Claymores, proximity mines, IRNV = absolute cancer

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AdrIneX, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. AdrIneX

    And personally this is what's killing this game for me. Everyone and his mother uses these now and they do so in very large quantities. As I'm TR I'm also sure my faction spams these so I'm not only blaming the other guys.

    I'm not even mentioning the cheaters and exploiters this game is riddled with. If SOE plan to deploy 1 or 3 "watchers" daily on every server then I truly weep for this game.
  2. AdrIneX

    Another thing I'd like to mention is the deconstruction of vehicles mid air. Can anyone tell me why exactly we have this feature? What good is it for exactly?
  3. Zapon

    i'm going to object on the IRNV thing

    -Because night optics have taken more nerfs than anything else in-game

    and should be brought to render range.

    There's a lot of strong cases for this, and it would NOT break the game

    Anyway, if you want to lessen use, then the rest of the options need to be sweetened. Along with a render distance increase

    im going to stay away from the mine issue though
  4. Phenics

    Always the cry babies.. You do realize IRNV is useless at anything but close range right? And that mines are visible and destroyable and 90% of the time placed on the obvious places. (Door ways, top of stair near or at cap points, generators etc. If you think they are so OP why don't use them yourself?
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  5. Ravenorth

    I hardly get ever killed by mines and I dont even use flak armor you know why? I simply look around every door until I enter inside or out, slice corners before I pass them etc. Small things that doesnt take much time and depends on only your willingness to do it. Surely there are those players who can be very sneaky with placing them, but its very rare at least for me. Then there is always flak armor if you really are in too hurry to stop can look around, NV scope is also great for spotting mines.
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  6. Wardancer

    The IRNV have pretty much no drawback whatsoever for carbines. They just make it extremely easy to spot enemies so you do not have to focus at all to keep track of enemies.

    This is also one of the reasons why tanks are so effective against infantry, with a night scope on a tank there is no way an enemy infantry dude can get close to you because they light up like bloody Christmas trees.

    I use the IRNV on my light assault alot but i no illusions about it not being stupidly overpowered compared to the other scopes and generally pretty booring. Sure putting it on a medium rof AR or LMG is pretty daft but on smgs, carbines, high rof AR or LMG there really is no contest.
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  7. Rickenbacker

    It's for griefing only, as it has no function other than denying you a kill you should rightly have.
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  8. MrIDoK

    Welcome back to another exciting episode of Forumside 2, where everything that kills me is OP and will ruin the game.

    AP mines can be countered with rank 2 of flak armor (i know, 11 certs are hard to get...);
    IR/NV sights have a relatively low range and don't give an incredible advantage, it's not like they aim for you.
    Deconstruction in mid-air is simply silly and should be removed, but we're shouting for that since beta, so don't get your hopes up...

    Cheaters... well, maybe i'm lucky but i didn't see a lot of those lately. Especially not obvious ones. Instead i have a lot of latency problems in PS2, most of the time i die before hearing the enemy firing.
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  9. GSZenith

    Can't remeber what game it was, was a f2p on steam fps but it had this CRAZY idea, night scope didn't work at days :O!!! you just got a white nice screen if you tried, i know funny right?...
    also tr's claymores are a joke 90% of time seen before step on, prox mine? gl finding them
  10. AdrIneX

    Go back and read the OP, did I mention anything being OP? No I didn't.

    I know the IRNV range is limited but when 90% of the time you get killed by someone has that scope, you start thinking.

    Obviously mines are visible, did I mention they weren't?

    Strawman arguments all over the place. Do you even know how to lead a discussion? Jesus...
  11. PS2Freak

    Stop fixing what isnt broke.

    this what you describe is what's NOT killing this game for me.
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  12. Bill Hicks

    IR/NV should go black when a flashlight hits it. Also make it shake when you jump, like the other scopes. I pretty sure if they nerfed the IR/NV the TR and VS populations would be cut in half.
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  13. Draf

    Claymores, proximity mines : flak armor
    IRNV : really short range

    you're welcome
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  14. Ravenorth

    It has a function, to hide your vehicle from enemies. I often fly with ESF on and use the ejection seat to drop myself behind enemy lines. While I´m falling I reconstuct my ESF, so no one wont start wondering why it was falling down without anyone chasing it.
  15. Zaik

    Uh, what exactly is wrong with IRNV? It's the only way you can see through all the smoke from all the explosion spam and when some idiot on your side thinks it's super tactical to shoot a smoke grenade at enemies to hide them rather than shooting it between or on your position.
  16. whitupiggu

    IRNV doesn't blur until 150m. I'd hardly call that close range. That being said I think IR is fine. It does have the drawback of not being able to see the grenade icon. I've died several times to grenades I didn't see.
  17. MarlboroMan-E

    IRNV can't see half way across a bio lab. It's a trade off.

    Mines. Learn to look for them, and know where to expect them.

    Mines that don't render. Yeah, let's get that fixed.
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  18. siiix

    wow why are people that constantly complain still play this game, just give up and LEAVE ... dont try to ruin the game for the rest of us who actually enjoy it
  19. Konfuzfanten

    I use IRNV all the time, the one scope i run with, but the IRNV is not THE best scope in game, unless you constantly are within 50 meters of your target. At 50+ meters you can see ****(only grayscale), your target wont be highlighted.

    Yea i die to them a lot, because im lazy and dont care to actually LOOK for them, when i do i rarely die.
  20. Raital

    You say these things are ruining the game for you, but how is that? Is it because 'everyone' is using them? Granted I know exactly what's wrong with almost everything you listed (except Claymores), you aren't really specific on why it's a game breaker. Players will spam whatever they're told is good to spam, even if they don't exactly know WHY it's so good or broken. Their presence in large numbers doesn't indicate that they're broken, just universally used.

    And the point of deconstruct was so you could abandon your vehicle and go on foot when you're done with it without having to try to suicide it without killing yourself in the process, or when your vehicle gets stuck in the terrain. Problem is, it's simply become a griefing tool now. It doesn't change anything, though. Even before players were aware the deconstruct button existed, people suicide bailed out of their jets or beelined for the nearest terrain object, so it's not that deconstruct encourages griefing. People are just dicks and bad sports.