Unbalanced merging

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by drednok, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. drednok

    I'm not sure where people heard which servers would be merged together, but as far as east coast merging goes, it seems obvious to merge SolTech with Waterson and Jaeger with Matherson based on the several times I've checked the population during the week. Those merges would balance out the populations opposed to the proposed merges which would unbalance them, although it's just occuring to me that SOE is in this for the $ and want people to transfer... crap

    If waterson and jeager are merged there will be way to many TR

    Does soe even care what the populations are?
  2. Zapon

    ...er, merging Jaeger with soltech might be better, we've lost a lot of VS recently.



    on the other hand XD
    Or we could say to hell with it all and go for broke ,and merge mattherson and waterson xD

    Then bring in jaeger and Soltech.

    ^^^ I'd seriously be up for it.
    /maybe it'd pressure the devs to raise the cap from 2000 players upwards-
  3. Pat Cleburne

    So population balance only matters when it's the TR who may make up the majority pop? Why have you never complained about VS having the majority of players on SolTech for the past two months?
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  4. Vertabrae

    Faction populations will always be unbalanced. Once people get the main things they want unlocked for a faction, they will switch factions and work on unlocking stuff for that one.
  5. Total_Overkill

    Question, are you really that stupid?
  6. Zaik

    As I understood it, SolTech is the only US East server that doesn't have a majority TR presence. Mattherson is usually NC majority until the Enclave's ops start(5 PM-11 PM iirc?), so if you log on outside those times you will definitely not get a clear picture of their numbers.

    So basically, when you look at which server to add more TR to, do you want to add it to the one with an outfit like the Enclave, or do you want to add more TR to the one filled with youtubers who picked up the game because TotalBiscuit and that angry review guy liked it.

    Dunno about you, but if I had to make that call I'd put the extra TR where the TR were least organized.
  7. Curse_Gamerkin

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  8. n0pax

    Can't merge Soltech and Jaeger together - even combined they have less activity than Waterson or Matherson. (I play on all 3, used to play on Waterson until 2.5 weeks ago when I deleted the character for Matherson). More merges would be necessary from day one after the merge, but this time there'd be a serious player base issue.

    In regards to the OP, this is not going to be that big of an issue, both Soltech (I'm a level 40 VS) and Jaeger (42 TR) are so lacking in activity that they lack the population to materially influence balance on Waterson/Matherson.

    The servers are both ghost towns by 11:30 ET, even before then Jaeger only has 3 big battles going (Crown and one NC vs TR and one NC vs VS (on Esamir, not Indar)). Soltech is worse with only having the crown big battle, there are other not solid red hotspots, usually two.
  9. riker

    dont be dissing ma bro, VS are far from delusional, i think we can both agree that the NC is far more insane
  10. Slyguy65

    I agree it should have been swapped.

    Jaegar is in the same state faction pop wise as waterson.

    Soltech should have merged with waterson to boost the VS pop.

    Jaeger should have merged with mattherson to boost the TR pop
  11. Apples

    Let the devs do their work, they've got WAY more data on population over time and cont pops than you.
  12. QuantumMechanic

    The fact that Connery isn't included in the merges was the last nail in the coffin for me. What a joke.
  13. Ghroznak

    It doesn't matter what the global population on a server is as long as there is an efficient and reasonable continent poplock feature in place.

    Continent poplocks will ensure fair fights within the battlegrounds and continents you are fighting on.

    As it stands today, it seems to me the continent poplocks are either set way too high, or not functional. I regularly see NC on Lithcorp fielding 45% population on Indar while TR and VS are struggling with 25-30% populations.
  14. Prownilo1

    I think Ceres and mallory are being put together so that the TR and NC are balanced out... too bad both of them have a VS pop of about 20%... SO that's gonna be fun.
  15. Azerin

    I'm fine with being insane :D Gives us a reason to do really stupid, suicidal crap and laugh about it later.

    On a serious note though, just relax about the merge. The servers have already been decided so let's see how they turn out first. If it turns out to not be satisfactory, then we can whine and nag about doing ANOTHER merge.
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  16. Stncold

    What? Mattherson does not have any TR pop problems.
  17. Zapon

    My idea is the best- MErge them all xD (and raise the pop cap xD)

  18. ThePackage

  19. Iksniljiksul

    You don't see the very first sticky thread?
  20. riker

    good point