Miller - Indar cont lock

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arquin, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. Xaturas

    Vanu tears ...
    At one point you boast how *skillfull* you are pfffft hahaha. At other point you cry about people deliberately working together to take you down. Each and every time you vanu turds find some kind of excuse or false things to either boast about your non existent *skill* or cry about something you don't like.
    Vanu you are pathetic, I would be ashamed if I played one, but I don't.

    Well back to TERA online, hopping that roadmap of PS2 is not one big BS *looking at you GU3 ...*
  2. Xasapis

    Not sure where the irony lies. NC had triple capped all three continents prior to CU2 (and capped Indar alone as well), but never held Indar for more than a day. The defeatist attitude definitely didn't help.

    It will indeed be interesting to see if we can cap Indar from the SE corner. I was kind of hoping we'd lose the continent sooner so we'll get on to it sooner.Now I don't know if we have the time to do it before the next rotation. Still, think of it this way. When we do get it again, how long it'll take you to neuter the continent this time? ;)

    (PS: I really really hope TR caps Indar before they move to the SE. Then we'll also see how long they'll keep that lock as well)
    Vanu Tears? Hardly. We've done something this early generation of NC you were part of considered impossible. The current generation of NC seem a lot more competent however.

    I believe I'm speaking for the majority of VS players when I say that I'm glad players with your attitude are not part of our forces.
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  3. pnkdth

    I very much doubt this was a joint TR/NC operation. The NC was on the warpath, and we kicked the hornet's nest(attacked the TR). While the fight as Peris Amp Station was pretty damn awesome, the sights on the larger goals were lost and thus we lost Indar. A humbling experience but not a cause to despair.

    Retake Indar, you say? Challenge accepted.
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  4. Kapernum

    So far I haven't seen any particular impact, considering you have a way higher population than NC had at the time. You did lose your lock though. NC and TR has never been so loyal to Indar as VS have. That and NC having the worst location contributed to NC abandoning Indar, in my opinion.

    We have never been warpgated with a numerical advantage. And no one has ever captured Indar with a population of below 50%(It's probably 55-60%). Also, from what I've seen VS numbers tends to pick up during off-peak. And again, the only reason you think we're underperforming is that NC is now a major factor and VS is still that. There's three factions on Indar now. And NC is not at all doing better than us, We held the exact same territories as they did during prime-time. The rest of your paragraph is speculation.

    And yes, amongst the TR zerg, there is an obsession about The Crown. All roads lead to the Crown is something often /yelled. But I don't know what that has to do with anything.

    (Just to remind me how much I hated it before, it feeds me.)
  5. DrTeeth

    In all fairness, yourself and Justicia need to stop this silly crowing. Indar pre GU2 was a different world. You VS had the best warp gate, a massively overpowered mountain climbing tank, there weren't annihilator squads everywhere, and the NC were AWOL. All of this is different now. I don't see Indar being capped for a while, unless it happens at like 5am on a week night or something.
  6. AdrIneX

    Don't flatter yourself. The reason you did so "well" in that corner is because of the original OP Magrider which was extremely well suited for that terrain. Now that your insane maneuverability is gone it'll be interesting to see how you'll perform at the N. warpgate since it's mostly flat terrain which favors faster vehicles.
  7. Kapernum

    The only way someone is capping Indar now is if a faction abandons it and one of the remaining factions takes it off-peak, or one large outift organizes an op off-peak. I can actually see this happening during one early morning saturday or sunday.
  8. Brevi

    I can assure you that the TR and the NC did not work together. In fact just to name an example, when we were defending Tawrich Tech Plant all of my team mates focused on NC targets instead of the Vanu deliberately opening ground for the coming up Magrider forces to flank the NC. Worked pretty well... the Vanu eventually took over the NC siege but at the end none of the attackers had enough survivors to take Tawrich from the TR.

