Lock Out Timers needed for those who play a different empire on the same server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by forkyar, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. forkyar

    ^,at least a 8 hour lock out timer,like planetside 1 had,come on soe.
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  2. Yautja

    I'd rather they just made it so that you can't have more than one character per server.
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  3. forkyar

    this would be a easier solution,because you know the kids would cry about your suggestion.
  4. evenflowjimbo

    Wasn't things like that? Only one per server?
  5. Rhinzual

    Nope, all three of mine are on Waterson, even though I don't play NC or TR much at all. The uniforms are ugly and the voices sound like douchebags.
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  6. Utope

    what would prevent people from just using multiple accounts?
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  7. RedPsycho

    Ding Ding Ding! Winner! This is the reason they removed the restriction in the first place. There is NOTHING stopping people from making another account to do the same thing to begin with.
  8. Kediec


    Adding a lockin timer wouldn't change a thing, just log in to a different account and hey presto, no timer ......
  9. Talizzar

    Since we are not going back to one toon per faction I am in favor of faction locks. 8 hours is too long. I think an hour is fine as it will eliminate anyone from jumping on a toon to grief because they got whipped.
  10. LibertyRevolution

    Most people who troll the other side use a second account.
  11. bishopau

    Makes no difference as you could have multiple accounts. Let the devs worry about other more pressing matters.
  12. pr0gr4m

    True but at least with that they have to go through the hassle of logging out and back in again. Sure, probably not THAT much of a hassle but some times the hassle just isn't worth it.
  13. Lord Robert

    Just stopped by to say why not just make a second account, but turns out that was already mentioned a few times.
    Thought I'd post anyway.
    Lock out timers are pointless and completely ineffective in a free to play environment.
  14. bishopau

    I would not be suprised if people are running this at the same time on a dual monitor setup or even just two machines side by side. I haven't tried as I am not that way inclined but I'm sure its happening.

    EDIT - you can probably run two instances at once as well. Where theres a will theres a way.
  15. Aliasse

    I can't get myself to commit to playing NC... (THE UGLY Reaver) ~_~ (Ugly Boxy Female Armor)
  16. Iksniljiksul

    How many times do I have to repeat this, and when will you people grasp:

    This is a Sony Online Entertainment Massively Multiplayer Online game.

    SOE MMOs have a fourteen year community following (as of May).

    All dedicated MMO players have multiple PAID accounts.

    SOE MMO players that play PS2 will never be effected by limitations on characters.

    Many, if not all, gamers have access to more then one computer in the household.

    Secondly, multiple characters per server was done for when they merge servers to cause less headaches.