Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by MidKnightRaiders, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. MidKnightRaiders

    I would like to hear your opinion on these 2 weapons which cost the most in the NC heavy arsenal. Do you like them? Do you dislike them? Tell me why
  2. R4GING

    I don't play heavy much but that's only because I haven't put a lot of certs into it, not because I don't know what to do with it.

    I prefer the Anchor over the EM1 because

    the EM1 has left and right recoil - I prefer single direction recoil because its easier to control for me - and less dps.
    the Anchor has a smaller starting hip cone of fire of 2.0 compared to EM1's 2.5.
    I prefer a mag size of 50 for a gun with 167 damage a shot for the faster reload - which the Anchor has.

    as a non-heavy assault main, I would be happy enough with the GD-22s (much like the Anchor, but with less first shot recoil, less rof - negligible difference - , longer reload) especially because its much cheaper - if I am to spend SC, I might go for Anchor.
  3. JojoTheSlayer

    I have only trailed the Anchor and to me it felt like the SAW in many ways.
    I would presume people doing well with the Anchor do well with the SAW. If you "hate" the SAW. You will probably not like the Anchor, but I can only speculate on that.

    However I own the EM1 with advanced laser, flash suppressor etc.
    The EM1 is NOT a good gun. It has a fast fire time, but the COF is very NC so you get little to no benefit even with advanced laser in close range. Most of the time you feel like you shoot more at a person to kill em compared to say the NM6.

    I use the EM1 regularly, not because its a good gun, but because it works differently from the EM6 and sounds a bit different. So it becomes the gun I only use to mix things up a bit.

    In short:
    [Anchor > EM1] < GD22 < EM6
    • Up x 1
  4. Kastrenzo

    No one ever uses the EM1, Lol,

    or the Gauss Saw S, I'm thinking of spending my spare certs on my NC alt on that one, who knows I might like it.
  5. Bill Hicks

    gauss -s is pretty good. Good for mid range suppression.
  6. Lexicon

    Big Anchor HATER here. I find it utterly useless, as someone who does well with most weapons. It fills absolutely no niche, as it has a small clip (50) and the ROF is laughable compared to comparable CQC lmgs (e.g. carv, orion, even sva88 etc). More than anything, it has really obnoxious horizontal recoil, even with a foregrip, so it is pretty useless at range and like previously mentioned, you will get owned by higher ROF weapons at shorter ranges. I can't even force myself to grind an auraxium medal with it, really wish I hadn't bought the thing.
  7. Zaik

    It does 167 damage/shot at 600 RPM. The TR/VS weapons that do 167 damage/shot fire at 577 RPM or less, and also don't have the advantage of having single direction horizontal recoil.

    Your issue is with their 143 damage 750 RPM weapons. Ours is a piece of **** at 143 damage and 652 RPM for no apparrent reason. It's called the EM1, never use it.
  8. TeknoBug

    I bought the EM1 last week when it was 350SC, all I have to say is "ew".

    Went back to the GD-22S and Jackhammer.
  9. RHINO_Mk.II

    I bought the EM1 when it was on sale for 50% off with SC I had from a 3x SC event. I figured that for a dollar, it was worth a look. I was wrong.
  10. jdono67894

    I have the EM1 (900 kills) and EM6 (1500 kills)

    The EM1 has some good points, high rate of fire, very accurate first 2 shots (similar to AK47 is CS).
    Problem is, you have to use it as a burst style weapon which makes its high rate of fire not very useful in CQC where you will hit everything except the target 1 foot from you.
    As a medium/long distance weapon it is good but not as good as the EM6 by a lot.

    If you ever want to buy the EM1, buy the EM6 instead.
  11. Tythes

    Although I want to like the EM1 I have never managed to be as success with it as I am with the EM6.The EM1's ROF is just to low to compete and needs to be brought up to 698. As it stands, it's simply an inferior version of the CARV.

    The anchor is my goto outdoors weapon and it is very effective in that role. It has same TTK as EM6 but has less recoil and higher bullet velocity allowing me to frequently kill people in a single burst. Its only downside is that it only has a magazine size of 50 vs EM6's 100 which can be a big handicap if you don't have a safe place to hide and reload or if you may engage multiple enemies back to back. That's why I use EM6 when fighting in base courtyard.
  12. Lexicon

    Nope. Not even close to being true.
  13. Tythes

    Yeah, what I meant to say is Anchor has less horizontal recoil (has lower horizontal recoil tolerance). You're right that the EM6 has less first shot vertical recoil. However, I can compensate for vertical recoil but I can't compensate for horizontal jittering hence why I prefer the Anchor at that range.
  14. Zaik

    Tolerance is the wrong one, you want to look at min/max.
  15. Tythes

    My understanding is that min/max is how much it will jump at every shot while tolerance determines how far off center horizontal recoil is allowed to shift during sustained fire. The Anchor and the EM6 have identical min/max horizontal recoil of 0.175, however the EM6 has a tolerance of 0.7 while the Anchor has a tolerance of 0.4.

    In this context, I did mean tolerance since it is a distinctive advantage for the Anchor at medium range since more bullets are likely to hit the target during burst fire.
  16. Badname0192

    EM1 is my mid-range, short range face rocker in times of need. It puts pain out quite well when working with a team. It's not a bad gun at all when used correctly and it can take you indoors and into cqb, even though that's not preferred, if working as a team you can get assists or even kills while clearing swaths of enemies.

    It reminds me of the TR weapons I use when playing heavy while wearing red. EM1 is great, you just have to apply it in the correct situations.
  17. Lexicon

    Anchor has noticeably more horizontal recoil than the EM6, I'm not sure how you came to the opposite conclusion, Tythes. I hate the Anchor for that reason alone. I haven't looked at any stat sheets regarding this, but it's patently clear once you test both of them in the field.
  18. Littleman

    I go for the Anchor. In a word, it's a bigger version of the Engi/LA stock AF-19 Mercenary, which is no slouch in combat at any range provided you actually have some skill in recoil control.
  19. ladiesop

    The Anchor is more similar to the Medic Gauss Rifle. In fact, apart from bullet velocity and LMG CoF traits it's the same gun but with bigger recoil values and magazine; the recoil also shares the directional trait.
  20. irishroy

    what do you think?
    GD-22S or EM6 (for CQC and hipfiring 3:] )