[BUG] Headshot isn't registering? (Using 800 dmg sniper)

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Chouheals, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Chouheals

    Just wondering if anyone is experiencing this. I recently started using the Parallax for my sniper. I was previously using the 100 cert bolt weapon and I had no problem aiming for headshots. However after I started using the Parallax I suddenly sometimes miss shots because the bullet goes through the enemies' heads.

    So I tried reproducing this bug and apparently it most often happens when I shoot above their face (at their helmets). I know for SURE that I'm hitting their helmet, but the bullets just pass through and if I aim lower (closer to the neck) it then registers.

    I'm assuming that the reason this is happening to the Parallax and not the 100 cert bolt action is because:

    1. The Parallax (and I assume all the 800 cert rifles) are bugged
    2. The 100 cert rifles bullet drop is so much worse that the bullet actually ends up hitting the lower area of the face (just below the helmet) and the Parallax doesn't.

    I'm leaning more towards the first reason because I''ve experienced this both close (~100m) and far (~300m) and it happens often enough that I'm sure it isn't my aim (didn't have this problem with the XM-98 and most recently, playing with my other character just yesterday, didn't happen with the TR 100 cert rifle either.)
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  2. Jellyman_E

    Your missing cause your probably compensating for bullet drop, being used to the starting bolt action rifle. Put the crosshairs right on the head and it should pop.
  3. Wayfar

    So are you getting the hit marker and damage?

    I've had some problems with the rifles too but I'd like to know just what you are seeing to compare.
  4. Chouheals

    It's not the bullet drop. I'm SURE I hit the helmet, but it just goes through. It's like the hit box for headshots only go up to the eyebrows and ignores the forehead and top of the head, although sometimes it does connect. However it misses more often than not, close or long range, and it only occurs with the Parallax. I am SURE I'm hitting the helmet (I've shot enough to know when I miss and when it's supposed to connect.)

    I'm not getting a hit marker at all. It just literally goes through them. Sometimes it's so bad that I have to aim for their neck. I've ONLY had this problem with the Parallax.
  5. Akordia

    Same here. With parallax and when it's a massive fight, like The Crown (Maybe enemy is already dead but not on your render ?)
  6. Booface

    Sniper rifles are weird if you're shooting up or down an extreme incline, you have to aim much lower/higher than usual. It has to do with the longer barrel and the way the rifle is held by the character model, I think. Could that be what you experienced?
  7. Bloodmyth

    Using the Paralax there are times the hit just doesn't register, you actually see the bullet either hit or go through, it's fairly rare but extremely annoying.
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  8. swenma

    You have to dig deep to find this info but the new .50 cal rifles actually have "bullet rise" initially. If you try to compensate for bullet drop inside of 200 meters, you will actually be shooting slightly over the enemy's hit box. Aim for the nose if within 200 meters.

    Also, the hit boxes are registered as x/y planes. That means you are effectively shooting at a flat surface. If shooting at a target that is much higher/lower, it can be much more difficult to align a head-shot. Aim higher on targets above you, aim lower on targets below you. This should help you to register on their hit box. Iif shooting a target that is facing to the side, align your shot towards the front of their face rather than the side of their head. The way the hit box is built means that there is more recognition on the front and back of the face than the sides.

    Finally, remember when hunting other snipes that they move slightly forward when scoping. Another reason to shoot forward of their ears...

    Happy shooting!
  9. Crewell

    Are you certain it wasn't lag? Also was the target next to a terrain feature? I've had shots look like they should kill but catch a wall that graphically wasn't in the way.
  10. Dr. Euthanasia

    swenma has it right. The problem is that the higher power sniper rifles are calibrated to negate bullet drop at certain ranges which are different from the starting versions. Aim for the neck in close range and you'll hit the face. Aim for the face, and you'll hit nothing. This also applies at differing levels of elevation - you have to aim lower to hit the head. It's not a bug, it's just a poorly explained feature of the weapon which exists to make your medium-long range headshots not require bullet drop compensation.
  11. JudgeDeath

    This is a legit bug.

    I and outfit members are experiencing the same issue with parallax rifle. Its not just headshots, bullets can allso pass thru the main bodies without causing damage and impacting on the surface behind the target. You can see the hit from the sparks on the wall behind the stationary target.

    Makes parallax really unbearable atm since you waste about half of your ammo on ghost-shots.
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  12. Ztiller

    I use the parallax and i can't say i have noticed any missing hit registration.
  13. Twido

    I have the same experience but with the RAMS, I didn't think anything of it untill someone else in the outfit commented on the same thing. I need a bit more experimentation before being sure though.
  14. RecursiveBadger

    I've had this a few times with the Parallax. It's particularly frustrating when you watch the round go through an enemy sniper's head, in some cases seeing it spark off the wall behind them, then get OHKd while you're prepping the next shot.
  15. Tnsr

    There is one particular situation where you see your bullet going through an enemy head but isn't registered: if you snipe from very far away and you see an enemy standing on a tower it may be that he actually isn't standing there but is inside a turret which isn't rendered. All you see is the body which is inside the turret and of course you don't hit him there.
  16. Separatists

    yep same thing for the Rams.50 for tr. was recording when it happened too.
  17. Chouheals

    Where did you find this info? Is it in the google docs spreadsheet? I assumed something like this could be possible, but I didn't think it was actually the case because that's a really convoluted way to counter-bullet drop vs just increasing velocity/lowering the drop altogether...
  18. Vaphell

    initial rise is logical - with pseudorealistic physics where gravity is a thing you always deal with bullet drop. Without the rise you'd have to aim higher at *any* distance you wanted to use your rifle, no matter the bullet velocity. If your weapon is best used at let's say 100m, why not normalize it there? Rifles in real life are set like that. Side effect is that in the unlikely event of using your weapon at range closer than expected you hit above the crosshair.
    As they say: life is a game of compromise

    how hitboxes are done in this game technically, i have no idea.
  19. drNovikov

    I hit the head, I see a large hitmarker, a strange sound (like I hit a metal bucket), but they don't die! Distance was around 50 meters.
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  20. Stinneyt

    I think this is something different.
    I think this is when you shoot at someone who has enough armour that the shot doesnt kill them.