    This three faction thing can make it pretty interesting. I also first thought that the Vanu and the NC team up on us like all the time, but it just seems that way. At least that's my experience.
  9. AdrIneX

    Or the VS patiently wait for the lowest pop on both the NC and TR.
  10. Lukor

    So is this the "meta-game" we've been waiting for? 4 Page thread about paying 10% more for grenades and mines..i couldnt care less tbh ;)
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  11. Kapernum

    Whilst there was no official alliance and we did shoot eachother if we came close NC main objective was indeed VS. As was ours. For instance if we knew NC was taking a VS territory we would redirect to another. They did the same. The exception was the three-way skirmish at the Stronghold (I believe). Everyone was involved there. In the end VS got hamburgered after what I think was a deal between NC and TR in /yell or between outfit leaders and TR managed to to secure the point and cap the base.
  12. pnkdth

    Are you saying Prowlers can't make use of the SW terrain? Lots of hills and rock to hide behind. Last night we had prowlers hiding all over the place shelling us from all over the place. Anchored prowlers are extremely unpleasant. The reason we did so well and how we kept the SE WG for so long is that we didn't leave. We usually have 33% or more on Indar(mostly due not a single VS soldier goes to esamir or amerish). The single most important factor in this game is morale. The more glory hounds you have, ie, people who care about KDR etc etc, the worse off you'll be.

    On that account, I'm glad to be VS on Miller. There are lots of outfits with selfless players who will not give up. I'm certain NC and TR has these types of players well. I do not buy into this nonesense of ez mode and blah blah blah but it is good with some rivalry.

    The fact we're able to hold our own, more or less, shows that despite having our magriders nerfed we still cope. Some quit or moved over to the other factions, and good riddence.

    * * *

    So keep going with your "Vanu tears"-posts. We still can't hear you over the sound of how awesome the VS are on Miller.
  13. AdrIneX

    Yup, you're correct. But you forgot to mention that our Prowlers can't just hover those hills/mountains like you could (and still can) and take high vantage points shelling everything that comes at you.

    Which, again, proves my point that VS were extremely easy mode prior to GU2. Now that you lost a good amount things become more interesting.
  14. IMTasty

    You do not happen to be in BRTD do you? From what I've been told this is the second time ever since GU2 that we've actually done anything serious on Indar at all, last time it ended with Skydock. We don't even touch Indar with a 2 meter long stick if we see the TR at the Crown.:p

    You forget the first rule in the Art of War by Tasty.

    Encircle it, but do not capture it
    Watch it from afar, but do not advance towards it
    Make them feel committed to its defense, but never commit yourself
    As long as they hold the Crown, Indar shall be in your hand
    Take the Crown, and Indar will be lost

    Thus speaketh Tasty, author to the Republics Art of War, which no one bothers to read. :(
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  15. pnkdth

    Yes, you can. You do not need a magburner to get ontop of the hills. It is quite easy to get into good positions with a prowler.

    No, doesn't prove anything. People had fun in the magrider, it was quite special and a major draw to playing the VS. I know you want to think the only reason anyone would join VS is to use the OP magrider but that says more about you than anything else.
  16. -Zlodey-

    I`m from MM - Millennium Marines. I see your people everyday, though - good and bad ones.
  17. Xasapis

    Looking at how NC are doing with their snailguards, we'll be fine.
  18. Rolfski

    I was there and it was fun. I can remember saying "I smell victory!" to my team when the VS were back to 5/6 bases. Everybody agreed there was a windows of opportunity here and we instantly changed from casual/drunken ops into battle comms and went for it.

    At 1:27 AM CET we got the VS finally back to 2 bases only:


    6 minutes later, we got our victory. As you can see in this picture at the exact moment of lock break (Indar icon still on purple), there was still quite some fighting going on between NC and TR (battle dots):


    As you can notice, population balances were not overly off (nobody under 25% or over 45%) and it was certainly a 3-way fight. Meaning, this was a though and fun victory on another day of epic violence on Miller.
    Now, in other news today....
  19. IMTasty

    Same, think that's bound to happen though. Think the biggest outfits TR side are BRTD followed by MM and BMC followed by G00N. Always nice to see you guys around. :)

    BRTD is about to cut down/trim the fat though, there is a lot of inactive members from early on and a lot of people who do not actually play with the outfit and who basically just run around with the tag.
  20. Mingxballz