Is the new SMG better than the old one?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Exostrike, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Exostrike

    I haven't been playing recently but I've just come back in and I've noticed that there is a new SMG with larger ammo capacity, is the new SMG totally better than the first or is there some other difference?
  2. SgtBreastroker

    I prefer the first VS SMG over the second one.
  3. Exostrike

    I play TR though.
  4. TheBlueMagician

    Yes. It is completely better, a hands down upgrade. I bought the TR Armistice (first SMG) and fully tricked it out, including the extended mag: 40 rounds. The new one has a lower rate of fire (more on that in a sec), but 60 rounds max (a 1.5x increase).

    So you get to fire longer, which means there's a trade off, right? Well, you can't get the extended mag to bring it to 70, but you already have more ammo anyway so you never needed it. Thus you get a double upgrade to hip fire accuracy (and how else do you fire an SMG?) instead, plus extra ammo. So no trade off in the attachments, and strictly an upgrade to the old SMG.

    But it fires slower, right? Hardly. I had a friend who got the TR Hailstorm, and he emptied 20 bullets to bring his magazine to 40 bullets. We both fired at a wall at the same time, and he finished firing about a quarter to a half a second later than I did. The lower fire rate was barely noticeable.

    So yeah, it's a straight upgrade. Essentially the same firerate, significantly larger clip, and ability to use a double hipfire buff with advanced laser dot. Plus silencer and soft point ammo and whatever scope you want. Don't get the first one, at least for TR. Get the Hailstorm, and ignore the Armistice.
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  5. Exostrike

    Great, thank god I decided to wait for the second one to come out and see which was better.
  6. Turiel =RL=

    And the best thing about it: If you paid 700 SC for the first one (like me), you are totally screwed now! HURRAY!!!
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  7. Exostrike

    I didn't buy any of them :p
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  8. TheBlueMagician

    I feel a bit cheated myself, but I did get a lot of enjoyment out of the first SMG because it made me want to play infiltrator. Honestly, I hope they nerf the new SMG (at least on the TR side) a bit to make it more of a trade off. I was honestly surprised how flat out better it was, because it's as if they were TRYING to give the finger to people who got the first one. Though honestly, SMG life is a hard knock life: the extra 20 bullets (and thus extra ammo pool) will serve you well, but it won't be game breaking, which is why I'm not insanely mad.
  9. PureSalad

    No ******* joke, I just bought the first SMG, two days ago. Because no info other than, Slower fire rate, Larger clip size was produced.........not even a release date. Which could of varied between "Soon" and "Never". Apparently soon was in two days and I just wasted 7 bucks.

    Poo on the new SMG.
  10. Turiel =RL=

    I tell you exactly why you got cheated: If you buy the first one, you have to use extended mags if you don't want to run through a magazine in 3 seconds. If you do that you cannot use the double laser sights. So it is a dilemma.

    This new version is clearly superior, not just a bit different. You may even call it the "fixed" version. It just simply dominates the first one. I don't feel a "bit" cheated, for me it's a clear case of fraud. The only reason why I can live with it is that I am hooked on Light Assault and don't play Infiltrator that often.

    Btw, we will never get an official statement on this....
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  11. ScarabParamit

  12. Verenz

    This was rather shifty of SOE, but I think they did say they were adding more and the new guns are not night-and-day better like some people seem to think. Here is my humble run down.

    For TR the tradeoff of +30 rounds against easier recoil and 100rpm is such an upgrade that it's a joke. The easier recoil is irrelevant because they are all so easy anyway and the 60 round magazine lets you take the advanced laser sight and still have 20 more rounds than the old one even with ext mags.

    For vanu, I don't really play them. But I will say that stats wise I prefer the second one by a larger margin than for either NC or TR - I feel VS got screwed the worst here.

    For NC (my race) it is a bit closer I feel. Because of the much larger bullets fired by the first smg a 35 round mag (choose ext mags for the love of god) on it is equivalent to about 48 rounds on the new one (which has 50), they have similar killing power (slightly favouring the first one). If you let those differences sort of cancel out then you end up trading a 0.75 sec faster reload and easier recoil (first smg) against having an adv laser sight on the second. Overall I would still say the new one is better but you are at least getting something out of the old one (the reload is quite a significant gain to be fair, not imo as big as the adv laser but still it's something).
  13. Loegi

    The ROF is nearly 100 rounds per minute slower. The new SMG is on the same level as the Lynx, which has the fastest ROF after an assault rifle, the old SMG, and the pistol, shared with some other weapons. Coupled with that it has worse damage per bullet, probably to offset the better hipfire accuracy.
  14. Jex =TE=

    SOE release OP [insert weapon type here] and wait for forum users to advertise it as such. Later, after a hail of "OP!" posts, SOE nerf said weapon = kaching!
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  15. Jex =TE=

    A weapon firing 700 and 800 rpm breaks down like this

    700 = 11 bullets a second and 4.5 seconds to empty a 50 round magazine.
    800 = 13 bullets a second and 4 seconds to empty a 50 round magazine.

    So that's about 8 bullets difference.
  16. VVarnis

    The new TR SMG is a beastly weapon, I find it much more accurate with ADS but a bit lacking at hipfire when compared to the first SMG. With 60 bullets per mag you also get a total of 300 bullets compared to the firsts 180 which you run out of nearly instantly because of the fire rate.
  17. Kaon1311

    This is why not many people are spending cash on this game.
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  18. Neopopulas

    Always, always allllways wait like,a month to buy these sorts of things, because in this sort of microtransation environment.. new things are going to always want to be better than old ones, even if they say its marginal, or different.. it'll probabl be better because they want you to buy it. Maybe it won't be, or it won't be your style, but it probably will be in one way or another.
  19. silencefc

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  20. Raital

    Well, while it's not to my taste, a lot of people seem to feel better having more clips and a higher clip size. I'd wait though even on buying the second one, because it would be just as easy for them to hear that the first ones have no point and take that as it being necessary to buff the first ones accordingly, or nerf the second ones accordingly, whichever will make the first ones look better so that the people who held out on buying them will want to buy them even if they waited and bought the second set instead.

    So either way you'll probably end up screwed if you invest in either of them.