After re-reading the GU03, update this pops out...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by itzCujo666, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. itzCujo666

    After obsessively rereading the GU03 post 1000 times, you know the silly, small part that pops out at me suddenly?

    On behalf of each and every one of the 738,523,843 people living in Europe, I'd like to thank SOE for finally not ******* us over and bringing our servers down during European prime time simply because Higby finally sleeps when we want to play.

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  2. Baleur

    Though the Chinese players now get shafted, unless their servers & updates are on a completely different schedule?
  3. Astealoth

    i think this game is banned in china
  4. Baleur

    Why would it be banned in china when they had an event there promoting it?
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  5. Chipskream

    What time is this CET?
  6. Truehunter

    In china you only get the option to play TR ;)
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  7. Marked4Death

    Well this time works for most Aussies. Stop playing at midnight, I can live with that :)
  8. Jac70

    This is the standard time for rolling out these updates. Maybe the last one was at a different time due to the delay but this 2PM GMT time has been used all through beta and release.
  9. Skiptis

    I would assume the game is run under license in China like most major western games there. Which means a Chinese company with their own servers.

    And yeah, update before prime time in the EU is greatly appreciated. Particularly since it by the looks of it means they've got people working since before 0600 over there to make it happen.

    The only thing I want now is for them to post times in UTC as well because it does my head in to convert 12-hour format American times to 24-hour format local time (CET) in my head. I literally have to sit down and count every time even knowing what the difference is but starting from UTC you can convert it without really having to think about it, and I imagine it's the same for most Europeans. It'd take like 10 seconds for RadarX or whoever is writing the announcement to do and save thousands of people some head scratching and counting. Small things, you know.
  10. Mastachief

    The9 run it in china just like they ran the original, it's not banned infact they've spent a fortune promoting it. When they closed the servers down in ps1 the chinese came and played with us all on Gemini, so china isn't 100% ban hammer when it comes to interacting with us.
  11. Mastachief

    Follow the official euro ps2 facebook page or prosat version of the forums and they give it to you in CET.
  12. Uzii

    This is assuming that it does indeed take 90 minutes to deploy... And something doesn't go wrong and it takes 8 hours or something silly ;)
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  13. HadesR

    Just pray it's not as bad at Lotro's recent down time :p
  14. schrodingers_cat

    agus as gaelige!
    go raibh mile mile maith agat
  15. Uzii

    I don't know about LOTRO, but some of EVE's downtime were expected to last an hour or two, ended up lasting much, much longer. I'm sure everything will be find here though :S
  16. gudman591

    You forgot "Спасибо".
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  17. Larington

    To be fair to them, they frequently push new patches to the servers around 12-midday to 3PM UK time. It's just that GU2 seems to have had a nasty development over-run and I think they just wanted to deal with some niggling last minute adjustments so they could get the frakken thing out. Odd how it's described as GU3 in the patch note header but I don't see clear mention of GU3 features.

    I suppose the February feature list stuff is going to be GU4 then.
  18. hostilechild

    There is a huge china population on the Connery server, annoying as hell fighting there laggy *****. Kill them and then die to them seconds later after you run back to cover. They are TR. The japanese on connery seem to favor Vanu, some lag versus them but not nearly as bad. i am sure they are saying the same thing about us and wish they had closer servers.
  19. Harbinger

    The question is though, who cares about the Chinese?
  20. LordMondando

    To the OP.

    Yeap, happy on this. Nice to seem them being responsive to the fact loads of their players are European for once. Now just to have FNO not on early Saturday morning.

    They are launching their own version in china. All MMO's that are legal in china, have to have their servers based in china and signed off on by - I think its the culture department censorship elves.

    Chinese players who are currently playing PS2 are doing so through some sort of proxy.

    'Communist' china, loves the censorship, she is also increasingly internet savy.

    I'm looking forward to how they 'localise' the NC's aesthetic. I'm guessing 'live free in the NC' won't be in the chinese version of the game.

    People who like making money in the worlds and histories biggest emerging market?

    Also dern chinese LOVE MMO's, SoE would be stupid not to launch in that market despite the weird censorship laws of its lulzy buercratic junta.