So with talk of seamless oceans between continents...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by I'm behind you, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. LordCharlamane

    Oh also does that mean we would have scuba infantry. Futuristic scuba infantry and then scuba maxes which would look like the guys from that bioshock game.
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  2. Raukness

    no no no, what we need is outer space warfare!
    each faction have one huge *** mothership.
    If you have ever played Star Wars battlefront you would know what I'm talking about.
  3. chilly154

    It be in next year
  4. FlayvorOfEvil

    Add mobile suits into the game. NC will get ESEF mobile suits, TR will get Zeon mobile suits, and VS will get those weird Turn A mobile suits.
  5. Otleaz

    Naval combat would be completely pointless, and would get ignored entirely.

    You can't just add **** to a game on a whim. Buggies and BFR are both good examples of **** everyone is asking for without realizing how poorly they would fit into the game.
  6. Fox234

    Actually this is pretty false. Different strokes for different folks. There is an equal chance continental combat would be ignored for naval/space combat. Also I don't think I've heard anyone say buggies would ruin the game. BFRs maybe, but not buggies.

    I'm opposed to the idea because the game can barely run 1 continent at a time much less a seamless 3+ conts AND a vast ocean. Maybe once Forge Light doesn't suck I'll be ok with it but at this rate I can only picture the performance hit across the board.

    "This naval warfare is great! Too bad I make 3 FPS now and crash anytime I move".
  7. Phazaar

    REALLY want an NC submarine. Magslider says whaaa?
  8. Otleaz

    Buggies or BFR won't ruin it, they will just not fit at all. Can you imagine using the speed and maneuverability to your advantage when there is a ditch every 5 feet to slow you down while countless guided missiles chase you around? The terrain and mechanics simply do not support these things.

    Naval combat, on the other hand, would be even more pointless than the already extremely pointless ground combat. The ground combat at least gives you areas to fight over.
  9. ArcMinuteLight

    Why fly when you can use the sea to rain hellfire?
  10. OgreMarkX

    Cool. They can have 1, 3, and 12 man crewed ships and subs that when you are in them, no enemy renders until they've filled ya full of bugged warning torpedoes. BAM LOLOLOLOLOL!
  11. LordCharlamane

    I want weird 60's spacey scifi seahorses to ride on like Neptune under the waves with my trident lasers... oh yeah. ahem.
  12. Zapon

    I'm not sure if everyone is aware, but Star Wars Battlefront had technology developed in it to allow you to hop into a spaceship, then fly from ground level ,to the sky, to orbit, and then to space-

    it would have been the very first time a scale of that magnitude was done in a game- and it was no easy feat.

    Yet...other issues- namely management and so on...put the game in permanent development hell

    -"Ahead of it's time" is an understatement.

    You can laugh at our 1000m flight ceiling- when you realise what they had managed to pull off, you'll be pissed beyond belief.

    The best part? There's videos from the just-about-completed game showing off this tech. Once you see'll wonder why in this age, we couldn't go all the way.

    ...The nice things , the limits we don't fight for....

    missed opportunities- nothing irks me more than that.

    So we will see what PS2's scale does when they start with the airborne flying ships

    AN underwater element ? Well, sure- dont let ARMA3 steal all the epicness.

    Naval combat- doable.

    Space combat? That's ...harder, and hasn't been attempted since SWBF3.... I don't know if they have the will to attempt a project on that scale

    I suspect their long term vision of PS2 doesn't have it though.....
  13. LukeDude759

    Naval combat! Space battles! New continents! Naval combat! Space battles! New continents! Naval combat! Space battles! New continents! Spam it everywhere!
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  14. Codek

    If it gets me to command my own NC battlecruiser that rains death down on the planet below, i just might drop my reservations against using a mic. THAT would be worth the discomfort!
  15. SShocK

    With PS2's population already in decline, i doubt it would be smart to take some of the current PS2 players and put them in a completely different game. (naval/space sim)
    This didn't really work out so well with PS1's Core Combat either, half the population on ground.. the rest in the caves.
    I would much rather see PS2 improved and expanded with new vehicles and classes, and keep the fights massive.

    Also i don't think naval warfare would add anything, instead of tanks you're in boats.... on water.. wooptiedoo
  16. Kalmageddon

    I thought the continents were actually planets orbiting eachothers? Which is the reason you can see Amerish (all green and blue) in the sky from Indar and Esamir? Or is that another planet entirely?
    I was under the impression that with the lore reboot continents were in different planets...
  17. EvilPhd

    You might be interested in this.
  18. Ghodere

    Lattice links gets brought up a lot. What if naval combat was the bridge between continents once it's been locked by an empire? Sea landings at the warpgate to open up a foothold on a continent and begin the invasion.
  19. Wasdie

    Smedly said that was the dream but it would be extremely difficult to do. Maybe way down the line, but im not expecting much.
  20. MisterFist

    Battlefield1942 had naval vehicles with multiple gun mounts available for other players to bombard the enemy shoreline (or enemy battleships). Just had to watch out for submarines, but that's what the destroyers were for.

    It can be done, and needs to be done. Look at Total Annihilation for all the ship unit concepts you need for Planetside2, especially the Hive (it's a ship bristling with anti-air guns and features two large landing pads for aircraft to repair and rearm).