what's up with all the "there is no hacking in this game L2P" ?????

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inzababa, Feb 12, 2013.

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  1. Inzababa

    guys, are you familly with the devs or something like that?

    Why do some people consistently try to "preach" that there is no hacking in this game and that most of the time it's L2P issue?

    That they've never seen hackers and that everything is fine.

    are you PR people payed by SOE to help saveguard the image of PS2? I know many companies do this..
  2. pnkdth

    Probably because of the "kid who cried wolf"-effect. So many people resort to hackusations. I've been on the recieving end numerous of times, and it has come to a point when someone says "X dude is a hacker" I hear "I just got owned." We're definitely aware of the presence of cheaters, and I do report suspicious people.

    The problem is that there are a lot of players who are downright bad at this game compared to more seasoned FPS gamers who refuse to accept they're not the best FPS pro gamer in PS2. I've seen some crazy feats by people I know isn't cheating.

    I mean, just look at some vids posted here and youtube. People stand all amazed at what some of these people are doing, whereas I'm sitting here going "Really? People are impressed by this random killing spree?"
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  3. S1eB

    No hacking?

    Lol, there was one hacker on Miller last night at The Crown under the map somehow in a tank using an aimbot, mowing a load of people down at once. His name was Undergroundman with some random numbers at the end.
    There was one the other week also, his name was youraccountisterminated4. He was in a MAX using his aimbot to drop like 20+ people at once.

    There are not that many hackers though, not compared to the likes BF3. Considering in PS2 you are around hundreds of players at once it's very rare you come across a hacker, i've only been playing PS2 for around a month but I have only come across those two hackers I mentioned above.
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  4. Blitzkrieg

    Yeah there are a hell of a lot of hac...ALL IS WELL, THERE ARE NO PROBLEMS, ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD.

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  5. datfluttershy

    Comin from Lithcorp EU i can tell you there was a peak time where you had about 1 hacker per Techlab. It was always the same nickname with another random number at the end.

    Though lately i have to say, these people seem to not come out when i am arround on the Server. Also Outfit recordings of cheaters have reached about 0 as well.
  6. Rusky

    Undergroundman rofl :D :D

    At least he had a sense of humor.
  7. allattar

    Let's face it they benefit from not being reported. Persuading you they aren't chatting is in there best interests.

    Report them. If they cheat hopefully soe will sort them. If they are just uber good theyll be left alone.
  8. Dulu

    0:25 Prowler randomly appears out of thin air, directly next to me.
    1:00 I confirm there is no prowler at this spot, even though there is one on the minimap.

    1:50 Same prowler teleports above ground now that he has reinforcements in the area, and begins slaughtering everyone.

    1:58 I shoot a Mosquito out of the sky with a shotgun... unrelated.
  9. Brusilov [TR]

    In so many games I've seen people hackusate players that I know are not hacking. The best stance to take, at least until you personally understand how all the more common hacks in a particular game can be reliably uncovered, is to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

    There is nothing worse than people constantly complaining about hackers... Seriously, it's way wor than the hackers themselves!!!!!

    In fact, the reason I don't want to play with hackers is definitely cause I can't stand all the complaining and second guessing from the community!!!! Most hackers are nothing but an added challenge!!!!
  10. IMTasty

    There are hackers to be sure, I don't think anyone doubts that, if they do they are in denial. But a lot of people cry hacker as soon as they get outplayed or simply killed as well.
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  11. orionite

    WTF are you talking about? No one says this.
  12. Inzababa

    hah :)
  13. Lakora

    Not only that, heck I tend to want to cry hacker as well at first when something just seems a bit odd... But usually things can be explained... Normally with bad luck but yeah hackers are out there, but there's also those that are good n still called hackers.
  14. HadesR

    /report and let SOE deal with it .. If people are innocent then they have nothing to worry about ..
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  15. Kurreah

    Who has actually said that?

    I mean I've heard of people making strawmen out of other's arguments in threads, but here you appear to be making a strawman out of nothing, and then giving it its own thread.
  16. HadesR

    TBH it doesn't help either when the weapons across the factions have such a different performance level ... I mean all VS seem like aimbots even if they are not :p
  17. Draxo

    Just for the record I've seen this myself. It does exist.

    I found it about 10x more annoying than the hacker.
  18. GamerOS

    In before people claiming SOE bans on reports alone with no investigation of their own.
  19. Eleo

    Like people said, the problem is making it out worse than it really is. How many people start yelling "HAX" as soon as they get heavly outplayed. I had my fair trade of suspicous players, but when I put my ego a side for a moment I admit that I lost to the dude and move on... Heck, dont tell me you guys never had this moment when you had a suddent boost of reflex and head shot two or three poor guys that barly had the time to fire back, when those moments happen im like "Damn, they must be thinking im hacking hard".
  20. Codek

    TBH, a really good hacker (who uses aimbots, wall hacks and maybe a modest ammo/reload hack but makes sure to stay in more ore less realistic situations where the kill could be contributed to good aim or luck) is impossible to reliably detect by another player. You'll only find those by the cheat detection noticing the client has been tampered with. Only the truly obvious hacks (like under the world movement, teleportation, invulnerability, speedhacks etc) can be reliably identified without skill difference playing a part.

    I have only run into one case of something that clearly shouldn't have happened (got snipered while inthe middle of an outpost spawn room. Enemies shouldn't be able to fire 3m into a spawn room forcefield with ANY weapon as that defeats the anti camping measures), and even there i can't be sure if it was a hacker, a deliberate exploiter, or just someone who simply wasn't aware he was taking advantage of a bug.

    My skill is terrible enough that i'll contribute even the most outrageous deaths to bad luck/bad skill.
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