[TR] ZCompany [ZC] - A Crazy Fun Tactical Outfit

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Rycon, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Rycon

  2. Rycon

  3. Rycon

    Come join a fun 1 platoon outfit. Feel part of family where we want you to have fun more then anything.
  4. GamerGawd

    We got Esamier this morning!
  5. Fox Reinhold

    Rycon and ZCompany make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and I'm Vanu. If you are transferring servers and need a new place to call home, just know that ZCompany will make you feel warm and fuzzy too.

    (Also they're fun to fight.)
  6. Krixes

    Hellerrrr fellers!
  7. GamerGawd

    Join us in our pub outfit and see what we mean.
    It's free!!
  8. Rycon

  9. Krixes

    That's it we are all watching Lordi!

  10. Rycon

    Best song ever!!
  11. Rycon

    Hooorah TR!
  12. Rycon

    outfit is not going anywhere. Join on up!
  13. Rycon

  14. Krixes

    Come join the best TR Outfit this side of the planet! =)
  15. Rycon

  16. Rycon

    Welcome home Sol Tech
  17. Rycon

  18. Rycon

    Server merges are whoop ****. Never had this much fun since the beta days!
  19. Rycon

    Server was full tonight!! Awesome!!
  20. Rycon