gd-22s vs anchor

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by mynameaborat, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. mynameaborat

    so i tried out the gd-22s...i thought they were both it just me or does the gd-22s feel more controllable and therefore more accurate? i did thorough testing they both seem to have the same recoil but to me gd-22s feels more controllable,

  2. FnkyTwn

    The GD-DDs handles like a carbine and its amazingly accurate. Apparently the basic stats sheets everybody looks at doesn't contain the horizontal recoil information that's really important. The stats are accurate in a lot of ways, but its just not all the information you need. Guns with almost the same numbers can and do feel dramatically different from each other.
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  3. Zaik
    This does contain horizontal recoil values, although it's a pain to find them.

    Go to ClientItemDataSheet, find your weapon. Take the fire group ID and find it in FireGroups. Take the primary fire group ID and find it in FireModes, and near the far right you should see HORIZONTAL_RECOIL_MIN and HORIZONTAL_RECOIL_MAX.

    Both the Anchor and GD-22S have identical horizontal recoil at 0.175, among most other things. The only real differences between the Anchor and GD-22S are 23 RPM in favor of Anchor, lower first shot recoil multiplier in favor of GD-22S, and Anchor can use the Advanced Laser Dot attachment and the GD-22S can not.

    In my personal opinion, unless you are a person who naturally has trouble with FPS mechanics the Anchor is 100% better, you will naturally pick up compensating for the fIrst shot recoil decently enough for most combat ranges within 10 hours of use at the most. Until then, it'll likely cause your aim to initially wobble a bit. Since the horizontal recoil only pushes one way, there is no need to use a forward grip, so the Anchor just has better hipfire accuracy with the advanced laser dot as well.
  4. Tythes

    GD-22S vs Anchor basically boils down to this:

    The GD-22S has less vertical recoil on the first shot while the Anchor has higher ROF, higher projectile velocity and is slightly more accurate in bursts due to its lower horizontal recoil tolerance (i.e. the Anchor will feel like it shakes from side to side slightly less than the GD-22S).

    I personally prefer the Anchor because I feel that at the range where the GD-22S' first shot recoil starts to matter, its the low projectile velocity and it's inaccuracy in small bursts that suffer. I also prefer the Anchor's ROF in case I get caught in CQC.
  5. Ronin Oni

    foregrip counters horizontal recoil....
  6. Tythes

    ...which both weapons have. Foregrip mitigates horizontal recoil, it does not eliminate it so its still advantage to anchor.
  7. Playful Pony

    I've always used the GD-22s and loving it, I consider it a very good weapon... That's not saying it is a better option than the Anchor, it's just my personal preference and thats generally what it comes down to. Nearly all weapons has their own way of being effective, depends heavily on playstyle.
  8. ladiesop

    The (relatively very) low first shot recoil on the GD-22S makes it really good at landing accurate shots at a longish range using short bursts, which the Anchor can begin to struggle at (and needs longer bursts, so blooms more).

    The GD-22S can get the 2x scope, which the Anchor can't (and would be the IMO best scope for the Anchor too).

    When you are closer to the enemy, the Anchor starts to get better as the recoil isn't a big a deal in these situations.
  9. Kastrenzo

    the GD22S is just a cheap alternative for NC players who don't like the gauss saw, there's a reason it's only 100 certs
  10. Tonkatron

    Take it from someone who's played way too much of this game as NC Heavy,

    CQC Loadout- Anchor with laser sight attachments ( this allows for the heavy to become as good as NC can be at short range, hipfire or iron sights)

    Mid-Range Loadout- GD-22s with foregrip attachments. You have decent accuracy, fire rate, and very little recoil compared to our other LMGs. This allows you to engage comfortably at any range.

    Long-Range Loadout- Gauss SAW with foregrip attachments and 4x scope. This allows you to spit out 1-2 bullet bursts over long distances, that pack a punch. If you try to burst any more than 1-2 bullets, you'll see why everyone hates this gun initially.

    Hybrid/any range- EM6 with foregrip attachments. This thing can do lots, a master of none though.
  11. Littleman

    I would say the Anchor is overall better. The GD-22s is a very close second however, mostly attachment options and the price tag being the differing factors. Freebies can easily acquire the GD-22s and have a gun that will perform much like an Anchor, if not exactly. I much prefer being prepared for CQC where getting away is much harder, so the adv laser of the Anchor what drove me towards it, however, I do miss my 2x zoom.
  12. Badname0192

    Basically, you get an advanced laser option for the Anchor, supposedly that's a great way to get an Auraxium medal on the easy. I have the GD-22s and put it in my loadouts when going to Bio-domes or planning on defending facility generators from either being repaired or destroyed. Once I cap it out, if I ever get around to it given how many times I swap out my loadout, I'll probably go ahead and purchase the anchor, if the fourth faction doesn't see fit to ruin the game into a huge Nerf fest.
  13. warmachine1

  14. Bankrotas

    Still don't really like NC6 though.
  15. Zaik

    Eh, that probably has a bit to do with there being no situations to use it in ATM.

    It was great when we had un-ruined annihilators and vehicles didn't own every single piece of land that isn't inside a building and away from windows and doors. Right now there's no situation in which it would be better than any other alternative, you just can't find infantry vs. infantry combat at those ranges.