CERTS - C.E.R.T.S. - Buy them!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BunnyHillPro, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. BunnyHillPro

    EDIT: Or let us reset cert points. I've made some poor cert placing decisions and I'm sure a lot of you have too. I'd like to be able to reset certs even if it cost a little bit.

    Please for the love of god let me buy them. I already buy guns with real money. I already buy class specialties (AV Turret & Rocket Launcers) with real money. I already buy vehicle weapons with real money.

    Just let me buy CERTS. C.E.R.T.S. Those things that I only gain at an acceptable rate when I use a 50% booster. Those things that I farm for hours to get a compensator and foregrip or the second level of rival chasis. Don't get me wrong, I love this game and I thoroughly enjoy it without certs and without farming, but why can't I just buy certs? I've got money to throw away and I want to upgrade my MBT to 100% without spending 1,000 hours.

    The game has been out now for about 2 months so there isn't really a balance issue with allowing people to skip to end-game level cert upgrades. Level out the Cert to SC prices in the shop so that buying weapons with certs wont be cheaper or more expensive than buying weapons with SC. Then get rid of the 1000 cert upgrades and make them 750 or 800 (Long but reasonable and level with the "Top-Tier" weapons in the shop). Then let me buy some CERTS. I will pour money into your mouth and out your *** if you let me buy CERTS.

    From the start of beta I was hoping that there would be an option to purchase a "Season Pass" kind of thing for $150 - $200 and then have everything unlocked forever. It would allow me to do whatever I wanted and be fully geared to do it because that kind of specialization is what I want. My cert gain per hour is pretty high (50-80) and I'm not even flying a liberator, but I don't get to play very much between school and a job.

    So, let me buy certs. $10 = 1000 SC. So then 1000SC = 1000 Certs. $10 would get a high end 3% upgrade which isn't much, but if the cert price of the top-tier was lowered to 750 or 800 like I suggested it would be a little more reasonable. Also take into account 3X SC sale days (the only time buying SC is really fair considering this is all virtual) and then cert upgrades are a pretty darn good deal.

    What do you think? Would buying certs be too imbalanced at this point in the game? Do you think SOE would abuse this system to make money if it was implemented? Do you think people would like this idea or get bored too quickly after purchasing all the upgrades they wanted? I'd like to hear what you think.

    TL:DR - Learn how to read, grow up, & read my post
  2. Nariquo

    cert buying is sttupid...
    just be patienttt and play
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  3. Compass

    That's how you make a game pay to win. Certs are meant to slow down progression, so even if you have a new fangled tank weapon, you still have to put actual time into upgrading it.
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  4. Ash87

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  5. BunnyHillPro

    Your concern would have made sense during the beginning weeks of the game, but now we're almost three months in. There are people with fully decked out vehicles and classes. So if I want to pay to get to where those people are, why shouldn't I be able to? At the start of the game it would have been horrifying to have fully loaded tanks running around everyone else who only have tier one ammo upgrades. But now we're past the "Noob" mark.
  6. MarkAntony

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  7. Nocturnal7x

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  8. HadesR

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  9. Captain Sandwich

    Then what? You'd play the game and get bored. Video games need some sort of Skinner's boss or people stop playing them.
  10. Dragam


    What they SHOULD do, is give us the option of resetting our spent cert points.
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  11. MarkAntony

    This I would pay for. Wasted so many certs on stuff that is useless.
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  12. BunnyHillPro

    I agree. I was meaning to put that in my original post then I forgot about it when I started ranting. I put this idea in the EDIT.
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  13. PS2Freak

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  14. that_darn_lurker

    If SOE really wanted to make some money they'd implement this idea. This would bring in more cash than some stupid gambling boxes. Heck, I'd buy certs in a heartbeat, and I'm sure others would too but are afraid to admit it. Even people that think its a bad idea would buy just to stay competitive.

    It'd cause other problems, for sure, and a change like this could never be done in a vacuum without changing other elements to the game. I seriously doubt we'll ever see this feature though.
  15. Dragam

    Same - ive wasted at least 3k certs... so stupid... lol

    Which is sadly 1/3 of my overall certs... lol
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  16. BunnyHillPro

    Yea that's a lot of my pain too. I also felt compelled to generalize my certs because of the outrageous cert price growth and I now regret generalizing. if I were able to reset my certs I would go all in one or two classes/vehicles and pick my playstyle.
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  17. Varanis

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  18. BunnyHillPro

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  19. Colt556

    I'll never understand why people are so against things like this. It's not like the guy grew that money on a tree. He worked a job and put time and effort into earning that money. It's no different then putting time and effort into the game to get certs.

    It's not P2W because the things he is buying aren't exclusive. P2W is ONLY when the item in question can only be obtained by using real money. If you can earn it through in game actions, it's not P2W, it's Pay 2 Not Grind. And I find that to be a perfectly acceptable business model. Oh boohoo, he used money to instantly obtain every cert on his tank. So? How's that any different from you joining the game three years after release and all the vets have every cert unlocked? It's not. HOW he earned those certs shouldn't matter. Whether he spent hours playing PS2 or hours working McDonalds, does it really matter? At the end of the day he'd still have those certs and you wouldn't, why should you care?

    It's really telling of modern society, how petty and vindictive people are. You don't have the money to bypass the grind so you, being the spiteful individual you are, don't want anyone else to bypass the grind. They have to suffer right along with you.

    Can ANYONE here give me one solid reason why he shouldn't be allowed to buy certs? What actual advantage does it give him? Because no matter how hard I look, the only thing I can see is it lets him bypass the grind by grinding a job instead of the game. That's not an advantage, it doesn't make him stronger in game. It just changes what he's grinding. So why shouldn't he be allowed?
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  20. HannaDest

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