some disbelief when faced with "impossible" smg & shotgun insta-kills from 30m away or around corners~
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