So, what is the point of the game actually?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Christo92K, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Christo92K

    Been wondering about this more recently.

    Huge, "epic" battles? Sure, they look nice.

    Using tactics? What's the point, the most useful tactic is to outnumber the other side by at least three times.

    Capturing facilities, then locking ou.. oh wait, locking, nvm.
    then getting a useless 10% bonus on something?

    Pretty hard to pull off when single guys fly/drop behind enemy lines and ghost cap territory, you cap something, only to see in the report up there it has been recaptured by the enemy 5-10 minutes later..

    The only point atm is to outnumber the enemy insanely, and farm certs.
    What do you think? Why isn't this being put on the first priority on this "road map"?
  2. SmellyBoots

    lol its kinda like life, the game is what you make out of it.

    I personally like to piss off a bigger giant causing them to pull forces back to attack me. other like to do massive zergs.
  3. omega4

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
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  4. FateJH

    The point of the game is to generate SOE money. Fame, if they can manage it.
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  5. Christo92K

    I agree, although there is about zero real incentive to do what the game should be about.


  6. RobotNinja

    Well for now, the devs seem to have completely written off improving the metagame and instead are focusing on new store weapons, new helmets in the depot that look like cheap, plastic Halloween masks and...ZOMG! TITAN MODE!

    I alternatively propose this rather unorthodox approach:

    1. Fix bugs.

    2. Focus and Improve on Metagame. Read: METAGAME SUCKS RIGHT NOW.
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  7. Crywalker

    My K/D is actually higher on my NC character than my TR/VS, and it's because their non-infil weapons, at least the starting ones, suck so bad I just snipe people.

    So I'm going to say the point of the game is shooting people in the head.
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  8. the pestimist

    Fame yes first person shooters are the most popular games in the world the only issue they will have is pulling off an mmo fps.
  9. Joram

    Silly me, i though the point of any game was to have fun.
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  10. Christo92K

    Short time income this way, for sure.

    But if they'd like steady income, more players will get attracted to a game where they can really get involved for a longer time.
    I see a lot less action on my server than the last weeks, that alone is much..
  11. Crywalker

    Honestly though there's no point. Actually taking over all the bases just means less action and less XP, it's a better experience when no faction is really winning and you can just screw around at TI/Crossroads/Crown.
  12. Kediec

    I play for Fun over anything else.

    With regards the enemy getting behind you and capping things, you do know they can only do this if they have a linked Hex already right ?
    Only other way a hex will flip behind your lines is when the cap was started when they HAD a link and not a single person from YOUR empire decided to check out WHY that hex was flashing on the map..............

    Metagame ( Continent Locking ) is on the list, that list is clearly up on the Roadmap section where WE the players vote for our most wanted item.
    You just can not blame the devs if the population of the game is voting up other things ahead of what you want.
    ( Not going to go into things that should / should not have been done in beta because it is irrelevant here )
  13. classicmintsauce

    I agree you find your self in a battle of numbers and small bonusus and I think the road map needs to fix this by-----
    Having a longer spawn time mabey a minute so it is not just spamming troops and also bigger bounus for bigger base's but I think that you are very wrong I still find huge plantoon battles on esamair and good players capping and using tactics I think that planetside at the moment is a great tactical FPS but could use some tweaks
  14. h00n

    The point is to win the war.

    Failing that, genocide the Vanu.

    Know the Vanu, revile the Vanu, kill the Vanu. The Vanu's lot in life is to be abhorred, and by extension, exterminated. That is their lot in life. Extermination.

    Go forth, my brothers. Show the vile Purple the true meaning of our hatred.
  15. SgtBreastroker

    To seize control of the continent I guess. It's slightly easier on continents like Amerish and Esamir due to the lack of players on those.

    It kind of makes sense when in the roadmap I read a thread where they are planning to make Continent lockouts where you have to capture the warpgates of the last factions to lock out the entire continent.

    I guess that will never happen on Indar...
  16. Izzy

    Yes. Correct...

    The point of the game is figure out what the point of the game actually IS.

    But this is the same answer that is true for any game. What's the point of Baseball? Well, see above. Now some will answer simply, "To win". But this answer demonstrates a naivety of what the point actually is. btw, this is not an insult, in fact, being naive is not even a sin. (Of course it's no badge of honor either).

    So there is nothing wrong with discussing what the point of a game is. But you need to understand that you will be discussing a Paradox. And discussing, say, a "Meta-Game", will be no different than discussing Meta-Physics. And it's unlikely that you are going to be satisfied by the answer.

    So what is the point of the game? Exactly.
  17. forkyar

    point of the game is endless war.
  18. the pestimist

    FUN with FRIENDS.