Annihlator Now has 5 second lock-on time

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dante589, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Dante589

    That i have no issues with, but since that day, I have tried to lock onto many many vehicles, and noticed that its not 3 seconds, its 5 seconds in order to get a lock, and being able to fire. Whats up with that? I understand that there is vehicle stealth, which allows you to increase the time it takes to get a lock-on, but there is no way that everyone that I have fought has vehicle stealth, and even then, I thought it was only 1 second increase at max, not 2 seconds. Has anyone else noticed this?
  2. raptorweb1

    I have noticed this to. The time it takes now to lock on with this weapon has made it useless. Tree or something breaks veiw and 5sec starts over. Can hardly ever get a lock on air with this anymore.
  3. NietCheese

    I don't mind a mild nerf to the Annihalator, it was being spammed too much. But the Hawk also copped the nerf.

    The Heavy Assault is now a very weak class compared to the others. The decimator is still effective in bio-labs, but the power of the Engineer class with tank mines, GD-7F, repair tool and AV turret make the heavy assault seem like a joke.

    Why should Engineers be the best vehicle support AND anti-vehicle class?
  4. Hael

    Are you sure it doesn't have to do with narrowing the cone for securing a lock? I've had more than a few "long locks" with the Hawk because I drifted briefly out of the new smaller targeting range and the timer reset.
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  5. HadesR

    Should split the difference and go 4 sec lock on
  6. Vikarius

    LOL Weak class compared to the others? Sorry 0/10
    Heavy Assaultside 2, the end all be all class, everything else is just a slave.
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  7. KariH

    Where you put your crosshair? I think it is lot faster if it points just on target the time it begans blink green. My Annihilator launches imediately.
  8. Izriul

    because their engineers? That's what engineers do?

    Why should heavies be the best at infantry killing, best infantry (excluding max) at AA AND at vehicles while having an over shield.

    I believe heavies are the most played class. Stop whining.
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  9. Phaustus

    This issue actually does not seem to only apply to the Annihilator, but pretty much any lock-on launcher.

    It's also definitely not due to the narrowness of the lock-on area requirements, as that change was made only to A2A rockets for ESFs and not to launchers (also, that change was in the feb 8th hotfix, while the lock-on launchers issue only appeared after the feb 13th hotfix). If this can further prove the point about lock-on area narrowness, I've had lock-on times of 6+ seconds against *stationary* Sunderers (I might not be the greatest aimer/shooter in the world, but I'm not nearly that bad).

    I'm surprised the threads about this issue had only started appearing now... I've had a bug opened in the Gameplay Bugs section ever since the feb 13th hotfix and it seems to have received minimal attention...

    It's not about whether or not this is warranted (personally I think it's not since it makes G2A launchers useless), but about the fact that this is an undocumented (and, as such, possibly unwanted) change.
  10. Cymoril

    I noticed this the other day as well. I would also like to suggets a slight tweek and NOT have it lock on to turrets. that pisses me off. They arent vehicles of any kind and in my eyes are more of sniper bait than interference (like they are now) for lockons.
  11. Tekuila

    People could be using vehicle stealth.
  12. Sebastos

  13. Marked4Death

    King of on topic:
    After getting a lock, I used to "kick" my launcher up so the crosshairs are now off target and by doing so I could ensure the rocket would take a better path (less obstructions) than if I just fired on target. Is this still viable or will I lose my lock instantly when I go off target? If so, it's a double nerf for me.
  14. Ujelly Trollicus

    If you ask me there shouldn't be any lock on in the game at all, or if there is it should be BF style with the tracer darts.
  15. Stormlight666

    What i'd like would be the ability to hold down the fire button on the Annihilator while it's trying to lock-on to keep that lock when another vehicle moves near that target so it doesn't jump off - then fire once it goes green. I'll accept the 4-5 second lock-on timer if that meant that it didn't keep jumping off-target when something drives next to it and slightly closer to me resetting my lock-on. Although I also think the lock-on for aircraft should have a larger crosshair since maintaining a direct target on a fast moving ESF isn't easy especially when it races over your head in the 3rd second and you lose it.
  16. Vikarius


    You think they should make Heavies better in Heavyside 2 ? You must be joking.... is he serious? haha
  17. Vikarius

    If you are seeing a bunch it is merely a mix of the 4th faction and pple wanting to try it out because it is the "newest thing on the block". I still see 8 heavies to every 1 engineer in EVERY battle.
  18. QuakerOatsMan

    The annihilator nerf allows SKEP launchers and grounders to shine, but still allows a heavy to be an effective deterrent against vehicles at range in general. Pre-patch, the annihilator was the to-go rocket launcher since it was practically too versatile.