I play on Woodman and am... sad, upset, hurt..?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by itzCujo666, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Artaxarta

    I hope they announce their future plans sooner rather than later. I know a lot of people and many outfits that are just waiting for transfers to go live before jumping ship. I am, too - I'd just hate to get played by SOE by paying for a transfer when what Woodman really needs is a merger.

    But yeah, the server is a joke right now. Every day we see exactly the same outfits take exactly the same hexes in exactly the same order. Meanwhile what remains of our non-outfit population fights over the Crown. Yay. There isn't enough people outside of these two scenarios to make anything interesting or different, so right now most of us are just killing time when playing, waiting for transfer tokens.
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  2. {joer

    I play on Soltech and would HAPPILY give you Matherson. I like non-spammy fights, and looks like thats mostly what we are in for.
  3. Falcou

  4. Vashyo

    Sadly I'm quite certain it's not gonna affect the game at all, Indar rarely gets continent locked simply because there's way too many people there to make it near impossible task, you would have to win against two factions with less than half the population. It might happen in the early mornings though.
  5. itzCujo666

    One of the multiple things that pisses me off about Woodman not being merged is SOE are facilitating outfits staying together from other servers, transfering them whole to busier servers, but by forcing Woodman players to use tokens, outfits will get split up.

    I'm concerned regarding the outfit I'm in as each member makes a decision to stay on a shrinking server, or transfer to play in a busier environment.

    Other top misteps from SOE include their complete silence towards the vocal community of Woodman and their lack of transparency regarding merger criteria - why abandon Woodman when, from the tools available to us (screen shot comparisons between servers in other threads and server population indicator at planetside universe), Woodman has just as much a population problem as other servers that are getting merged.
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  6. Hyperz

    There's a small queue on Miller too for Indar at prime time. But that's just 2-3 hours a day. And, a full Indar really only means the server is 33% full. Let's says Woodman and Miller top out at 50% full during busy hours. Why not merge? We're all sick of Indar. The other continents are ghost towns. I'd kiss my monitor if Woodman was merged into Miller I we had a SERVER queue during prime time. Even if it was an hour... Miller might be EU's biggest server right now but even here the pop is a far cry from launch or even beta populations... We need 2 EU servers tops.
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  7. ladiesop

    If Miller is too big, why not merge the 3 low pop servers and the 2 medium pop ones instead of a low and medium like currently?
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  8. Nariquo

    well we dont know why? it is just stupid of them in my opinion.
  9. VoidC

  10. Evileet

    I play on Woodman.
    On prime time Indar is full, but the other continents are not. They are ghost towns nearly 95% of the time. Woodman = Indarside^10
    I see the same faces every day, hostiles same as TR.
    SOE, you don't have to merge Woodman with Miller, but with another medium server like Cobalt (after the Merge). That'd be really helpful.
  11. itzCujo666

    This is part of the frustration - SOE's complate lack of comment and total silence.

    Check out the comparative screen shots of the population of a Miller warp gate and the "population" at a Woodman warp gate.


    Ok, there are other issues at play (1 is VS, struggling with population currently) and 1 is TR, and the times are not exactly the same (a couple of hours apart), but even so...the difference is striking. There's 3 people at Woodman VS warp gate in image (including me) and maybe 20-30 in the Miller image...shots are about the same angle.
  12. JackD

    Iam playing on Lithcorp, as i know the smallest EU Server and we do have a lot fine battles. I do have a second Charakter on Woodman because i wanted to play once in a while on a full Server, but didn´t use it because Lithcorp was fun enough.

    And Woodman has about twice the population, everything is fine guys.
  13. JackD

    Continent Locking will do something against this.
  14. Evileet

    But compared with Miller, Woodman is a joke. Did you played on Miller yet?
  15. JackD

    Yeah, the Miller guys are also complaining about how empty their Server will be soon. Tell me how should i take your complains serious when i was playing on a way lower populated server and it still was fun with enough big fights?
  16. Hyperz

    I really wish people would stop referring to Miller as if it's perfect population wise because it's not. Yes, it's worse on other servers but that makes Miller only "less worse". We're all in the same boat on this. Like I said before, we need 2 EU servers, no more.
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  17. Hyperz

    Define big... Battles on Miller at launch were MASSIVE when the server was full. Now, you "only" see big (not massive) battles at prime time. Anything out of the few hour window is medium or less. I have a VS alt on Lithcorp and it's nowhere near as fun there as it is on Miller. Just like Miller right now is nowhere near is good/fun as it was on launch or during beta.


    Random example. Miller (back then EU1) halfway into the beta:

    To get this now you either have to be at the region around The Crown or at a Biolab. You don't see those fights anymore at other bases. Some of the battles then were insane (i'd rate this one as medium). Again, this was during closed beta. We're 3 months post launch now and the situation is worse. The hell...
  18. Vibe

    Anything outside Indar on Woodman is dead. It seriously needs a merge or push out continent locking ASAP.
  19. Gary

    Feels like a a kick in the face, Invest a lot of time and some money into the game, Now as it stands Woodman(EU) will not be merging....

    Currently Woodman(EU) has been deemed not to need a merge, The population is sufficient as it is. After the merge most of the servers that merged will have Double and even more then double the population of Woodman(EU).

    Currently Fighting is restricted to Indar, Partly due to the majority staying where the fight it but also due to the population, I have not logged in and been forced to another continent or had to queue to join indar in a long time. We cannot populate 1 continent never mind 3...

    Now after the merge new players to the game are not going to join Woodman(EU) As with any online game they are going to join the Full or High Population server since it is a much better experience. Spoken to some lower Battle Rank players and they all say the same, "I don't mind starting fresh" Some of the players who have put more time and investment in are going to be willing to start again invest a bit of money again and start fresh on a high population server.

    So with players leaving woodman after the merge, No new players joining woodman after the merge the server is inevitably going to lose more population and i am willing to wager it will be less then a 1/3rd the population of some other servers.

    Then just down the line we have another continent coming.... ooooooo look another chance for the small numbers to split up even more and reduce the fighting again.

    I personally am not willing to restart my character i have Limited Edtion Decals/Camo's that i cannot redeem again, I have put to much time and money into the character to just leave it behind. So to me it feels like i part of a crude marketing scheme..

    The crude marketing scheme being that they are going to be implementing server transfers.... Yes you guessed it... If i want to play the game like everyone else is i will have to pay to move server so i can have a decent population... or i can sit on a ghost server running around... It is unacceptable.

    Every server should be included in the server merger... No server should be left out as it is practically going to kill the server in the long run, no new players ever join Low population servers. It is a joke and insult to all of the people who have invested on Woodman(EU).
  20. m0nsta

    Yup indeed, its a shame we never play on Amerish while its possibly the most fun continent so far.

    Last Tuesday the TAW5 outfit went to Amerish for a group photo, before we entered the continent it had a 18% VS population, after our outfit entered it quickly raised up to 68% population, and at that time we only 35 members online.

    SOE should make limit, that it should not allow more then 40% of the total population of 1 specific faction playing on 1 continent. So when there are 1000 NC players online, only 400 of them can only play in Indar. Woodman basically needs to 2000 more active players to fall in the same PS2 principle for the 2000 max players per continent. I don't know the correct numbers, but it feels like the total player base on Woodman is around 500 players. The Atmosphere and action on Indar is 'pretty good', but its just sad it runs out of numbers so get any action started on Esamir and Amerish.

    The most fastest quick fix for SOE is simply to lock or temporary remove Indar.